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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

WATCH LIVE : Netanyahu addresses Congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint meeting of Congress. WATCH LIVE at 11 a.m. ET on Fox News and FoxNews.com.

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  1. Tear into our Muslim loving SYMPATHIZING anti American President.

  2. One of the few times I would ever wish to be on Capital Hill. It's rare nowadays that a real stateman a real leader who loves his country and it's citizens graces the historic halls of the Captial.
    Israel is blessed to have PM Netanyahu. What a contrast to the putid poor excuse for a human being we are stuck with. The only thing more evil than obama are those who support him. A special place in hell awaits obama and ALL those who support him. They are very very bad people.

  3. I am watching. Wish we had a president who cares about our country like he cares about Israel.

  4. Shame our Congress has to hear the truth from Him and not the POTUS


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