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Sunday, March 01, 2015

Let Me Make Something VERY Clear Here About School Closings

Was just told by a few school custodians that some of the contracted snow removal companies aren't doing lots till tomorrow. 

Custodians were told to get sidewalks clear for office staff so looks like no kids will be going. Shame because the BOE custodian have been working all day to get things ready for tomorrow. And city and county have done a much better job. 

Wonder if contractors had other obligations or better pay options.
Now I spent the day traveling all over Wicomico County and even a part of Sussex County. You see the message I received above, clearly John Fredericksen NEVER intended to have schools open. The first two pictures were taken at, (GET THIS) 4:45 PM TODAY! That's WiHi! 

I then traveled to Delmar to see what kind of condition the Middle and High School were and I think you'll agree, they're ready for students. Delmar Elementary was also completely cleared and ready for students.

NOW, let's talk about the roads. I wanted to make damn sure John Fredericksen was NOT going to state that the roads were not in good enough shape to send out buses. I'll be delivering absolute evidence that the County roads are perfectly fine and I challenge any one of you to say they aren't, because I have pictures of pretty much every single neighborhood and back road I could find. 

Were there some roads that hadn't been completed, yes. However, by 3:30 PM today they had not only been noted, they were sending crews to each location. Teachers Beware, the roads are clear, even in the Town of Delmar. By the way Delmar, nice work on both sides of Rt. 54.

I will be providing more photos and information as the evening goes on. 


  1. Joe, you nailed it. If they weren't clearing the schools, Frederickson was making NO ATTEMPT to even have schools open with a delay. You are right! He will try and blame the hard working roads crew. Thanks for shining a light on what really is happening!

  2. fred the fake vote em OUT.February 26, 2015 at 7:34 PM


  3. Why weren't the contractors doing the parking lots? I think we need to know who these contractors are and out some of the blame on them. I know that there are multiple companies that do this so why is it that some schools were done and not others. Those that didn't dontheor job need to lose their contract.

  4. So based on your comment, Delmar Middle and HS is clear. Then why are they closed for tomorrow?

  5. Delmar is unique as it needs to coordinate with Wicomico because of the elementary school in Maryland and the Wicomico buses.

  6. Think it was same situation last storm... roads not bad but schools not cleared

  7. I believe the schools are not cleared on purpose - has nothing to do with the contractors. There is absolutely, positively no reason (other than Frederickson) why WiHi was not cleared today. Funny, the whole civic center lot got cleared.


  9. 823. That is not always the case. There have been times when one was open and the other closed.

  10. Snethen CH rd. Is ice. San damingo areas the same.

  11. Teachers beware? I don't think they want snow days as it takes up their 3 months off.

  12. Teachers beware? I don't think they want snow days as it takes up their 3 months off.

  13. 3 months? Get out June 15 and are back to set up classes August 15.

    1. One long vacation that's paid. Either way!

  14. Country side of Stage Road in Delmar is nasty!!

  15. So, why are the schools closed in Laurel, Seaford, Worcester and Somerset -- does Dr. Freddy run them too?

  16. Schools in Seaford and Laurel are also closed tomorrow -- why?

  17. We have lived on the same city street for eight years. Never once have we seen a street sweeper or a snow plow! NEVER. There are nine tax paying working families here that are just forgotten! So when you feel the need to complain ; grab a shovel and come to Jenkins lane.

  18. You are correct. Even after last Tuesdays storm I had to go pick up my kids at the mall and the Elks Club after playing all day. I rode by Bennett High School, Bennett Middle School and Parkside High School and neither had been touched. I mean you could have made fresh show cream from the driveways. This was at 4:30 PM and ironically I saw a BOE dump truck with a plow ride right past BMS on college Avenue. Dr. Ready Freddy is playing y'all. I know for a fact they have contractors that plow for them as well.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Why weren't the contractors doing the parking lots? I think we need to know who these contractors are and out some of the blame on them. I know that there are multiple companies that do this so why is it that some schools were done and not others. Those that didn't dontheor job need to lose their contract.

    February 26, 2015 at 7:52 PM

    I know for a fact there are hundreds of people out there with plows that would love to have done the job for them. They are unemployed thanks to the illegal Muslim in the WH and they are ready to work.

  20. Anonymous said...

    February 26, 2015 at 9:18 PM

    My sidewalk and drive way was self cleared by the weather.

  21. Jim said...
    Think it was same situation last storm... roads not bad but schools not cleared

    February 26, 2015 at 8:28 PM

    It was, I pointed it out.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Snethen CH rd. Is ice. San damingo areas the same.

    February 26, 2015 at 9:58 PM

    BIG F.D.!! Get up early and drive slow. You people have to work, go to doctors appointments, go to physical therapy appointments, go to job interviews. What do you think the 2 hour delays are for. Get up 2 hours early and drive careful.

    I have another idea. Make the parents drive the kids to school since they are worried about bus drivers and the schools being sued.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Country side of Stage Road in Delmar is nasty!!

    February 26, 2015 at 10:20 PM

    SO WHAT!! You are going to drive on it anyway!!

  24. Anonymous said...
    3 months? Get out June 15 and are back to set up classes August 15.

    February 26, 2015 at 10:15 PM

    State law requires Public Schools to be open for 180 days while Private Schools are required to be open for 170 days. WTF is wrong with that picture.

  25. Some thing that tax payers need to be concerned with is these days off and delays mean free vacation time for the employees of the School Board and they don't get charged for it or have to pay it back. You thought the credit cards were a scam, you better look into this one.

    Did you know that John Fredericksens new Salary is $180,000. Not bad for a music teacher.

  26. 3:43 - public skools need 10 more days to try to catch up with the progress private skools can make in less time for less money

  27. Looks as though the school students will be attending school into July. Frederickson should be ashamed of himself. Hasn't he ever visted places like Maine, N. Dakota, Michigan?

  28. If he was to open School people would complain. He Closes School and people complain. However, Choosing to Close is complaints with Zero Injuries to any Child! I would do the same.

  29. I was told by one of the contractors that normally plows the schools that the schools did not want to waste the money by plowing when it was all going to melt over the weekend any way.

  30. teachers want snow days AND for them to be declared state of emergency so they don't have to make them up.

  31. I think only those who have children in public schools should have to pay for it. I feel my tax dollars are being wasted by the BOE. I have no kids still in school and I don't wish to support the insanity I see from the BOE and its supporters.

  32. 5:15, even if they are declared snow emergency days, the teachers are required to make the time up and/ or use personal days. I'm so sick of the teacher bashing on this site. It is riduculous! Compare Wicomico County salaries with other districts. The bashing is causing many of our best and brightest to go elsewhere! Is that what you want? To be one of the lowest paid counties for teachers means that there is a lack of experience and quality experienced teachers. We are tax payers too, and most if us have kids in the system, unless we move to where we and education are valued. Is there waste in education? Yes. Is there waste in most government run organizations? Yes. Are a lot of teachers in Wicomico County Republican or Libertarian? Yes. I can even name 10 off the top of my head that supported and voted for Joe Alberto when he ran. Can we all work together for the success of our kids in Wicomico County? An olive branch has to be extended somewhere for this to happen. From what I see, and I admit to being biased, little has been done to work together, much has been done with finger pointing and name calling.


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