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Friday, March 20, 2015

‘Drop It! Drop It!’: Graphic Video Captures the Chaotic Moment Police Open Fire on Mentally Ill Man

“Oh, you killed my child!”

The words rang out seconds after the gunshots — and as the shooting footage was revealed to the public on Monday, debate is raging over whether police did the right thing.

One thing is for sure: The video shows how things can go from calm to chaotic in mere seconds.

The fatal shooting occurred in June, when two Dallas police officers responded to a domestic disturbance call at the home of 38-year-old Jason Harrison, a mentally ill man whose family had called police on him several times before.

In footage captured by the personal bodycam of officer Andrew Hutchins, Harrison’s mother appears at the door of the home, telling the officers, ”He’s off the chain,” of her son, who’s standing behind her in the doorway.

She exits the home, saying, ”Bipolar schizo,” as the officers greet Harrison.

But they quickly see he’s holding a screwdriver and command him to drop it.



  1. Kops just want to shoot first and not try less harmful means first. They had a taser which should have been used but of course they will swear this mental subject meant harm to them. I the video he appeared non threatening and possibly drunk. Yes he cam out of the door but he did not lung at them he seemed to stumble out if anything.

    1. 6:42 Ridiculous statement to start off with, There'd be hundreds of thousands if not millions dead if they alway shot first before usingi less lethal force,

      Second,you obviously do not know how a taser works or its limitations,

      "He appeared non threatening"

      "He did not lunge"

      I do not believe you watched the same video.

    2. You two never bumped heads. Yet you still had the need to discredit him.

  2. 6:42 is a perfect example of why we need to reduce the population by 25%+.

    1. How? I see nothing wrong with his statement. Its the truth. Many mentally challenged people are killed by police for no reason. Its just easier to shoot people then do good police work.

  3. In an ideal world there would be an agency in each community that could respond to calls such as this.Police response to mental issues,especially REPEAT mental issues should be re evaluated.Mental health agencies have offices in every community,yet they are rarely contacted in situations (such as this one)where the individual in question is harmless,according to family members court testimony.Let them respond from now on.

  4. 10:52 no reason? There are plenty of reasons, including the obviously justified shooting in this case. Nuts are dangerous and very unpredictable. "Mental illness" is never an excuse to not defend yourself against attack.

  5. Good point.Mental health professionals in every community in the US who are a no show whenever a crisis occurs.They would prefer not to be bothered after 4 PM each day,but will appear in court in a heartbeat to criticize the way police handled THEIR client.

  6. Man that cop is fast, and accurate. He must get a lot of range time.

  7. I love how the person they shot, is in pain if not already dead, laying on his arm with the screw driver and they keep yelling drop it, the man already dropped it when he got shot... He is laying on it and can't move bc he is probably dead...

    I didn't see anyone lunge at the cops... it seems to me the cops demanded an action and this guy did not do it so they shot him...

    Just like when cops think all orders they give are lawful when in fact most are not...

    And as the one poster said, they have tasers and non-lethal weapons, why do cops never use them???? I remember back in the 80's and 90's where cops ran their mouth ab out how they have non-leather weapons or soon will so they can take a perp into custody... I see no non-lethal stuff begin used...

    anon, don't worry about these dick loving cop whores who must have been a cop or is a cop or a friends or family member or neighbor is a cops so they rub up on their dicks...

    When this happens to them, they will cry foul and wish things to be different but as usually it will be to late...

    people don't give a shit unless it happens to them... other than that, they are cop dick riders, and run their mouth, well you shouldn't commit a crime... NO SHIT SHERLOCK, cops commit crimes to, how about you tell them to stop eh???

  8. why don't you kops stay off here and go read a book or something. maybe one titled "How to feel like a man without killing someone"? Or " It doesn't matter how many cops it takes to subdue someone, killing them is easier and more gratifying"?


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