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Sunday, March 08, 2015


(SALISBURY, MD) – An armed Wicomico County man was fatally wounded early this morning when he pulled his gun during a struggle with a deputy sheriff in that county.

The deceased man is identified as Fednel (nmn) Rhinvil, 25, of the 700-block of Dennis Street, Salisbury, Md. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

The Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office deputy is identified as Deputy First Class Benjamin Jones, 35, a 14-year-veteran of the department. The deputy sustained an injury to his hand during a fight with Rhinvil. He was treated at Peninsula Regional Medical Center and released.

Sheriff Lewis contacted the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit and requested its investigators conduct the police involved shooting investigation. Assistance is being provided by the State Police Criminal Enforcement Division, the Salisbury Police, the Wicomico County State’s Attorney’s Office, the Sheriff’s Office, and the Wicomico County Bureau of Investigation.

The preliminary investigation indicates that at about 1:45 a.m. today, the deputy was patrolling in the 700-block of Dennis Street when he saw two individuals walking on the street near East Road. Deputies had been informed yesterday of information involving threats that had been made to ‘shoot up’ a house on Olivia Street, one block over. Citizens had also contacted the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office recently requesting increased patrols in the area. The deputy stopped and attempted to conduct a brief field interview with the two people on the street.

When the deputy called to the men, one stopped, but the other, later identified as Rhinvil, continued walking. The deputy repeated his request to stop and the man began running. The deputy pursued on foot and caught Rhinvil as he scaled a fence.

The investigation indicates a fight ensued and the deputy was pinned on the ground on his back. As he struggled to escape, the deputy saw Rhinvil pull a handgun from his pocket. Fearing for his life, the deputy pulled his department-issued .45 caliber Glock pistol and shot Rhinvil.

It is not believed Rhinvil fired his gun. Emergency medical services personnel responded, but Rhinvil was pronounced dead at the scene.

Investigators have recovered a loaded and cocked revolver from the scene. It will be forwarded to the Maryland State Police Forensic Sciences Division for investigation and analysis. Rhinvil’s body has been transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore for an autopsy.

Investigators have been working throughout the day contacting residents in the area and attempting to identify witnesses. Anyone who may have been a witness is urged to contact Maryland State Police investigators at the Salisbury Barrack, at 410-749-3101 x138.

The Maryland State Police Homicide Unit investigation is continuing. Upon completion, the investigation will be forwarded to the Wicomico County State’s Attorney’s Office for review.

Sheriff Lewis has placed the deputy on routine administrative leave, as is procedure. He will be asking the Maryland State Police Internal Affairs Unit to conduct a concurrent investigation into the police involved shooting.


  1. Glad the officer is not hurt. Great job!

  2. Nice work, glad you made it home safely.

  3. Wait until Al Sharpton hears about this!
    But seriously, I say score one for the good guys!

  4. What were the grounds for the deputy detaining him? There was no indication when the deputy approached him that he was the same person who made the threats. Given he shouldn't have been carrying a gun but I hope they come up with a better reason for the stop. It was a field interview, a consentual encounter, he was free to run.

    1. In order to detain someone you must have reasonable and articulable suspicion that they have committed a crime. Being that he matched the description of a person wanted for making threats against someone's house and the people living there. I would say that is both reasonable and articulable.

    2. Press release never said he matched a description.

    3. 2:08 take your cop loving right violating arse on somewhere! There was no probable cause. No discriptions matched. Not from an incident last night. The press release from the cops themselves said what happened. They gave their own smoking gun ! This is murder!

    4. How is it murder? Please enlighten us, I am sure it should rich!

    5. Only rich ones are his parents. That will come in time.

    6. Pretty sure it said they were walking in the street and I believe there is a law in
      Maryland about walking in the street where a sidewalk is provided

  5. Now there is going to be burning, riots, and Al Sharpton in Salisbury!!

    1. I hope so. While they are worthless they do tend to make police walk a tighter line. Local police are going wild here on the shore.

  6. Oh my gosh I wonder what everyone will have to say about a cop shooting an ARMED suspect!! Guess it will still be the deputy's fault because he was harassing those young men who were just out for a stroll at 145am carrying their weapons for protection!! People of all colors and backgrounds need to wake up!!

    1. No one would've known about a weapon if the cop didn't violate his rights first.all you cops seem to think we will be blinded by that gun! Wrong! The fun would never have been an issue and this boy alive if an over zealous cop knew the law! Just because a cop wants to talk to me while I'm walking doesn't mean I have to stop! I can run away for all I want. Running doesn't mean guilty. This guy kept walking. Well within his rights. Was chased and assaulted then the gun came out or call out. The gun is the end of the story. The beginning is the cops aggressive actions. An action usually gotten away with by local Leos.this time it ended in a loss of life instead of a guy in jail and an automatic good job. This incident shows a lot of light on everyday abuse of local police.

    2. Over zealous? The people of that community asked for increased patrols because people were threatening to shoot up houses...if it were your neighborhood would just want them to ride through and not stop to talk to two men walking around at almost 2am? Your comment doesn't make any sense! Just stop talking you imbecile!!

    3. Patrols to watch for when a crime happens. Not to engage every person they see. Do you think the citizens wanted everyone shook down? No they want cops around to stop crime while its happening. Not after! Or show a presence to deter. My comment makes lots of sense. It is what our country was founded on. The tyrant actions happened hundreds of years ago. Its why we have our country now! We fought against, won and made laws to prevent this from happening again.

    4. So you just want them to come AFTER the crime is committed not hopefully stop it before it happens? Yup sure does make a lot of sense...lol

    5. Hey that's the norm. Cops are used to violating rights and I'm used to cops showing up after the crime has been committed. One of the few times a cop may have stopped a crime first and he violated a mans rights to do it.

    6. Good cops must play by the rules, criminals don't have to. It is good that a criminal was stopped before doing something bad but if guidelines weren't followed then it is all for nothing, fruits from the forbidden tree. I hope there are more grounds for the stop than we are hearing about, but even going by the departments press release, there wasn't enought there to warrant a detention. Not a cop hater, just making an observation.

  7. CRIME ON THE SHORE.March 3, 2015 at 12:42 PM

    HOW about those crime stats for wicomico and salisbury where are the Street GANG patrols Mayor and SHERIFF????????????????????????????

  8. Will this become a nationally known incident?

  9. So....whether or not the deceased was armed , the sheriffs violated their rights by stopping them for no reason? Calls from the evening before do not justify stopping random people on the street. Police work and interviews should be completed to identify potential suspects. I'll be bashed for saying this but its the truth. Don't give any race cards out folks.my comment is about rights. Freedom to travel unmolested by police.

    1. Agreed. This is not a case of "the ends justify the means," rights are rights. They had better pray that the deceased didn't have a lawful weapon w CCW permit.

    2. Make no differace fool he pulled it out on a uniformed cop,go back to sleep thug.

    3. Extricate your cranium from your rectal cavity, read up on your rights and then attempt to formulate a sentence that represents some semblance of proper, grammatical English. Since your obvious education level is on par with your assumption that I am somehow a 'thug' I will break it down idiot style for you. Then perhaps you'll comprehend the combination of letters that are strewn together into words, then sentences, next paragraphs and ultimately a logical statement.

      To your unintentionally ironic statement of "make no differace fool" I can assure you it undoubtedly does. Legislation has been passed in certain areas of the US that gives citizens the absolute right to defend themselves against unlawful police interactions. Namely Indiana(do your own research btw). If an officer is shot down during the course of infringing on a citizens inalienable rights-provided under the US Constitution-said citizen is free to go. Look into the recent events in TX where an LEO was killed during a no-knock raid and the grand jury cleared the citizen of any capital murder charges related to the case. Now try and incorporate these precedents into the above scenario. What crime had the deceased committed to be stopped and questioned? There was no crime prior to the escalation of events by the deputy. Walking on a public street at any hour of the day/night is perfectly legal in case you may have forgotten.

      This is where my question of a lawful CCW license is most important, although will probably not matter. If any officer infringes on your right to travel freely and attempts to detain you, they are now outside of the scope of law. God forbid that this presumable minority has a CCW. Our deputies actions could inadvertently start a retarded race war bc he chose to detain a guy walking down the street. I highly doubt that you or others will see the points I'm attempting to illuminate so here they are.

      1. Rights are rights. Period.
      2. LEO's need to be extra judicious and vigilant as to the knowledge of these rights bc new laws are protecting citizens who end up in lethal confrontations.

      The wise man doesn't get himself into what a smart man has to get himself out of. But don't mind me, I'll just "go back to sleep" now.

    4. This is not a violation of rights. If someone threatened to shoot up your house, wouldn't you want the police to stop someone walking around at 1:45 am matching the description of the suspect?

    5. That's the officers story. No witnesses. Other guy ran.

    6. 2:12 use your head. Your fears don't trump others rights. What's next, detain everyone in town bc of a phone call? Sounds like precrime to me--guilty until proven innocent.

    7. Well they found the other person so I'm not sure what you mean by "No witnesses. Other guy ran." You say, "That's the officers story." But the person who was shot ended up being the person who made the threats so OBVIOUSLY he matched the description. You can literally prove that he matched the description and prove that the deputy thought that he matched description because he WAS the person who made the threats.

    8. 2:23 making threats to shoot up someone's house is a crime. It's called terroristic threatening.

    9. 2:08 The confrontation was not "lethal" until the man that was running from the officer pulled his weapon! Whether his rights were "violated" by stopping to see what they were up to at 1:45am in a high crime area he brought a gun to a gun fight and lost!! He is criminal and was a criminal. It's because of people like you that try to make it ok for criminals to blame their problems on everyone else!! Law enforcement has a right to stop and ask people questions if they look suspicious. If this had a occurred in your neighborhood, you would be glad that a criminal with a gun was off the streets!! Grow and take responsibility...I realize I have rights but I also like to be safe in the town I live in and if 25 year old with a gun a violent history and drug use is walking the streets...I am not safe!! But yet had this been a white kid killed by the deputy we wouldn't be having this discussion!

    10. And where is your facts coming from? The lies you officers are agreeing with? Your info isn't prevy , so where do you get that?

    11. If I am stopped walking down the street by an officer though maybe it pisses me off but if I am not doing anything wrong or for that matter have nothing to hide....oh you know like a GUN...I wouldn't RUN away...lol Its good common sense, but that's the problem you don't have any and you are quick to always make it some else's fault! If had the right to carry a concealed weapon that's when you stop and tell them that you have a gun and a permit to carry the gun not RUN away!!! Your statements make no sense...someone not doing anything wrong would not have a problem with being asked a few questions. Argue all you want it's the truth!!

    12. It's not about having anything to hide. God knows what he dealt with in his country of origin. But we all know what no man should have to endure. A tyrant police state!

    13. 2:3 . Thwrebis no terroristic threatening in Maryland. Only threats to officials or one that has immediate ability to do harm. There was no crime committed.

    14. 2:30 when did they find the other guy? Last report says he fled. Has to be a cop. Smdh.

  10. The object is to not wait until a suspect fires his gun.That would make it too late.

    1. So let's randomly stop everyone we see then because of something that happened yesterday? This is a violation of rights and liberties. If the sheriff didn't violate his rights in the first place he would've walked on down the street and still be alive. Regardless of the fact he had a gun! The gun only came into play after his rights were violated. The deputy needs to be fired and charged. Just because he got a gun off the street don't make him exempt from the law.

    2. You're a moron 1:23, so if your house got robbed YESTERDAY if the cops don't catch them they don't have to worry about it the next? You try to act like you know something about the law when you obviously do not! His friend stopped when asked by the officer probably because he wasn't carrying a concealed loaded weapon!! You talk about rights, the people of that community asked for increased patrols...what about their right to be safe in their homes from gun toting thugs!! If a shooting had occurred you would be pissed if you found the police knew and we're not patrolling the area!!! Go home 1:23 you're an idiot!

    3. There was nothing random about this stop. If the DEPUTY didn't stop him this morning, how do we know that he wouldn't have gone to the house on Olivia street today and killed 4 or 5 people?

    4. There was nothing random about this stop. If the DEPUTY didn't stop him this morning, how do we know that he wouldn't have gone to the house on Olivia street today and killed 4 or 5 people?

    5. You're right 2:15. Perhaps you'll end up shooting holes in a business tomo. Better send the men in blue over to your house just to make sure that doesn't happen. Great logic bud.

    6. 2:09 no I would expect the sheriffs to take pictures, finger prints, DNA etc. You know their jobs! I would not expect for the police to start randomly accosting people . especially the next day!

    7. 2:15 , we don't. But one cannot assume!

    8. 2:09. The people should feel safe knowing they have their own weapons and can use them without fear of prosecution! People should be allowed to defend their homes! Law is law. Don't like it .....take it up with Governor Hogan. Maybe he can change the ways Maryland's laws shit on your constitutional rights.

    9. 2:09
      Patrolling is different from random stopping of people. Seems like your the only one who is for this cop. Every statement has the same basis. Man. Wake up! The press release wasn't properly prepared. The truth was told instead. The facts are there. Wipe your chin. Got some cop on you.

    10. So 3:44 he should have just rode by the two men walking the streets at 2am?

    11. Yes 7:19 he should've. Is there a law against walking at night? No. So why even make contact? To figure out who they were. It was none of the deputies business. And don't give that fits the description crap. He is black and out late the next day. Clothes change and hard to make out black faces in the dark. It could've been any black person.

    12. I believe walking in the street is against the law and I thought I read that in the press release. I could be wrong

  11. Scary stuff but great job WCSO.

  12. you are not going to get a CCW with a record look it up on case search
    but yes i do understand about rights but #1 why run if your not doing something illegal the old saying is why did you run if your not guilty of something

    1. It said after second attempt he ran. He was asserting his fourth amendment rights and kept walking. When the cop gave chase with out knowing anything about a gun yet, he becomes a thug himself attempting to assault the victim. And if fact did assault the victim before the gun came out. If a cop tries that with me I'd pull on him to. I will fight and die for my rights and liberties as the millions have before me. We complain Obama is wrecking our country. We are! We allow it!

    2. A weed charge and paraphernalia. And a fist fight was on his record. That's all!

    3. The cop is asserting his right as a leo to detain you because of reasonable suspicion. You are violating his right, hence he gave chase.

    4. 1215 u must be a thug i guess that altercation with police. IN the past doesn't count FOOL.

    5. 2:35
      Reasonable suspicion? Black at night? What's suspicious activities array from walking? None. If the deputy was patrolling as requested then he should've stayed in his car until they actually did something wrong. Kept following them. PATROLLED!

    6. The Officer was in the right. Was official part of his duty. Case law states an officer can approach anyone, doesnt have to stay in his car. Further the courts have identified that if a subject runs from a marked uniform officer and given the situation (intel of gun violence) that officer can pursue, detain, and conduct a Terry Frisk for weapons. If your going to use dime school use of RAS make sure you know the law. He ran because he had a gun and knew it. Lets not forget that.

    7. Tour correct. An officer can approach any body. So can I. That in no way means we have to stop or cooperate. And your case citing is nice except this happened the next day. Nice try officer.

    8. Intel of gun violence from whom? Was it from a long investigation? No it came from the homeowner. Its hearsay. And no way in hell the deputy knew who he was.

  13. Great job Deputy Jones. One less criminal on the Skreets.

  14. Bunch of nut cases commenting on this one!

  15. Anonymous said...
    So....whether or not the deceased was armed , the sheriffs violated their rights by stopping them for no reason? Calls from the evening before do not justify stopping random people on the street. Police work and interviews should be completed to identify potential suspects. I'll be bashed for saying this but its the truth. Don't give any race cards out folks.my comment is about rights. Freedom to travel unmolested by police.

    March 3, 2015 at 12:45 PM

    Walking the streets at 1:45 AM is suspect. Get a life you cop hater. You should be glad we have one less thug to feed.

    1. Sure you're free to travel...just not with a loaded, unlicensed and concealed firearm.

    2. How would anyone know what you have if your not searched illegally? The gun would never have been an issue if the cop just drove. Instead he saw two guys and took a lucky guess.

    3. 8:16 - So if I walk around concealing an unlicensed weapon it's only illegal if I get caught?
      People are arrested for carrying drugs and arrested for intent to sell. Walking around with a unlicensed illegal handgun at 2am is intent to do no harm. Good job WCSO. One less degenerate off the streets.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Agreed. This is not a case of "the ends justify the means," rights are rights. They had better pray that the deceased didn't have a lawful weapon w CCW permit.

    March 3, 2015 at 1:13 PM

    Another Dumb A$$!!!

    So what if he had a "lawful weapon w CCW permit." That doesn't give this thug the right to shoot a police officer. You are a wing nut cop hater. Do you even know the purpose of a CCW?

    1. Only because of our laws! If he was a cc holder then this was a cop chasing a guy for no reason or probable cause. Engaging him physically and killed him. But here is the kicker. It don't matter if he was a cc holder. The facts and laws are the same. This is not a good kill.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So let's randomly stop everyone we see then because of something that happened yesterday? This is a violation of rights and liberties. If the sheriff didn't violate his rights in the first place he would've walked on down the street and still be alive. Regardless of the fact he had a gun! The gun only came into play after his rights were violated. The deputy needs to be fired and charged. Just because he got a gun off the street don't make him exempt from the law.

    March 3, 2015 at 1:23 PM

    Great job Deputy Jones. I hope this guy gets violated by a thug like this.

    1. No I won't. This guy believes in his federal rights over state and carry's anyway! And will kill if you violate me. Cop or not. I'll be judged by 12 not carried by 6.

  18. This is great news. Finally the Sheriff's Office is doing the job we pay them to do. Getting thugs off the street is good stuff!

  19. bullshit
    You can not cock a revolver unless you pull it halfway to the stop postion

    This was a most likely a staged scene

    Just like the officer involved shooting in Downtown Salisbury Last year - they moved the vehicles and stage that scene as well

    1. Back to bed thug its 3 pm your not allowed out till 2 am.

    2. All that Law and Order you are watching is really paying off...lol

    3. No one will ever know.

    4. So 2:55. I am a thug? Never arrested and a government employee. I'm as much as a thug as you. We have rights people. And I'm not a thug for speaking for them. Think I am your as bad as the rioters in Ferguson. Just the other half of the problem.

  20. 2:23 use your head... I am all for PROACTIVE police work. That's what was done here. This community called for extra patrol checks, and there was intel that someone was going to shoot at a house. So as far as the stated facts go, no one person was signaled out. This guy was carrying a gun, on the street that is in question of suspected criminal activity, and was out at a unusual hour. If the guy had nothing to worry about, he should not have ran. By running, he made a bad choice, and a fatal choice by trying to pull a gun in a struggle. He chose poorly!!!

    1. We don't know he pulled a gun. It may have fell out. The cop may have shot him and another cop helped him out with covering it up. We all know Mike boosts his boys are elite. They cant do no wrong.Can't have a blemish on mikes command record with him trying so hard to get into politics.

    2. Your right. 2:54, he wasn't singled out. It was random. That's where the problem is. There was no Intel. There was a request for police to respond to a threat. The cops told them their is nothing they can do. But they could file their own charges. So stopping him was unwarranted.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Extricate your cranium from your rectal cavity, read up on your rights and then attempt to formulate a sentence that represents some semblance of proper, grammatical English. Since your obvious education level is on par with your assumption that I am somehow a 'thug' I will break it down idiot style for you. Then perhaps you'll comprehend the combination of letters that are strewn together into words, then sentences, next paragraphs and ultimately a logical statement.

    To your unintentionally ironic statement of "make no differace fool" I can assure you it undoubtedly does. Legislation has been passed in certain areas of the US that gives citizens the absolute right to defend themselves against unlawful police interactions. Namely Indiana(do your own research btw). If an officer is shot down during the course of infringing on a citizens inalienable rights-provided under the US Constitution-said citizen is free to go. Look into the recent events in TX where an LEO was killed during a no-knock raid and the grand jury cleared the citizen of any capital murder charges related to the case. Now try and incorporate these precedents into the above scenario. What crime had the deceased committed to be stopped and questioned? There was no crime prior to the escalation of events by the deputy. Walking on a public street at any hour of the day/night is perfectly legal in case you may have forgotten.

    This is where my question of a lawful CCW license is most important, although will probably not matter. If any officer infringes on your right to travel freely and attempts to detain you, they are now outside of the scope of law. God forbid that this presumable minority has a CCW. Our deputies actions could inadvertently start a retarded race war bc he chose to detain a guy walking down the street. I highly doubt that you or others will see the points I'm attempting to illuminate so here they are.

    1. Rights are rights. Period.
    2. LEO's need to be extra judicious and vigilant as to the knowledge of these rights bc new laws are protecting citizens who end up in lethal confrontations.

    The wise man doesn't get himself into what a smart man has to get himself out of. But don't mind me, I'll just "go back to sleep" now.

    March 3, 2015 at 2:08 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    In order to detain someone you must have reasonable and articulable suspicion that they have committed a crime. Being that he matched the description of a person wanted for making threats against someone's house and the people living there. I would say that is both reasonable and articulable.

    March 3, 2015 at 2:08 PM

    A wannabe lawyer!! LMFAO at this dumb @ss!!

    Is this Indiana? Maybe it's Texas? I'm not sure but we all need to carry illegal guns at 2:00 in the morning so we can kill a cop just because they temporarily detained us.

    This my friends is the thinking of the liberal retards who are mentally challenged.

    1. Cops are not above the law and should be held accountable for their actions. One cannot represent the law if they do not know it. If one proves he knows the law and is gifted the right to be an officer of the law and violated it anyway and dies!!!!! That's his fault. If police know a person can legally kill them the same way they are afforded to do so then the will not stray from the path of law so easily. These laws were put in place in these states by politicians. Ask yourself why?

    2. All of your points reference defending yourself from a cop serving a warrant on your house. They weren't in a house. They were on the street. There was PC to stop and conduct an FIR due to reported threats to shoot a house one block from the location, high crime area, the fact that it was 0145 hours, neigbors requesting additional patrols due to problems in the neighborhood, poor weather and they are out walking, etc....together these facts build suspicion and PC add a whole. Don't look at just fact that Deputy chased somebody that ran. Look at the whole picture. Obviously Deputy's suspicions were right. You just can't see it because your race card is blocking your view.

    3. Yes officer. In the same time frame. Are you gonna stop everyone and search for the next month? The immediate threat never happened. Dont even know if the threat even happened to the house in the first place. And to continue searching people the next day is unwarranted.

    4. 4:56 warrants at home or wherevere police act. And again the local politicians saw the need to allow citizens to protect themselves against corrupt cops. The few states that won't ignore its problems in government.

  22. 2:51 Why does it have to be from an incident last night? The cop had a right to stop him because he was suspicious. Especially considering the threats against the house and the request for increased patrols. End of story.

    1. Why was he suspicious? And an incident last night doesn't mean start harassing and looking for a perp the next day!

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It said after second attempt he ran. He was asserting his fourth amendment rights and kept walking. When the cop gave chase with out knowing anything about a gun yet, he becomes a thug himself attempting to assault the victim. And if fact did assault the victim before the gun came out. If a cop tries that with me I'd pull on him to. I will fight and die for my rights and liberties as the millions have before me. We complain Obama is wrecking our country. We are! We allow it!

    March 3, 2015 at 1:56 PM

    What an idiot!! It's people like you who will cause us never to have the right to own or carry a gun.

    You are admitting you will kill a cop because you disobeyed a lawful order and he detained you! What a liberal moron.

    1. No I am admitting to dying and fighting for my god given rights. The rights that millions of soldiers died for. My great grand father and grand father died for along with my uncles and cousins. The same rights I fought for. We fight for freedom. Are we free?

  24. Anonymous said...
    A weed charge and paraphernalia. And a fist fight was on his record. That's all!

    March 3, 2015 at 2:15 PM

    That was an assault charge. That means he attempted to cause bodily harm. If he had a weapon on him during his so called fist fight he would have killed who he was fighting. You thug loving moron.

    1. 2nd degree. No weapon. Try again. He is a young immigrant. I'm sure he has had to scrap before. Matter of fact I think most of us has.

  25. Anonymous said...
    You can not cock a revolver unless you pull it halfway to the stop postion

    This was a most likely a staged scene

    Just like the officer involved shooting in Downtown Salisbury Last year - they moved the vehicles and stage that scene as well

    March 3, 2015 at 2:50 PM

    How do you know what they did Puss! Were you there? Hell no you cop hating pansy hiding behind a key board. LMFAO

  26. Anonymous said...
    2:08 take your cop loving right violating arse on somewhere! There was no probable cause. No discriptions matched. Not from an incident last night. The press release from the cops themselves said what happened. They gave their own smoking gun ! This is murder!

    March 3, 2015 at 2:51 PM

    I guess you were there!! NOT!! Why don't you carry you homo butt to Pakistan and fight with the ISIS Muslims since you hate Americans so much.

    1. Seriously? Seems like that person loves this country. You got it backwards buddy. Stopping on command and having no rights is the ISIS way. This is a land of law. Not do as I say. And sorry to say you weren't there either.

    2. Seriously? Seems like that person loves this country. You got it backwards buddy. Stopping on command and having no rights is the ISIS way. This is a land of law. Not do as I say. And sorry to say you weren't there either.

  27. I bet it is just one person writing all these cop hating comments. I bet he is to much of a punk to sign his name.

    1. I don't see cop hating posts. I see pro right posts. If a cop went about this correctly then he gets kudos! In this case he did not.

    2. Because you were there and you know right

    3. What did he do wrong?

  28. I am so glad the deputy is safe and gets to go home to his family. We need the Sheriff's Office to patrol the city of Salisbury more often. As a matter of fact let them take over the Salisbury Police Department.

  29. All those bashing LEOs. You are the first ones to scream if you think they AREN'T doing their job, AREN'T responding fast enough, etc. You would be dissatisfied no matter how it goes. I for one am thankful the Deputy was only slightly injured and can return home to his family. As far as the deceased, all he had to do was stop and talk to the Deputy. He caused the escalation not the Deputy. It is the lack of respect for the law and those who are hired to enforce it that causes these kinds of incidents. I am tired of the excuses people give. It is about lack of respect more than "rights". Do you truly believe that everyone should ignore a LEO if asked to stop because it is their right? The criminals would truly be running the asylum then.

    1. Lack of respect for law? The law has lack of respect for law! They do what they want.
      And yes I believe a person has a right to ignore a cop. If a cop says something should the whole street stop to see who he is talking to? No. Keep moving. What's next? Neighbor files a report his house was broken into and missing things so the police stop everyone in a block radius search them and then search their homes? What ever happened to good police work? Now its a lucky find game.

    2. No good police work involves stopping people walking in bad neighborhoods at 0145 in the morning because POS coward threatened to shoot up somebody's house. If you think you can do better then do it

  30. Here is your poor innocent victim that had his rights violated by that mean deputy sheriff.

    Bullet lodged in back of head of man shot in face at Haitian celebration
    Sister of victim doesn't know if her brother will survive

    4:53 PM, May 18, 2009

    A Fort Myers man arrested in connection with a Sunday evening shooting in Golden Gate was only a few feet away from his victim when he shot him in the face, the Collier County Sheriff's Office reported Monday.

    Mohammed Ashley Roche, 18, then fired a second round at 19-year-old Fednel Rhinvil of Golden Gate, but missed.

    Rhinvil, of 4617 19th Place S.W., was flown to Lee Memorial Hospital via an air ambulance. Lee Memorial spokeswoman Pat Dolce said Rhinvil was not officially listed in the hospital's patient directory, and therefore she could not comment on his condition.

    However, a woman who answered the door at Rhinvil's home on Monday afternoon and identified herself as his sister, Judith Rinvil, said she did not know if her brother would survive the shooting. She said she spells her last name without an "H," unlike her brother.

    "It hit him on his left cheek, and it's somewhere in the back of his head somewhere," Judith Rinvil said of the bullet. "There is nothing they can possibly do right now because it's too close to his brain."

    She said she was angry because her family has not been getting reports from law enforcement, and only learned of Roche's arrest from a reporter. She said she doesn't know Roche.

    "Pretty much we don't know nothing," Rinvil said.

    Roche was arrested around 10:30 p.m. Sunday and was booked into the Collier County jail on a felony charge of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.

    1. Hell if I've been shot before and lived I'd american express my guns! Your not making him out to be a bad guy. Your making his case for carrying. And do you even know if its the same person? Google the name . hundreds show up.

  31. Excellent work deputy!

  32. Why was a warrant issued after the complaint by police? Not enough evidence! So the next question, why did the person then not go to the commissioners office if they were truly afraid?
    Every body asked for increased patrols. Seven break ins in a week on my small street. Sheriffs took a report and never seen again. That was all. This wasn't about the complaint of a house being threatened. This is just the justification story.

  33. What everyone here is failing to realize is that the Deputy was not detaining either of the individuals. He was simply doing a field check on two individuals walking down the street at 2am in the morning. When the one individual decided to ignore the Deputy's command of stopping to talk, and then deciding to run, that is when he now becomes a suspicious person and will be chased down. Obviously he had a gun on him, that he probably should not have had on him hence why he ran. What police officer/deputy would not chase down someone who runs away while his friend decides to stop and talk with the deputy? Exactly

    1. That's it right there. What is a field check? The deputy had no reason to " field check" them. They weren't passed out or arguing. They were walking down the street.
      And the deputy does what on a " field check" ? Run identification correct? Guess what that is illegal without probable cause. This was an attempt to figure out who these two people were who were well within their rights of walking down the street. And I can assure you that this would've been thrown out of court if he wasn't killed.

  34. The deputy did what he needed to do. He goes home and the jack @$$ lost his life. Better this way than the officer getting injured or killed.

  35. For all the posters...What does Al Sharpton have to do with ANY of this? The comments you leave really show your true feelings and intelligence. Al Shartpton does get involved with "wrongful" mishaps with african americans but this article says NOTHING abotu race. So you peopel that are stereotyping this deceased individual because of the name are really showing your colors.Im black and just because i am black doesnt mean I agree with all the antics or things Al Sharpton or before you say it (jesse Jackson) does. Right is right and wrong is wrong. If you disobey the law, then you will pay the consequence. If you assault an officer you may get shot, if you act liek you have a gun you may get shot, if you HAVE a gun you may get shot, if you threaten to harm you may get shot, REGARDLESS of your color. So idiots...Al Sharpton shouldnt even be brought into this conversation. Get a life and grow up people. it's the same people commenting day after day. Have a nice day folks

  36. 4:13 No way man. He had a CCW...in MD... with a criminal record of assaulting police officers. Surely you jest?

    You can go fill out an application with a criminal on your back, stabbing you...and get rejected. F MD gun laws!

  37. No one would've known about a weapon if the cop didn't violate his rights first.all you cops seem to think we will be blinded by that gun! Wrong! The fun would never have been an issue and this boy alive if an over zealous cop knew the law! Just because a cop wants to talk to me while I'm walking doesn't mean I have to stop! I can run away for all I want. Running doesn't mean guilty. This guy kept walking. Well within his rights. Was chased and assaulted then the gun came out or call out. The gun is the end of the story. The beginning is the cops aggressive actions. An action usually gotten away with by local Leos.this time it ended in a loss of life instead of a guy in jail and an automatic good job. This incident shows a lot of light on everyday abuse of local police.

    Another 10 cent street lawyer from the West side. Dennis St. and the whole neighborhood is crawling with drugs and the officer shouldn't have stopped him. He ain't gotta stop cause hes a Cop. A real brain surgeon there. Guess Ferguson is coming to Salisbury. There are ignorant people everywhere and we have plenty.

    1. You better check the law. Better yet. Maybe, so there is no confusing about lawful actions, we could institute a curfew.

    2. Ferguson didn't just happen over that one incident. It was from years of police shitting on the peoples rights. No matter who they are. Your right it may be coming but remember.....anyone who points fingers has three pointing back at them.

  38. So glad officer is ok. NO REASON for anyone to be on street at 2 am with loaded gun-NONE! Running shows guilt- respect officer when they say stop... Again... If your on street at 2am you are trouble in my eyes....

    1. Hard working good people walk at night. Some may not have cars. Can you smell anything better then us with your nose way up in the air?

    2. No one has any business om the streets at that hour. And even if they HAD to be, they wouldn't have run unless they were guilty as sin of SOMETHING.

  39. He ran because he had a loaded gun and no permit and knew it. Thank G-d the officer was a good shot. One less living off the system in jail

    1. And again , the guy would be alive and the gun not an issue if the cop never violated his rights in the first place. The cops are trying to say it was justified. It would've been closer to the time frame of the original incident. But no warrant was issued by police or sought by the home owner. So even if they saw him the next day , no reason to mess with him. The threat was hearsay. Out of police hands.

  40. How about this idea; let the officers patrol only the affluent neighborhoods where people actually care about their property and quality of life. If the people in the neighborhoods our officers are trying to protect, think those same officers are acting "above the law" , then let them handle things on their own. Before long, our crime will have dropped because the criminals are killing each other. Problem solved.

  41. You will see more people on the streets on the west side after 2 am than at 4 pm.

    1. Yup because they are sleeping during the day and getting their welfare checks cashed at the cash market when they finally get up!! Anyone with a job would be asleep can't tell me everyone in that area works nightshift!!

    2. Not every one. But who are the police to randomly figure out who is who. What's next guys? Tattoos on our hands or for heads that says cleared?

  42. Mr ALBERO.
    Thanks for keeping us up to date.
    I am glad deputy jones is doing ok.
    Thanks to him and policemen like him make me sleep good at night.Just another fine example of how much better a 45 caliber is than a 40 caliber.

  43. So far this year more murders in da bury than New York city!

  44. Fatality wounded?

  45. First of all this person wasn't being detained so get that out of your heads.
    Secondly an officer has every "right" to approach any person when they are outside their home in a public place and ask them questions.
    Law enforcement officers have a duty to protect the community they serve, its citizens and their property. The law gives police certain powers to help them perform that duty and stopping someone and questioning them is one of those powers so right now stop the nonsense by saying the deputy had no "right" blah blah. You sound like a bunch of fools totally clueless to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  46. This is not Sierra Leon. Thugs, drug dealers and warlord don't rule our towns. Kudos to 1:28 5:58and 6:01. WCSD did what they had to do. When will these kids realize they can't have guns and they aren't above the law. There is no mystery here. He RAN, he could have thrown gun away while running, or better yet. NOT RAN and just answered a few questions and still be alive. I'm sure that officer didn't want to shoot, but had to, to ensure his safety. I'm sure he will think about it everyday for the rest of his life.

  47. Has the meaning of the word "STOP" changed??? and then take off running... Anyone doing this is just setting themselves up for a bad situation.

    1. Is that cop any of our bosses or fathers? Then I need not stop. I need not to talk to him so he can twist my words into a charge.

  48. And once again we can see from the comments, you'll never find an intelligent liberal, thug lover!!!

  49. No one violated any of Rhinvil's rights. A law enforcement officer has the right to stop anyone in public at any time if they believe there might be a dangerous situation unfolding or the threat of a situation whether that threat was yesterday or last month. Even if Rhinvil just looked "out of place" the deputy had the right to stop and attempt to question him. Rhinvil did have the right to not answer any questions, the right to refuse to be searched and the right to CALMLY leave if not under arrest. When he chose to run (or engaged in any other furtive movement), that opened up a whole new ballgame and gave the deputy justification (and the right under Terry v. Ohio) to attempt "a stop" at the very minimum.

    1. No, they do not. Stop and frisk police policies have been ruled unconstitutional. It is not a crime 2 b walking- or running while black. They racially profiled him and he is dead as a result.

    2. A person has the right to travel. The have a right to keep walking and not enter a police investigation by answering one question. And the cop has no right to give chase unless he is going to detain or arrest.

    3. Read up dude. You'll want the info should you ever find yourself in the same situation.

  50. "1. Rights are rights. Period."

    Them very words are inthe Bill of Rites! I knows it! Cuz I done seed it on YOOTUUB!!!!!

  51. On the news tonight they said he was taking care of his 5 kids and his girlfriend. If walking the streets at 1:45 with a loaded gun is supporting your 5 kids and your baby's mama, our country in in serious trouble. I would bet my paycheck he had no job and was sponging off the welfare his baby's mama was getting for his 5 kids.

    1. He was returning from a deal. Bet.

  52. It's so sad that so many people want to blame the police for everything. I have an idea! Draw a line on the map that police will not cross. You protect your own neighborhoods from these thugs. I bet you would be some of the first to leave the police free zone. But wait..these are good citizens so you have no need to fear. I have lived many places but have never seen such a polarized community.

    I'm ready to move to a place with lines on the map that idiots are not allowed to cross!

  53. The Supreme Court in Terry v. Ohio (1968 I believe) also observed that in the interests of crime prevention and in police safety require that the police have some leeway to act before full probable cause has developed i.e. act, as in stopping to quesion someone. THe police only have to be suspicious. That's it that's all. The Fourth Amendment's reasonableness requirement is sufficiently flexible to permit an officer to investigate a situation.
    An officer has every right to make contact with anyone in a public place at 1am, 2am, 3am or any time they wish and if you don't like it then tough. This is not debatable. Not only do they have that right they have the right to frisk someone as well. ;The victim's rights were not violated in anyway shape or form nor by anyone's stretch of the imagination. Again this is not debatable.

    1. The officer in that case observed several people walking back and fourth paying particular attention to a certain business. Obviously casing out the place. These to men were walking last night were simply walking. They could've been anybody.the officer had no right to engage them. Its not like the officer is in line at the store and says hello. He stopped two random people for investigative purposes that were walking down the street. That is unconstitutional! I don't care how you officers try to justify this. While the sheeple will give you a pass, the 3% and all you cops know what you did.

  54. However this plays out. The county is going to fork out some cash over this. That's a fact.

  55. Good job deputy Jones justice served. If you listen the police things like this don’t happen end of story. Now maybe all the black folks will go out and start burning down their own peoples businesses. Isn’t that what they are supposed to do.

  56. 8:16 Smallsbury is an uneducated bunch of mouth breathers by in large. You do understand we are right on the Mason Dixson Line right.

    This young Gangster got just what he was looking for "A Fight" he was a gun slinger indeed. He just lost to a better man is all. No need to make such a fuss over it. The five children this young Gangster "had" were being fed by his walking the streets of an open air drug market I take it. I guess he was off to by milk for the kids when this bad cop caught up to him.

    I swear I thought I would never say this people but the SOUTH had it right the whole time. Some people just can not handle "Freedom" it is really sad if one thinks about it. The long road if taken is filled with success. The life of a Gangster is short lived. Hell man if this Deputy Jones did not kill this toad someone else surly would have. By all accounts one of his own color if one is to believe the crime report put out by President Ohbammy and Erreek Holdem.

    Deputy Jones stand tall son you are a true American hero. Thank you for your service to this Country and this County. You have paid dues many will never know

    1. A true american hero! Just like Obama! Wipe you butt with our rights officer! Just do what you want and say its for the better good! Stand wicomico ! Stand for our new hero!

  57. I think it's time that officers do not ride alone after dark. We as a county should push to make this happen. 2 officers per car working as a team and....please sheriff Lewis and our county officials make this happen! These officers are our brothers,sisters,fathers and mothers and we want them home safe each and every day.

  58. 8:18. Rights or not, if I'm walking down the street and a cop stops me for any reason, Im going to stop, talk to him, and move on. If I feel my rights were violated I will get a lawyer. Under no circumstance am I going to run away or go for the cops gun.

  59. Somebody said "god given rights". What ya been smoking dude?

  60. Deputy Jones deserves more respect then what some of you ignorant people are saying about him! He was protecting lives last night and had to protect his own. Also why don't you greedy people THANK him for going overseas and fighting for OUR freedom?! Job well done deputy and thank you for your service in the sheriff's dept and your service in the military.

  61. I am glad he gets to carry a loaded weapon around and law abiding citizens do not. Everyone is quick to blame law enforcement and hate them until they need them to come and help your situation. Sounds to me that the cop did the right thing. If the criminal was able to reach where ever he was going to shoot at people(i am pretty sure he wasn't on the way to the local range to practice shooting his weapon sideways) and murder them, then everyone would be yelling how the cops do not do enough. And the sad truths about the situation is that if someone was pointing a gun at this criminal and the police were there, they would protect him, and if someone was pointing a gun at anyone posting shitty comments about law enforcement they would protect you too. Because that is what they have sworn to do. Anytime i see a Sheriff deputy, state trooper or local police I make it a priority to go to them hold out my hand and thank them for protecting us doing what they do. Everyone out there should.

  62. I'm white, if were walking down any road at 1:45am and a police officer road by I would expect him to stop and ask me what I was up to. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest. I as a responsible, prudent, and contributing member of society would politely ablige him/her with the understanding that he/she as a law enforcement officer has a duty to protect the citizens of the county and proactive preventive measures such as questioning someone walking on the street at 1:45am may possibly prevent a future crime.

  63. boy this has been fun reading this thread. Its really entertaining. The event was certainly nothing to make light of but you people crack me up. Never seen such stupid comments from people. Damn, where did you all go to school? Northampton County, Virginia?

  64. What a bunch of frigging idiots in this town. It appears that the racists people are the black ones since they are not able to look past color, or lack of it. Salisbury used to be a nice town but these give me something for nothing fools want it to only benefit them. I am sure if it was their house that was threatened they would be crying about something else that didn't go their way. SMH

  65. If the cop had asked 20 or more people what they were doing, would we have heard about it? NO! But the one person who obviously had something to hide (gun) ran. It's a shame of course but come on with this police ignoring our civil rights BS. The race card is the last string some minorities have to hold on to. After that doesn't work anymore, they will have to be responsible like the rest of us. Common sense is so scarce!

    1. Ignorant woman! How do you say the race card is all blacks have and this is by far not about race? Its amazing to see who the real racist are! They can't even post on an unrelated subject without bring race into it.

    2. Your the ignorant person. She said some minorities. You state she said all blacks. You need to learn reading comprehension. Your the racist here.

  66. You have "Rights" entirely confused. The police officer had ever right on several different levels. What you are missing is that this is police work of a proactive cop. Jones did an awesome job being in that neighborhood at 145am. Seeing two guys in a known drug area, with the extra checks asked and the information on the possible "shooting". What you are totally missing is Jones saved a life by doing his job. If this person would fight a cop and pull a gun while on top of the cop then he was only going to do one thing kill the cop. Jones being trained and ready shot first. Thus preventing this person from using his gun on another person, thus saving a life.

    Good job Jones. Glad you are ok. Thanks for your service. The florida article shows he had the habit of being in the wrong places. Also looked him up in Florida he has a long history.

    1. Went from threat of to possible shooting. Lmao. Which is it officer? And by the way.......not everyone in a known drug area is a dealer or user.

  67. 10:25 is right. These men where stopped for nothing more then walking while black. Glade the cop wasn't hurt and I can assume the man shot was a dirt bag but plain and simple the cop had no right to stop then unless they where suspected of a crime.

  68. The more frustrating part of all of this is someone is dead. That's a fact. He was shot by a police officer, that's fact two. And... That's pretty much all we know to be factual right now. To play the race card. Wow.... The government will pay out for this one... Wow. Don't they pay enough. They pay for your Freedoms to be unemployed. Your food your house your kids and yours health care. But let's back up. Pay for what.

    You all think your so smart. You want us bad white folk to take you serious. Well.... Make us want to. Stop making wild accusations. Wait for facts. Bring educated statements to the table. He'll go be a cop or a lawyer whatever if you feel you can do better. But one thing is for sure that you people can't seem to grasp. You pull a weapon on a cop. Your going to get shot. It's pretty simple. Well I think anyway. So go ahead and have your stupid marches and dumb riots. Whatever you would like. Hell you have all the time right. Start using your brains. Stop claiming the race card all the time. Facts are facts. you climbs staged shooting downtown. I was there hot. Seemed straight forward to me. Vehicles were in the same spots all the time. But you wouldn't know that or choose not to beleave that cause then you wouldn't have a right to march or act stupid in public as I call it.

    1. First race card pulled on these comments were MADE BY WHITES. First of all he is Haitian not black/African American, so direct you racial tension towards the correct nationality. Every time I see comments from people like you makes me hate white America even more. It's sad because I have some white friends would surely go all out for me, and people like you make me question those friendships.
      My question is If the cop was pinned on his back and the suspect pulled and cocked a revolver. How did the cop have time to pull his weapon and shoot four shoots. He shot once paused for about two or secs then fired 3 more shoots. Second, Why did it take 10hrs to inform the public. I think the suspect ran trying to throw the gun, the cop seen it and shot him. I'm not taking any sides because I probably would have shot him also, only difference is no law in Md to protect me for protecting myself.

  69. 10:25 you still angry over that arrest lol Come n man sober up. Do your family a solid. Stop bashing cops because you got caught. I like the term gangster used in one comment. That person has it right. No one cried when Capone, Scarfo and the rest of the EYE-Talian mob got cut down by cops. Hell people applauded. The minute cops starting killing Black Gangsters the Libtards started crying. He is the question of the day. How do you kill a teenage Gangster. Easy lead them more. Sorry had to say it. A Gangster comes in many colors. People this is not about race it is about a life choice. That Haitian came to America and did not take advantage of what is offered obviously. He chose to go gangster and he died like one period. Killem all big and small.

    America you have the right to live free. Free as long as you live by the law of the land. The sooner gangsters figure that out the longer they get to live. They kill echother by the truck load no one says a word. They make tee shirts glorifying the gangster in death. Cry for his five to ten children. F-U and the billy goat you loser rode in on.

    Great work killed three in less then a year in this area. I think the message is clear. Leave while you can if you want to live a gangsters life in Wicomico. One day we will have peace and law and order. Evil never wins in the end.

  70. 11:56 she said all some minorities have to hold on to is the race card. She did not say that is all blacks or all minorities have. She never said blacks so calling her a racist is a true sign of your ignorance! You prove a lot of these comments on here true. You did not even comprehend her point before calling her a racist. Sad for you!

  71. Nice shot officer, you saved our court systems a lot of headache.

  72. thank you officer jones, not only for the exemplary police work in protecting the law abiding citizens of this county but for your service protecting this great country of ours. and may I add if you see anyone walking in my neighborhood at 2 am in the morning please stop and find out what they are up too.


  73. RIP , good work to the officer who endanger their lives daily.

    If you want to change things , go to school of cops .

  74. Maryland Transportation Article

    TA 21 506 a


    $50 Fine

    Not sure but this looks like a reason to stop and detain the two subjects.

    If I remember correctly there is a sidewalk on both sides of the roadway on the following streets Dennis St., Olivia St and Richmond Ave, so if they were walking in the middle of the roadway that would encompass this charge.

  75. Like my grandma told my sisters, "nothing good happens after midnight".

  76. Go ahead, make my day dirtball.

  77. Can't wait to hear Liarton, Fake Day, Shameless Shields, Pillhead Mitchell and Donut-hole Dunn whining about this.

  78. 10:25, Terry isn't exclusive to someone peeking into businesses windows. Mere suspision on the part of the LE official is grounds and the bar for that suspision is low. What do you think everyone who is subject to stop and frisk (part of Terry) was looking in store windows? That's stood the Constitutionality test.
    Not a cop so guess again. Do keep in mind, that I have forgotten more about the law than most people will ever hope to know.

  79. Hey, Mary Ashanti, where are you?

  80. First of all Who in his right mind would believe A lying cop. he probably planted the gun. They always fear for the lies , that's the lie they are trained to tell. They are organized gangs protected by the LAW.

  81. I'm sure he was just the most upstanding citizen. I'm sure that gun he pulled was without a doubt registered. I'm sure he holds down a steady job and doesn't abuse government funding. Get bent, this POS is in the right place now. I'm gonna go make my "no justice, no peace" sign and go protest up and down pemberton drive, since the black male that killed the elderly white male in cold blood after breaking into his house was just set free in court.

  82. dont break the law, and you wont get shot. simple...

  83. 8:11-He was black. Haitians are usually black. Race and nationality are not the same. Everyone has a race AND a nationality. The races are Caucasion (white), Negroid (black) Mongolian (asian). The nationalities are endless i.e.-English, Scotish, Irish, Hatian, Jamaican, Chinese, etc.
    He was Haitian AND he was black.

  84. The residents of the neighborhood had asked for extra patrols due to a threat of someone shooting up a house the day before or several days before.
    You people have ZERO common sense. If he had shot up a house then you all would be screaming how the cops do nothing. You can't have it both ways. If it were up to me all those complaining would have no police protection. See how that would work out. It would be a war zone in no time at all. You people have no respect for anything including life as evidenced by the epicdemic numbers of black on black murders. You all aren't fooling anyone. THEY ONLY TIME BLACK LIVES MATTER IS WHEN YOU FOUL PEOPLE CAN ATTACH A RACIAL AGENDA TO IT. Your actions speak way more than the signs you hold and what ccmes out of your mouths.

  85. now we're gonna have a bunch of morons walking around with card board signs saying hands up , dont shoot... wonder where they stole the card board and magic marker from.

  86. O! people when are you going to wake up. You are living in the mist of Devils.

  87. I'd rather wait to see what the investigation reveals and a statement from the State's Attorney's office on who did what before making any sort of comment here.

  88. Morons AND liars 9:07! He did not have his hands up when he was shot anymore than the loser in Ferguson did. These liars who hold those signs up are all that is wrong in the black neighborhoods. Being honest is a foreign concept to them. No one had their hands up but they don't care because lying is in their hearts. Evil evil wicked people who will go to hell. The only good that comes out of these sign holders are we know who is here doing the devil's lying work on earth. Honesty is an important pillar of a civil society and when the dishonest walk the society falls apart and lawlessness abounds.
    So go ahead march hold your signs that don't speak the truth and show all what a horrible person you are.

  89. To her credit, Mary Ashanti of the Wicomico NAACP has asked that the community step back and await the investigation report. Acting on heresay and emotion do no one any good.

  90. Thanks police!

    Anytime I see anyone walking around my neighborhood past midnight, I want the police to come and see whats going on.

  91. I see cops stopping and talking to college kids on Camden Avenue all the time late at night.. because a lot of break ins happen over there too.

    These stops based on reasonable suspicion happen soooo often and good, normal people are free to go after a brief encounter and we never hear anything about it. Person who wants to fight and pull a gun on a cop for doing his job investigating suspicious activity dies? Yeah, Makes sense. The bar for "suspicious activity"is set very low so police can be proactive. Almost anything happening late at night can be articulated as suspicious.

  92. Pathetic, that she had to "ask the community" to wait for the facts before rioting and swarming the streets in search of plunder and destruction.

    I don't recall "our leaders" having to mediate for mobs of angry white people burning and looting businesses downtown, after Paul Tatem was set free despite overwhelming evidence of the vicious home invasion, theft, assault and murder of an elderly man.

    Oh wait, "we" don't have "leaders of the white community". It's long overdue, for strong, upstanding, moral, fair minded advocates of equal rights, public safety, personal accountability, common sense, justice and liberty to become the public representative, the voice of reason for the majority of citizens who do not want to live subjugated to the whims and predation of the few percent that destroy, degrade and parasitize every aspect of our society.

    We deserve to enjoy the peaceful social structure that our values and culture support. We deserve to expect our children to inherit a safe, healthy community. But it's all for nothing if we don't stand up to the infiltration of selfish, violent degenerates by speaking out, by voting and supporting candidates which reflect our strong values and supporting them publicly when they are undermined and opposed by brazen racists. By arming ourselves, to protect our families from criminals who think we are easy prey because we are peaceful, quiet and respectful of others regardless of race. By supporting "stand your ground" and "castle doctrine" laws, and demanding and exercising our rights to lawfully carry a legally owned firearm for personal protection.

    By refusing to look the other way, to ignore the elephant in the room, and rejecting excuses for violence, shiftlessness, immorality, disrespectfulness, slothfulness, idleness, racism, careless and neglectful "parenting". By requiring accountability, and allowing natural consequences to teach the lessons we all have to abide by. By speaking out in support of those who defend themselves, and those who truly protect us. By actively listening to others, and recognizing sometimes there are hard truths we must accept, and must take action upon, individually and collectively.

    By refusing to be bullied or guilted into accepting the degradation of our culture and values. And by unequivocally rejecting, publicly calling out the hypocrisy of agenda-driven fictional narratives.

    We must support each other and our communities. We deserve it, and so do our children.

  93. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 4, 2015 at 12:51 PM

    Folks in this town need to understand when a cop tells you to STOP, you stop. It doesn't matter if you're Black, White, Yellow, Blue or Green. One man stopped, the other man ran. The running man at that point became A Suspect. The chase, the struggle, the altercation followed. Once the Suspect displayed the handgun in the direction of the cop, that cop has no choice but to fire the shot. Unfortunatelly, that man lost his life, the other man who stopped is alive. Victim had in his possession a revolver, LOADED and COCKED, which means REDAY TO FIRE AT ANY TIME. Now questions like "was it staged" come up. We don't know, we weren't there. We know there are Good Cops and Bad Cops.
    This is not a case of race. This is a case of wrong actions, regardless of being Black, White, Yellow, Blue or Green. No need for riot, or Hands Up or race Baiter like Al Sharpton. Let the investigators investigate.

  94. Exactly 11:37. Add to that a recent threat to a residence in the neighborhood and the deputy had every right in the world to stop and ask anyone wandering around in the area questions which anyone has the right to refuse to answer. What you don't have the right to do, is run. You ask if you can leave and you calmly walk away. So enough of this nonsense that Rhinval's rights were violated because that is utter and oomplete nonsense that any first year law student can tell you.

  95. Pants up, Dont loot !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mary Ashanti knows this was a good shoot trust me. We all know it was a good shoot. This officer served two tours in a combat region. People you do not attempt to or pull agun on the police period. This is not one to agrue. Sorry the man is dead. Stuff happens in cases like this.

  96. Cop has a RIGHT to talk to you. Does not need a reason any more than anyone else. The man was not a suspect until he RAN away. Duh. Only someone with something to hide would do that. And the cop was right again to give chase. Then right again when the thug was armed. He took a dangerous, illegally armed, thug off the streets for the community. Kudos to the cop. Thankfully he survived his encounter with this thug. He was a pretty brave man to put his safety and life on the line to protect the community. They can not pay a cop enough to go out and put their lives on the line like that. More that enough bad cops are out there, but this cop did everything right, starting with stopping to "talk" to two fellas out on the street in the wee hours of the morning. As the old saying goes "nothing good ever happens after midnight"....

  97. Who's rights were violated? Thug pulled a gun on a LEO? He dead! End of story on this one. Taxpayers won't have to support that immigrant.


  99. Cameras wouldn't put a stop to the inevitable claims of "racism!! he dint do nuffin!!" when a black aggressor is shot by a cop.

    No matter what, it's "they faked the picture" or "they set up the video". There is absolutely no standard of proof, no matter how clear and unambiguous, that they won't deny and refuse to accept based on some far-fetched and completely unsupported conspiracy theory.

    They'll produce some pretty epic youtube video, though, for the fun and amusement of the Teeming Millions. ;)

  100. If a cop seen 2 people walking by my house at ,4am in a High crime area, I'd want him to find out what they are up to. That's the cops job. 2nd, he ran. Automatically guilty. And he pulled the gun first. He deserved what he got,!! Let it be a lesson to the rest of you hoodrats.

  101. 8:15 Exactly.

    Even though I don't live in a dark and shady area, if they're walking by my house in the middle of the night, I'd hope an officer would stop and check them out.

    Come to think of it, if I was walking through a high crime neighborhood late at night, I sure HOPE I'd be lucky enough to have an officer stop to check why I was there.

  102. Alleged witnesses who will swear on a stack of bibles that they saw exactly the opposite of what actually happened are cause for alarm.That type of behavior suggests that they are either lying or possibly pre programmed by national issues.National laws should immediately allow polygraph exams to be admissible in court.

  103. The problem is if he did shoot up the house then it would be the police fault for not stopping the individual.Now it's the cops fault because he stopped and the guy is dead. When is the black community going to stop blaming everything on everybody but themselves? The comments on here is why there is so much black on black crime, why so many black lives are cut short because you always have to justify something, always pointing the finger at someone else. Thank God every race doesn't have a "I am a victim" attitude.

    1. So the police would be at fault? Why? They're never at fault every other time they show up after a crime has already been committed! Your stupid. Blame police for others actions.

  104. TIME IS UP MAYOR.....NOVMarch 8, 2015 at 12:27 PM

    Mayor tick tock.


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