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Friday, March 20, 2015

Japanese tsunami debris still washing on U.S. shore

Debris from Japan's 2011 tsunami will continue to litter the North American coastline over the next three years, with everything from refrigerators to lumber and sports balls still floating offshore in the Pacific, an expert said on Tuesday.

About one million tons of debris was still lingering in the Pacific Ocean four years after a magnitude 9.0 earthquake, the most powerful ever recorded in Japan, set off a series of massive tsunami waves that devastated a wide swathe of Honshu's Pacific coastline and killed nearly 20,000 people.

It also damaged the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, leading to a series of explosions and meltdowns in the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl 25 years earlier.



  1. Send it back to them!

  2. Fukushima is still radiating the Pacific Ocean/planet. One of the biggest cover ups in modern history.

  3. This is considered trash, yet a boat washed ashore in California, from Japan, and a guy took it, and restored it for his use, the coast guard confiscated it as stolen property!

  4. 10:28-he had a big mouth & a need for attention.He could have taken other routes that did not include front page news coverage.


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