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Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Letter To The Editor 3-24-15

Mr Albero, 

I am extremely PO as I have just seen that the Mayor wants ANOTHER 5 police cars costing tax payers close to quarter of a million dollars. I pass by the SPD every day where there is AT LEAST 15 police cars sitting there doing NOTHING and I believe the SPD just received NEW CARS a year or so ago. This mayor is out of control with other peoples tax dollars and needs to be STOPPED. November cant come soon enough to send this Fool packing with his tail between his legs.


  1. Send Fake Day and the liberal council with him

  2. Hey poster of this article, and this does not mean JOE...


    feel safe yet????????? you will once the drones start flying over...

  3. if those ford crown victorias are in such bad shape that they cant be repaired with proper mechanical upkeep,how can these taxi companies buy them and run them for another couple of hundred thousand miles if it was costing them that much to maintain them they would junk them

  4. Whatever this man or whoever is in office is not going to please the public so find something else to bitch about!

  5. Joe, you need to run again

  6. I have no inside info as to why they are asking for the money for more cars. However I understand how maintenance hours to operation hours works, it's one of the things I kept track of while in the military. From my understanding the crown victoria cars they currently have, have become "money pits". They have an extremely high ratio of maintenance hours compared to operation hours. Considering these patrol cars see all city mileage as well as thousands of engine idle hours, I would assume that patrol cars would need to be on around a 6-7 year rotation. I honestly have no clue as to how old all of their crown vic cars are but considering the model was discontinued by Ford in 2012, I'd assume that there are a good few that will need to be replaced each year for the next 3-6 years. No one likes to pay taxes, but regular replacment of patrol cars is not something that can be avoided.

  7. This idiot mayor needs to goooooooooo.

  8. The mayor has had a city vehicle in his driveway for at least three weeks. Are we now providing him transportation to his teaching job and back to Salisbury?

    1. The one with the yellow light bar in his driveway,its there every day maybe someone is coming over for lunch,wink.

  9. This was highly recommended and will save taxpayers money in the long run. I realize everyone doesn't get all the facts and there lies the problem. It isn't rocket science.

  10. Police needs are the one place I like my tax money going.

  11. 12:56 ,you must be one of those spend and spend liberals who think money just falls from the sky. I don't like calling people names but you truly must be an idiot if you don't see a problem with this.
    Here we have Jimmy boy going around claiming salisbury doesn't have a crime issue yet now we need 5 more officers at a cost of nearly 250,000,00 a year? Where is this money going to come from? That's right you and me the tax payers. And just how do you think these new officers are going to get around town? Oh! I guess we will need 5 more police cars as well right? Not to mention the gear these men will need to do the job properly so you can tack on another few thousand all told the cost would reach near 500,000,00 is more like it.

    Spend spend spend and when that doesn't work we can blame Bob Culver right?

    1. The money is for the cars meanwhile they have a fleet of 25 cars with 4 cars on the road in one shift WTF.?

  12. Probably needs more cars for the out-of-couty hires to drive to their homes, when off duty. I have one in my neighborhood in Worcester county. Those cars are just perks for the police, and have nothing to do with public safety. Just saying....

  13. Why do they need more cars when they have a lot fewer officers???

  14. Crime is down in Smallsbury or this is what the Mayor claims therefore they can get rid of a few of the officers. If they get rid of the officers due to crime being down then they can also downsize the vehicle fleet. So why more cars? It's the same old liberal system SPEND tax more SPEND tax more. The same old cycle that our entire are is plagued with. When are the good people of this town finally say NO?

  15. Good people of this town have been saying no for a long time now. What good does it do?


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