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Friday, March 20, 2015

Expert: ‘It’ll Take A Lot More Than Drudge To Push O’Malley Up In The Polls’

WASHINGTON (CBSDC) — It appears it’s going to take much more than the Drudge Report to kick-start Martin O’Malley’s potential presidential campaign.

A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows that only 11 percent of Democratic primary voters could see themselves supporting the former Maryland governor, while a whopping 67 percent said they don’t know his name. That’s compared to 86 percent of respondents saying they could support Hillary Clinton.

O’Malley has been a favorite topic of the Drudge Report as Clinton deals with scandals relating to her private email address while secretary of state and donations given to the Clinton Foundation. O’Malley even joked about Matt Drudge finding pictures of him playing the guitar in tight t-shirts.

“I’ve been playing in a band since I was in high school. Unfortunately, Matt is finding older pictures,” O’Malley told MSNBC last week.



  1. no chance NOT going to happen

  2. Just prove that you can't fix a political whore or put a tux on a turd and call it Mr.

  3. oh Jeez... his manipulations are even being cited in the Baltimore Sun now.
    Environmental Trust Fund ..Public Service pension funds all deficient while the ex Governor inherited over a Billion and a half dollar surplus from Bob Erlich

    I can't wait to hear how he will be manipulating support and demanding matching funds for cash he has indexed from those sources

    I wonder who else has done that?Possibly somebody with her own server and email network?

  4. Liar, cheater, raider, will tax you to death and beyond....only a fool, or an idiot would vote for him.

    A vote for otaxie is a wasted vote

  5. I can't figure out why he thinks he's a good presidential candidate. What exactly did he do for Maryland? Save money? Reduce the deficit? Lower taxes? Lower crime? Oh that's right.......no he didn't.


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