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Friday, March 20, 2015

Senate Gives Preliminary Ok To "Rain Tax" Repeal Bill

A bill to repeal what critics call "the rain" tax appears to be moving through the Maryland Senate.

The measure sponsored by Senate President Mike Miller received preliminary approval by the Senate today, without any floor debate.

This measure is different from the bills that repeal the so called rain tax that were backed by Governor Larry Hogan, and were rejected by House and Senate committees.

Under the bill, Baltimore City and the state’s other nine large jurisdiction would not be mandated to collect the fee on paved surfaces.



  1. i have a question. with all the potholes in the streets/roads in salisbury, can they still be classified as "impervious"? i would think not, and we shouldn't be taxed on them!

  2. 10:41 It gets ridiculous... if you have weed barrier down in your flower beds, that's is "impervious". Same with stone walkways. Their rules are a joke, and Salisbury should be slammed for volunteering to implement it while MD looks to repeal it.

  3. Thank you Governor Hogan!!

  4. run off taxes.. storm drains.. we were exempt from this were we not?

    the Progressives were griping about us getting a pass on campaign Radio ads run in Annapolis last September


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