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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Police Make Heartbreaking Discovery Next To White Man Gunned Down By Black Teens

A man out for a walk with his dog last week was gunned down by three Black teens. And when police found the man’s body, they made a heartbreaking find right next to it.
As NBC Philadelphia reported, the three black teens got “bored” playing basketball and decided to go rob someone. After seeing one man with a large dog, and deciding not to rob him, they then saw 51-year-old James Patrick Stuhlman walking his terrier.
Stuhlman typically walked his dog with his 13-year-old daughter. But on the night of his murder, March 12, he had told her to stay home because it was getting dark out, which very likely saved her life.
As he walked down the street, Stuhlman, who owned a local landscaping company, saw three teens approach him. Then they grabbed and robbed him, and shot him once in the leg. They could have just taken his money and ran at that point. But they did not.
At one point, he did plead for his life,” Captain James Clark said Thursday at a news conference, according to the New York Daily News. “He said, ‘Please don’t shoot me, please don’t shoot me,’ and they still shot him one more time.
That second shot took his life.
So “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” really did happen — not in Ferguson — but in a Black-on-White capital murder in Philadelphia.
So can we expect Barack Obama and Eric Holder to demand a civil right investigation? Don’t bet on it.
Police have arrested 15-year-old Brandon Smith. They also arrested a 14-year-old whose name has been withheld — because he is supposedly a “child.”.
They said they decided to rob Stuhlman because his dog was smaller than their intended first target. The shooter who gunned down this father in cold blood, 15-year old Tyfine Hamilton, is “still at large”. Philadelphia police consider him “armed and dangerous.”
Smith has been charged in relation to the murder and is still in custody. But the unnamed teen was inexplicably just charged with robbery despite being an accessory to murder. Police are offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of Hamilton.
Typically, the teens have all been in trouble with the law in the past. It is stunning at what early age vicious murderers are now made. 15? Unbelievable.
Capt. Clark warned Hamilton at a press conference: “Get with your parent and turn yourself in before we come and get you…We know where you are.”
Philadelphia Police Lt. John Walker said that when police arrived at the scene Stuhlman was laying in a pool of blood and was already unresponsive. The family man still had his flashlight in his hand.
But  what police found next to him was heartbreaking. His dog was pawing him, sniffing at his face, and whimpering.
“The dog was lying next to him — appeared to be scared and in shock,” Walker said.
“His daughter goes for a walk with him almost every night,” Clark said. “For whatever reason, he said to her, ‘it’s a little late tonight I don’t want you walking with me.’ So in effect, he may have saved his daughter’s life.”
Thank God he did, but that is small consolation for the young girl who is now without a father, and will forever fear walking at dusk, thanks to the savage brutality these young monsters inflicted on her own dad.
Author’s personal note: I don’t usually do this, but feel I must. The media is censoring this story. You know why. They made the Michael Brown fraud front page news for months. But they will bury this REAL “Hands up, Don’t Shoot” horror. It is up to you to share this article with everyone you know. We can bypass the media censorship and get the truth out there. Thank you. -BB


  1. May the Good Lord bless the 13 year old daughter, our prayers are with you.

  2. Typical. These people have zero respect for life. Almost every single black murdered in this country are murdered by another black, so it should come as no surprise that a white life means nothing to them. They are reverting back to lawlessness like exists in many African countries. This has been going on for some time as anyone can see by what has been done to the inner cities. Most resemble war zones except for small pockets that get reinvented so politicians can claim they've revitalized the city.
    The only hope for these people is that they need to get back to the family. A real family unit with both parents as positive role models who are in the child's life consistantly.

  3. Now these two thugs pictured in the article LOOK JUST LIKE OBAMMAS SONS! So the justice department won't say a word about this nor will The Criminal Al Sharpton

  4. With no problem, I could pull the switch on all of these ADAM HENRYs, juvies or not. Will never amount to a hill of beans and should be eliminated NOW
    And the parents should be held accountable also

  5. Obamma is such a racist, it makes me sick to even hear him speak. He needs to step up and stand up for this innocent (white) man that those 3 pieces of s--- killed. All 3 of them need to go to jail and never get out. I don't care if they are just kids. If they are killing at this age, they will only get worse. Nothing but animals.

  6. Extremely upsetting and beyond sad. My prayers for the family of this man, especially his daughter.

    One thing that bothers me about this report, however, is the "blow-by-blow" account of this man's death and what was said that time, given that he was found "unresponsive."

    Was there a witness to it all that provided this information? Did one of the perps caught tell the police this? Other than why this victim vs. another, which was credited to one of the boys, none of the other information was credited to anyone.

    This is a complaint about the journalism, not a defense of anyone involved in committing this horrible murder. I also think the juvenile should have gotten accessory to murder, but perhaps after the first shot went off, he took off. We just don't know from this article.

    This just sickens my heart.

  7. Please don't send those children to prison. They do not know or understand what they have done. No leadership in their lives whatsoever starting with the president. Just assign custody to a selected few of us and we will assure the public they will never ever do something like that again. Trash now, trash later.

  8. Just look at the wad of human debris on the left. It is the embodiment of STUPID, the image of DUH...
    Euthanize it, now.

    (why does it resemble the idiot in the White House?)

  9. At large and starving is my guess.

  10. If he had a legal concealed carry weapon the story might have ended differently.

  11. I usually don't tear up with news stories but the part with the dog got me choked up.

  12. He we go again. I'm sure that when the second thug is pursued and in the event is shot and killed by police, it will then make the front page. I can see the headlines " 15 year old Black youth shot and killed for no reason by White Police Officer". Just like Brown's case. Committed a crime and then during apprehension was killed. If you put yourself in the arena with the criminal element, be prepared for consequences. Animals.. We all know it and see it. They are animals.......

  13. CCW never leave home without it.

  14. I had the same tears going on 11:43am. Friend til the end that dog was! God Bless this whole family! However, this won't be a tearing down knock out media blitz story! Remember the victim was white while the shooter was black...funny how all that works when the victim is white as if we don't matter!!

  15. String all 3 up in public square immediately following their fair trial.

  16. What no comment or support from Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton? Bet there will be no riots, no town burned down. But remember this guy was really innocent he was just in the wrong place. God Bless the family.

  17. Because #onlyblacklivesaresupposedtomatter don't you know?

  18. You are a race of devils. As Jesus said in 8:44 St John when speaking to the Jews. You are of your Father The Devil He was a liar and murderer from the beginning. You do the works of your father because he is not capable of telling the truth.

  19. 9:29 Now that's just not nice, and a bit racist as well. Not all black people are devils, there are some who are very good, upstanding people, and who don't lie or steal either.

    1. You are a complete and utter idiot. Typical bleeding heart POS. YOU must be one of the rich liberal that live on the hill a give you inherent money once a year to the poor black folk. But when the party is over and the sun goes down you go back up the hill to your secured home. People like myself have to deal with these animals and this is what goes on DUMBASS! !!!

    2. 4:50 Would you mind clarifying who you meant to reply to? I doubt 9:29 is either rich or a "giver", but rather, one of the ungrateful, spiteful recipients of our taxes. My statement at 1:53 was one of irony, intended to turn the hateful 9:29 message around to reflect it's racist stupidity.

      May I assure you, I don't "give" a nickel to the undeserving, regardless of color. Especially since the gubm'nt already siphons plenty out my hard earned paycheck, all 52 weeks of the year.

      If I didn't have to support so many of "Obama's sons"' in their "secured home", perhaps I could afford to live in a nice "secured home" of my own, up on the hill.

  20. I am waiting anxiously to hear from our racist non-Christian Obama and the black racist leaders. They instigated the blacks to riot when it was white killing blacks in self-defense. Maybe the game rules are different when it is blacks killing white folks. That doesn't seem like equality. What say you citizens?


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