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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Fight Songs And America’s Wussification

“Fight Golden Knights
Fight for the Green and the Gold
Fight to win this game.”

Those are the first three lines of my high school’s fight song. The nickname has since been changed to Rebels, but otherwise the lyrics have stayed the same.

I’m afraid to ask if it’s still called a fight song.

In a recent conversation with my grandson, he mentioned his middle school’s Pride Song.


1 comment:

  1. Know those words well; was my HS for two years before we moved. Was all-boys then; has been co-ed for a while now but still has good sports and academics.

    Author is younger than I but recognized his name after clicking the link. Was good sports scribe and reporter.

    Have glee club records from Mom's college. Fight song begins "Fight for the glory of Carnegie. Fight for the glory of the clan" referring to Carnegie Tech, which became Carnegie-Mellon.

    In defense of the author's point fight songs were not literal, as in fisticuffs, but were to spur teams in athletic contests.

    Watering them down at the behest of PC language addicts is a loss to the culture, at a minimum.


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