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Friday, March 06, 2015

WBOC Wants Our Suggestions

While I find it extremely strange how WBOC claims to have "Chiefs" and uses the phrase "Proud To Serve", did they miss their military calling?

Anyhow, they're asking for suggestions on what to do next with their Chopper. Well, I have an idea. How about you fly directly over the White House and let the real military show you how they're "PROUD TO SERVE" too.  


  1. Only if you were on board.

  2. Ground it permanently.
    The carbon footprint is WAY TOO high to justify the expense and usefulness.
    The UAS (unmanned aerial systems) technology exists to replace its functions for a FRACTION of the cost and it is MUCH safer to operate over population centers for both pilots and citizens.

  3. How about they sell it and buy a more reliable broadcast transmission system to reduce the number of outages they have.

  4. I hate that friggin thing, they harass the entire neighborhood several times a day most every day.

  5. I worked at a company a few years back that had a private helicopter, pretty much identical. I know back then the average cost of operation for a helicopter including maintenance, fuel, insurance, etc. etc. averaged a little over $2500 per hour I can only imagine that figure hasn't gone down so how does a Podunk amateur hour station like WBOC fund it? Probably pay everyone poorly? Would explain why their talent is so bad.

  6. The funding for the helicopter comes from the local KIA car dealership featuring Beavis & Butthead.

  7. 11:13 a valid point, I wonder if the station owner uses some of the money from his foundation? Just wondering. A lot seems to be taken in at the close of each year for the children that could be used as a tax write-off. I just wonder myself.

  8. they should sell the chopper, fire every liberal there, and try to find an alternative to joe's new show.

  9. Spend the money on actual in depth reporting and keep the chopper for reporting fires and natural disasters. What you are doing with the chopper now is plain BOOOOOOOORING!!!!

  10. They should just save our time and their money and cancel it. Obviously, they have run out of material, asking for suggestions and rerunning many previous episodes. The sound quality is so poor that those of us with hearing problems miss much of the important historical information and about half of the episode is commercial anyway. I am sure there is enough news to fill the minute or two of this program. We are buried in ads!!!!!!!!! There's more space taken up by the Janosik ad in the final news sequence with the reporters.


  11. Highlight closed employers. That would keep them busy for a while.

    How about bars in OC?

    How about potholes?

    How about states OweMalley has visited?

    Golf courses OweBama has played?

    Resorts Moochie has vacationed at?

    And for a mini-series, folks who think they'd vote for Biden?


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