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Friday, March 06, 2015

A Four Piece Series On How Your Local Media & Shows Are Phony

WBOC, Phony, Acting & Evidence is a four part series we'll be delivering to show you how their content is not really their own. Phony interviews make it look like they're conducting the interviews but they are not. In fact there's a multitude of local news stations covering the exact same story where the anchor reads from a script to make it look like it's a real interview.

It's WBOC's little secret and quite frankly it's a bit creepy. I guess the old days of doing actual interviews are disappearing. Be here Saturday morning where we'll deliver this four part series of how it's done, including actual samples. 


  1. i noticed that a long time ago. thanks for confirming it

  2. You don't need to continue to bash WBOC, we get it. As someone who enjoys your blog, I feel that you have moved beyond needing to point out their ridiculousness. It is because they do such a poor job that people have turned to you. Enjoy it, be a gracious winner. Thanks Joe.

  3. Since when is exposing the truth "bashing"? Ohhhh thats right....every since progressives wanted everyone to think its perfectly normal and acceptable to lie, cheat, steal, distort, fake, fraudulent....keep drinking the koolaid...

  4. This is how the Powers that Be control the messaging received by the sheeple.


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