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Sunday, March 01, 2015

Wicomico County Schools Closed Friday 2-27-15


  1. If the 12 month employees can report 2 hours later then so can the students.

  2. Wicomico County Schools will reopen in the spring, as this nasty weather is just so nasty, that even though the roads are clear, we just don't feel like working tomorrow when we have such a wonderful excuse!

    We will get back to you when we get back from the Bahamas/ oops I meant from shoveling ourselves out from the recent blizzard.

    1. Are the kids supposed to shovel the snow too??

  3. I'm so sorry that you don't have a babysitter tomorrow.

  4. Another Vacation day for the teachers while rest of us tax paying private sector citizens have to work regardless of the conditions, which by the way are clear.
    The highways and roads are clear. There is no reason why the kids can't get to school tomorrow.

  5. They will be going on the 4th of July.

  6. I see the school board (Tracy Sahler) corrected the FB page.

    Friday is the 27th, today is the 26th. She got you to I see.

  7. 6:17 Hilarious! I hope all the parents who have whined about the road conditions, cold temperatures, etc. are happy when their kids go to school until July. We expect NO COMPLAINTS about that - the heat, the cutting into vacation time, etc. If other parts of the country can get their kids to school in far worse conditions, we are raising a bunch of wimps by wimpy parents.

  8. 6:17seems you just want to dump your kids. God forbid you have to watch your kids for a day but hay the government is yo Daddy.

  9. Life is good if you are a Wicomico County Teacher! Looks like they are getting a long weekend while the rest of us have to work on Friday! Roads are clear so there is no reason for the closure. A delay maybe, but not a closure.

    1. Not all the roads have been cleared yet

  10. Don't blame the teachers. They can't teach if their boss won't open the schools.

  11. If you think teachers made the decision to close schools tomorrow, you are wrong. State testing starts soon, and our job is to make all far below average kids test at an average level or above. We need and want to be in school to have our best chance of doing the impossible.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Wicomico County Schools will reopen in the spring, as this nasty weather is just so nasty, that even though the roads are clear, we just don't feel like working tomorrow when we have such a wonderful excuse!

    We will get back to you when we get back from the Bahamas/ oops I meant from shoveling ourselves out from the recent blizzard.

    February 26, 2015 at 6:17 PM

    They have had plenty of time to clear the driveways in the schools and they refused to do it so they can have an excuse to keep schools closed.

    They are F*n with you people and most of you are to stupid to see it. There intent is to go late into June so that you all would have to complain about it being to hot. That way they can justify the new Bennett Middle and get the old schools done. John Fredericksen wants you low lifes to complain about it being to hot. He knows the County isn't going to pony up the money for a new West Salisbury so people will be complaining there. He wants the county to cave into his 5 year plan so he can get a new school built every 3 years. You Dummies!!

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Life is good if you are a Wicomico County Teacher! Looks like they are getting a long weekend while the rest of us have to work on Friday! Roads are clear so there is no reason for the closure. A delay maybe, but not a closure.

    February 26, 2015 at 6:43 PM

    You are correct. They are getting a free day off and most dummies don't even know this.

    Teachers should never again complain about having it so bad.

    1. Do you understand that teachers are contracted to teach 180+ days each year? No one's getting a "free" day off.

    2. No they don't understand, because they enjoy running their mouths before really knowing the facts! The sad thing is these same people are the ones who complain about unsafe conditions if the children/staff were made to go! They can't be pleased! I trust the officers who travel these roads and make the reports to the BOE on closed or delayed. There are so many back roads that are still covered in ice! Just because the main roads are clear or the roads they travel are clear doesn't mean that ALL roads are clear.

  14. While I'm sure it's a union/contract thing, I've never understood why the teachers don't have to work on snow days if all other employees do, even with a delay. They're always griping about how much work they have to do at home to keep up with their workloads, grading, blah blah blah... Why not take advantage of the time with no students in the building to catch up on "all that work"?
    So if it snows it's too dangerous for teachers to travel to work but twelve month employees are expendable?

    1. Ride past the schools tomorrow and I'm sure you will see teachers working for free to catch up. The contract pays for a certain number of days teaching students. Teachers are off in the summer and they receive no pay in the summer.

  15. Teachers have time to plan their Ski weekend. Plenty of great resorts to enjoy that extended weekend with your great salary and compensation package!!!

  16. My county taxes went up an additional 1000 dollars this year,so I think they should get off their collective asses and start justifying your jobs. If most of us have to work, then I think they should report to work as well. You got your raises while the rest of us are seeing wage decreases and reduced hours and unemployment.

  17. Unless you are a teacher or know a teacher, you have no clue about our careers or life. Teachers are not sitting at home planning their vacations or ski trips. We even take work home with us quite often. Many of us do go into the schools to work when they are delayed or closed. We use the time that we have to complete all of the other responsibilities that we are required to do, which is more than just presenting information to our students.

    It is very sad to think that the citizens of this area are more concerned about teachers' work load and salaries instead of what is most important. The safety of the children should be the top priority. It is much more dangerous for a bus to travel on the roads in such weather conditions. There are several roads in the outlining areas of multiple counties that have not been cleared.

  18. 8:33
    I don't thinknthe majority of people around here think that way. Just the bottom feeders.

  19. Some of you idiots just don't get it. Teachers are contracted for 190 days. They will work every one of them. Even if days of instruction are waived and students don't have to make them up, the teachers will. Stop making yourself look ignorant by talking about things you are clueless about.

  20. Teachers should help shovel snow to be paid for the day

  21. I'll even supply the shovels!

  22. 190 out of 365 days per year sounds like a great deal to me and higher than average salaries and benefits to boot!!!!

  23. 9:17 then by all means go get your degree and become a teacher!

  24. 9:30
    I have one in Computer Science. I am quite happy in my chosen field. What I don't like is overpaid leeches like you feeding off a system that can no longer be supported by the private sector, because the jobs are no longer out there to support you arrogant, self righteous jerks!

    The problem is the system is full of people like you who don't give a damn about the kids, but say you do. Most of you even have your children in private schools because you know just how crappy your schools are.
    Angers me to have to pay for government waste when the private sector could do a better job with less. There's little accountability or say for us taxpayers who are forced each year to pay more and more into a failed system.

  25. First of all my children to attend publi school just as I did.

    The major problem with education is that the majority of people do not understand it know anything about it. Even those that are making the laws for education have never been a teacher.

  26. I am not a teacher, but have enough sense to know they are not getting a paid day off. Who do you think will be teaching your children on make-up days? If everyone thinks they have such an easy job, go get your college degree in teaching and apply for a job. When you walk in their shoes for a year you can complain about teachers.

  27. A year? Most couldn't do the job of a teacher for one day!

  28. Maybe they need to walk in our shoes! Yeah 10:21 I think you are a teacher. Most of us work year round and we are lucky to get maybe two weeks paid vacation a year and maybe Christmas day or New Years off. I seriously doubt their jobs are anywhere near as bad as ours. They have above average wages, paid time off, and benefits that most of us would be very envious of like free health insurance and a generous pension plan all paid by us the tax payers and property owners of this state.

  29. Please know your facts before you post! Free insurance? Ignorance gets you nowhere.

  30. They are contracted for 190 days. This includes teaching, pro days etc.
    When the state waives these days off, they cheat our children of their instruction days. Teachers do not have to make up waived instruction days. Watch to see when the teachers last day is.
    I think the only way to solve this unrelenting issue is for the boe to build in snow days in the calendar.

  31. I LOVE reading comments from people that are truly clueless. LOL...

  32. The negative comments posted here are perfect examples of why I am taking my teaching skills to another county. People around here do not support public education and teachers. Why work in a place like this with so much criticism for teachers when there are many other places that support their schools, teachers, and communities? I know other teachers who will be leaving this county too. Teachers around here get a bad rap because of poor management of the WCBOE leadership and the constant bad relationship between the BOE and county council. Bye Wicomico county!

  33. Since the comments expressed here seem to support increased education for "the children", why not support the need for high-speed internet service and true access through inexpensive tools (Google Chromebook comes to mind). Then, when weather forces the closing of schools, students could log into the school account and interact with the teacher and other students. We don't need kids sitting in a building in order for learning to occur!

    People really concerned about students losing time focused on learning should be SCREAMING about all the testing going on in the next few weeks. Schools are literally shutting down science labs and computer labs and media centers (old fashioned libraries) in order to have enough computers to give the federally-mandated PARCC tests (and a few other tests tossed into the mix). Does this increase learning for our students, or does this merely increase the profits of the corporate test makers?

    And yes, I am a teacher, and I get more lesson planning and preparation completed on snow days than any other time (except for weekends).

  34. STOP BLAMING THE TEACHERS PEOPLE. WISE UP. I am more that happy to spend some extra days with my children. I work full time. Don't use school as a way to get rid of them for a few hours a day when I can spend some time being their mom. I can teach them in everything we do. May not be the same as how they learn in school but as a PARENT it is my responsibility to teach my children so that the teachers have help. Snow days are snow days. No one can control mother nature. I personally almost wrecked my car yesterday on my way to work. And I am happy schools were closed. Back roads are horrible. NO ONE clears them. These closures are for the safety of your children. Be grateful and stop complaining.


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