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Sunday, March 08, 2015

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 3-5-15

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " Closing & Delays 3-5-15":

Joe any way you can find out WTF John Fredericksen closed schools for today? It's 40 degrees outside and barely snowing. I have to find a baby sitter or take off the rest of the day to watch them and I can't afford this.

Joe not only have I lost money on sitting services for snow days for 7 days already. Think about it Joe. John Frederickesen has cost many families thousands of dollars in lost money because of these 7 snow days and the many school delays in the morning. I know safety is the so called issue, but everyone is out and about driving in it. Then they let their kids go to the mall or the Elks Club to sled on their hill.


  1. Amen sister, its like all school districts they are afraid if one of the busses have an accident then their will be LAWSUITS !
    Talbot County knows ! Can you say fog and how much it cost this county.

  2. I think that all public schools should do away with the bus system, it would save a lot of money. Just make the parents deliver their children to the government school for the free education and free food.

  3. Then you would be complaining if they went and closed early due to snow. Trying to find someone to pick your child up and keep them. Can't please everyone.

  4. They should cancel school from November to June and then go on summer vacation from June to August.

    1. Then the teachers will finally have the job they studied so hard for!

  5. The temperatures are dropping so the roads will worsen during the day and the snow is coming. Would you rather have them dismiss school early and risk a bus accident. Worse yet, some kid walking home from school and gets struck and killed.
    Take some responsibility. The school isn't your babysitting service. If school closes you need to make alternate arrangements.
    Safety does come first.

  6. Nearly every school district in the area is closed. Do you not look at weather reports? Utter stupidity.

  7. Maybe because some people are actually concerned about their child's well being? It is going to be dangerous by the time school lets out - you want to take that chance with your child? When you choose to be a parent, it is your responsibility to figure out how to provide for your child in all circumstances, not the school system!

  8. awww! darn shame I have to figure out how to take care of my kids! typical me first attitude. You should have thought about all this when you were working on getting pregnant! deal with it just like everyone else in this world does and quit your whining!

  9. Since there are alot of days they open late, I think school hours should be 10-5. That would solve alot!

    1. True true true

    2. As a teacher, I wholeheartedly concur. The children would be much more awake, there would never be another delay for fog or bad roads. The only reason they don't do that is because of after school sports - ridiculous that we put sports before academics.

  10. They could have went until 12:45 so it would count for a full day and made it home safely, and yes it is a baby sitting service for the parent that drop off there kids in their pj s and go back home to sleep.

    1. "They could have WENT until....?"
      Apparently somebody needs a whole day of school.

  11. First of all there would have been a fog delay regardless. Then with temperatures drastically dropping, then add wet, icy precipitation/snow anticipated to begin late morning/early afternoon, the kids would have needed to be dismissed early as well. So what's more inconvenient, being able to plan your whole day knowing early in the morning, or have it messed up by late arrival then an early dismissal? I support his decision; the safety of the kids is more important.

  12. You had the children, raise them yourself, schools are not a baysittting service.

  13. You people are really sickening on here. Most people are really concerned about their children but in order to take care of their children, they HAVE to work. Well, around here, work doesn't accept the excuse that the parent had to stay home because schools are closed today, when they should be open, I might add. Some people do not have relatives they can depend on to watch their children, they cannot afford an alternative, so what choice do they have, stay home and lose a days pay and possibly their job, all because according to some of you, safety was priority in closing the schools. BS, I say, just BS. Safety is always a priority for our children, but do you suppose children in Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Boston, etc., etc., etc., stay home because the ground is wet outside - I very highly doubt it. Frederickson, you needed to be replaced long ago and it's high time it happened.

    1. I agree nothing more frustrating than having to find someone to watch your kids while you go sign on for welfare.

  14. i saw a snow flake about three minutes ago.
    thank God are kids are home safe.

  15. 8:41 I beg to differ, It is a babysitting service to about 50 % of the yuts.

  16. Irresponsible parent! Look at the posted comments, the school system is NOT a babysitter! You would be the first one on here pitching a fit if they had school and your child slipped and fell on snow or ice...be a responsible parent.

  17. I just wish they had made the decision a little earlier instead of a phone call at 5:15 am...it would have helped me if they had called it last night and being that there was a winter storm WARNING it should not have been such a hard decision to make.

  18. I feel for you, but it's all part of being a parent. With the good comes the bad and things like this that don't even cross your mind when you decide to become a parent. You have to bear with it. They will grow up soon enough and this will all seem as nothing more than the little inconvenience that it truly is in the big scheme of things.

  19. You make me laugh asking such a silly question. Since you have trouble with common sense, I will try and help you. H.S. kids make good baby sitters and they are also off of school today. Now not to be like the government that you depend on so much figure out what to do with the information I just gave you.

  20. MY,my,my I have a headache just reading all the posts from crybaby parents. Eastern shore where grown-ups come to act like kid's.

  21. Agree 8:48 am. This is a normal complaint, and ridiculous to put anyone in this predicament. There is no reason schools should be closed today. Review the facts: Buses are owned privately in Wicomico County, NOT COUNTY OWNED. BUS DRIVERS TELL ME ALL THE TIME, THAT THEY ALSO TELL THE PARENTS....IF YOU FEEL THIS BUS ISN'T SAFE THEN YOU TAKE YOUR KID TO SCHOOL YOURSELF!!! THERE IS NO REASON SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED! This parent can listen to local weather channel like everyone else did last night. We all agreed that kids would have school today and maybe, just maybe home early. BUT NO, FREDERICKSON JUST BEING A SMART A&&! This is what we get who has a phd in Music!!!! I want someone to check his educational credits! I think it is all fraudulent!

    1. Every school in the area is closed idiot!

  22. 9:01
    Why are you acting surprised? You clearly knew about the impending storm.

  23. I like how people always compare our are to places like new england or the mid west. News flash...this isnt those places. This is the shore where it doesnt normally get cold as it's been this winter nor do we get this much snow. And most of us love it that way. We are not as acquainted with this crap as most places. Those of us from here however know that we will shut down in these events (as we should because its a miserable mess to go out in) and prepare ahead of time just in case.

  24. Are you people for real? There have been so many unclear answers about today's weather it is making my head spin. The rain was supposed to have transitioned over to ice and sleet earlier. Now, the timing looks to be about 12pm. But who really knows for sure? Does anyone know what it takes to call all buses back to pick your children up for their ride home? How long does it take your student to arrive home from school? An hour? Two Hours? In the meantime, their bus could be slipping and sliding on icy, snowy roads. Wicomico isn't the only county closed. While you all are on here complaining, perhaps take a look at all of the other school systems which are closed. I wonder if all of those residents are calling for the firing of their superintendents? Or are they happy that someone cares enough about your students to make this decision?

  25. Despite all the sniping, this is a serious issue that needs calm reasoning.

    There are families, some with single parents, that do not have a network of support (no family members locally)to fall back on when schools are closed.

    We are not talking about a random snow day here and there now. This winter has had multiple days. Unfortunately, not all parents work for employers that are willing to allow them to take days off to stay home with their children for as long as schools are closed.

    Businesses for the most part do not stay closed. They are open and they expect their staff to be there. So, snow days - especially when they seem borderline unnecessary - are putting JOBS at risk for some parents. This is a really rough situation for parents to be in, especially a single mom for example.

    When you see the amounts of snow in other parts of the country and they manage to open schools, it makes you wonder why local schools close so frequently.

    If the problem is roads not adequately plowed, them maybe the BOE should have a contingency fund that they would assist the county in plowing by hiring private contractors to pitch in.

    I'm being serious as from what I saw, the county did the best job they could given the weather. So, if the BOE is still afraid to open schools, then maybe they should help with the problem.

    Since it has been published that the BOE has abused credit cards in the tens of thousands of dollars. Perhaps a real leader would rein that in and start an emergency snow fund instead.

    Remember, to quote everyone from the BOE, it is all about the kids. Based on the amount of free lunches, many of the parents have low wage jobs, so how many of those employers are going to put up with employees who stay home with kids because school is closed? So part of the decision the Board is making, is putting the parents of the kids they are desperately trying to protect at risk for losing their jobs!

    I wonder just how much the snow days have cost families and will ultimately affect the kids. It seems to me the priority should be seeing the kids get their education, especially when the Wicomico County schools already rank so low.

  26. As I read these comments, I wonder about how the bus drivers feel. Part of me thinks they must be insulted to think that the BOE feels they are not capable of driving safely on plowed roads. I can't imagine anyone who signs up to drive a bus would speed or take risks even in plain old rain let alone snow.

    What do the drivers really think?

    1. I don't think they're insulted. I think they're home not getting paid so snow days do them no favors. Having said that, in a society where it's easier to sue for liability than take responsibility, I don't blame them or the school system for closing. I don't like it because it's inconvenient but I don't blame them.

  27. Although, unnecessary school closings is a valid concern; the greatest topic of concern should be the downward spiral of our children's education under the rule of Fredricksen

    1. The downward spiral of our children's education is the result of parents who view public school as a babysitting service. When parents don't value school, kids don't value school. I am a teacher in the county, and I have had students tell me that being a teacher is like being a babysitter. No wonder these kids aren't performing. Snow days aren't every teacher's dream, either. We are in the midst of a planning crisis with all these spontaneous days off in the middle of testing season. We would rather be in school!

      The real issue is that there is no set system for early dismissal. There isn't really a system for a "half-day due to weather" call.

  28. I am a teacher and I love John. Thanks for caring big guy! I needed a break from the baby sitting today and tomorrow. So true above. About 50% of the students are exactly that. Kids at school while parents watch The Price is Right, talk on their free cell phones, eat free food and pay low rent with their Govt checks and never set foot out the door looking for a job. all the while the kid is at school getting that terrible education everyone bitches about. Thanks again John. See ya Monday.....I'll re-stock my diapers. lol

  29. 9:37 YOU ARE RIGHT! All the talk about building new schools must be making Frederickson jump for joy as it takes the focus off the real issue - the fall Wicomico has taken in rankings. We are near the bottom in classroom education. Yet, all the BOE wants to talk about is the need for building new schools.

    New schools won't fix what's wrong in the classroom. Do they honestly believe kids will sit up and learn because they are in a new school? Get real!

    Albero you need to do an in depth expose on the EDUCATION situation in Wicomico not the building issue, which is a diversion. Talk to the real business leaders of this area. They will tell you it is the QUALITY of the education that new employers considering moving here look at, NOT how new a school is.

    Outsiders are not as gullible as our residents who fall for the bright shiny new school concept instead of quality education.

  30. Think about all the teachers who teach in real ghettos, in old schools, but find ways to motivate students to learn and be involved. How many teachers does Wicomico have that are of that mind set?

    Too many complain about being "babysitters". Maybe those teachers need to rethink their career choice as they are part of the problem with the downfall of education in Wicomico.

    1. So are you going to teachy kids

  31. How did someone with a PHd in Music become a superintendent? Not sure that is the right background to run a school system.

    1. Really? What's your Doctorate in?

  32. I guess the Universities must be "over-reacting" as well... SU and UMES are both closing around noon today.

  33. Some truly ridiculous arguments on here today. Let's get past, just for a second, whether or not we feel schools should have been closed today and look at the core issue.
    They are your kids and your responsibility. I understand it's hard for some people to find a way to watch their children if schools close but that's all part of having kids. You buy a car you have to put gas in it. You buy a house you have to maintain it. You have kids you have to be prepared for all that goes with it which includes having a plan if schools are closed.. for whatever reason or if they're sick and have to stay home etc. I'm not saying it's easy or not inconvenient but that's life. Deal with it....or don't take on the responsibility of having kids!

    1. This is the first common sense posting I've read on here today and the commentor nailed it.
      The question isn't why are schools closed, it's why are you whining about who's going to look after YOUR children. Thank you 10:04. Well said.

    2. I second that.

  34. Teacher needs a break! hahahaha. Like you work 12 months out of the year, you have off weeks for Christmas, hahahaha

    And you all have professional days(so you call them) and never show up for the inservice! hahahah And you just had off 10 days in a row! hahha. AWWWWW! If you don't like teaching, quit!

  35. Someone please check Frederickson education. Please!!! I've tried searching it, can't find it. Shouldn't his resume of education be listed somewhere!!!!!!

  36. What if your child had been sick today and the schools were open? Would you have sent your sick child to school for them to care for them or would you, as a good parent, call work and say that you can't come in because your child is sick?

  37. I just spoke to a State Engineer. He stated that it was highly recommended that schools be closed today because of the erratic path this storm could take. I believe that is why all these school districts are closed today.

  38. Thanks Fredrickson.March 5, 2015 at 10:36 AM

    How about us bus drivers are loosing a Ton of money.

  39. 9:30. Though many parents think so, you included it seems, teachers are not babysitters. Your children are YOUR responsibility. If you didn't take these situations into account, perhaps you shouldn't have had them. You are probably one of those parents who send your kids to school sick because you can't stay home with them. You have to do what the tons of other parents in the world do. Hire a sitter for snow days.

  40. Do the bus drivers still get paid when schools are closed? The teachers do, the administrators do, so I wonder about the drivers.

    1. No. They are contractual.

    2. Teachers do NOT get paid for snow days!!!! Please educate yourself before making stupid comments.

    3. You summed it up. They're not educated which is why they spend so much time speaking from the wrong orifice!

  41. The bigger issue here is why six inches of snow causes school to be shut down for a week at a time. Personally I am happier that they closed for the day rather than trying to dismiss early and causing chaos.

  42. Thank you, 9:30 for some common sense here. May I add that in the first 5 hours of above freezing temperatures there is plenty of time to get some salt on the roads? Snow as it may, there will be plenty of time to get the kids home this afternoon before roads are even affected.

    This is adding to Dr. Freddy's "I told you so" moment coming up this June when the "Let summer be summer" crowd is lobbying.

    It's all part of his little political game.

  43. Most business give employees vacation days, personal days and sick days. Use those days instead of losing pay.

  44. Why not have liberal leave for school kids ?
    No bus service, you bring your own child ?
    I can't help but wonder what the stats are for snow days regarding emergency room visits, teen pregnancy etc etc.
    This is 2015, high school kids should all have tablets. They are all more than capable of electronic communication all day long.
    I write this as a parent, sitting home today, with kids spanning various local schools and grades.
    I would have gladly delivered my kids myself. We already have school days structured as A B C D E ... Why not a S day. Make it a modified schedule, more of a social interaction day. These kids texting each other all day need to learn actual face to face conversation in a free but monitored environment.
    The county Kids Klub program is excellent but could be expanded to cover snow days like they do certain other scheduled days off at the civic center.
    Some can call it babysitting. Others can plan transportation accordingly and have their children learning and supervised while they work to keep the lights on

  45. Dear Parent who wanted to complain:
    When you first made the decision to get pregnant you made a decision that would cost you for the rest of your life! Life is not perfect, but when it comes to the safety of my child it is priceless. I am sorry that you do not feel the same way about your child! The school made the right decision to close and stay closed with the snow! The backroads were awful! You must be one of the ones who live where the streets are plowed first! I for one am not! My son gets on the bus at 5:50 AM to go to Parkside, I leave for work right after that, and our roads were awful! I had to be out on the roads for my job! It may cost you alittle more, but keeping our children safe is priceless! If parents decide to take their kids out that is their choice! My child stayed home the whole time! Get a grip and stop complaining! If the bus your child was on was involved in an accident - you would be the first to call a lawyer!!!!!

  46. Teacher's don't get paid for snow days. They get paid when they work the make up days.

  47. All these posts. All these teachers. I just wonder why the teachers didn't go in until the roads started to get bad and then go home?

    1. Because many parents wouldn't pick up there kids because they at stuck at work or just don't give a carp about them.

  48. I'm not sure if some people don't know how teachers salaries work, or if they just like to complain. A teacher gets paid for 190 days in the classroom. When schools are closed, there are two ways to look at it. They either DON'T get paid for a snow day, or they DON'T get paid for a make-up day. They don't get paid for summer vacation either, just so you know. It's that simple people. I know some of you never finished your own educations and can't wrap your heads around it, but that is the way it is.

  49. On a serious note John Freerickson should be held accountable for this pathetic call. Schools could have opened for a half day.

    I would expect in the future schools will close for frost after this call. Maybe schools will be closed Monday after the daylight savings time. Don't want sleepy people driving!

  50. i also am a teacher . i would like to thank john for my 4 day paid break from most of your brats. now off to the resort i go

  51. annon 11:40 Well stated!

  52. Any of you idiots see the sleet beginning to stick outside? Now figure that once school is in session, all students must get lunch. So the elementary schools that normally dismiss at 3:45 would not have dismissed until 1:45 today - after more than an hour of sleep has a chance to be on the roads. You want your child on a bus then? And you would have had to leave work early to be home for them.

    I went to PNC this morning and they didn't open, I am assuming because of the weather. It was an inconvenience but you know what, I will live and I won't start bashing the bank management for keeping their employees safe. Yet you want to bash the school system for keeping your child safe? You should be glad someone is looking out for their safety since you don't seem to be!

  53. Looking at all the closed systems today I would have to say if your boss didn't close then you need to work for a better company. Think SAFETY people!!!

  54. Worry about lack of discipline, lack of effort to educate average and above average students, Common Core and loads of other issues with the same passion you're expending regarding snow days.

  55. It seems to me that a lot of the people are making assumptions about the kinds of jobs and benefits parents have based on being a teacher or having some white collar job. Personal days, sick days, annual leave, etc.

    Not all people in Wicomico County who have children work for businesses that offer great benefits. Some only get paid if they show up. Some can't afford to hire babysitters at $10 per hour (rate for college age babysitter). Many may not even make $10 an hour.

    To say you should have thought about all involved in raising a child before getting pregnant is so elitist it is insulting to everyone. I bet the people who posted that never considered what they would do if their "planned child" had snow days. What an absurd comment.

    The schools should not be babysitters, but you need to realize that just because snow days are not a hardship for you, there are others who are struggling financially and to find sitters for their child.

    It would be nice to see a little less attacking and more understanding for those who are in a less fortunate position than you.

    1. Well then perhaps they should blame al gore and the global.warming extremists 1:29!

  56. 1:30pm, Sby forecast just changed to 1 inch, sheesh

  57. Teachers who are commenting about children being "brats"...wow! You should be reported!!! How unprofessional!! You definitely should get your teacher's license revoked permanently! Unbelievable!

    1. No 2:02. The "brats" should be expelled so that the more serious students have a better learning environment.

  58. 12:16 ....you are a teacher. You wrote making "stupid comments". Just using the word "stupid". This is appalling! Why would you use such a word! So unprofessional. Could have some unsubstantiated comments, etc

  59. it's funny, teachers say Joe is always bashing the BOE but they cannot stay off his site. That's if I believe those claiming to be teachers actually ARE-which I do; one can sense the hostility and defensive tone.

  60. I'd like to have a dollar for everyone person who claims they don't read sbynews. I could take a nice long vacation. Whoever posted the BOE can't stay off the site, you are so right and it is so obvious. ROFLMAO

  61. With amount of accidents that have occurred do you ( the original person who posted) still feel safe having your child out on the roads???

  62. Look at 2pm that's why he closed it, idiot

  63. You have a lot of class in your letter using wtf'

  64. ha 2 02 come to my class one full day and you can see some of the brats. i might have one of yours

  65. When Wicomico County Schools are closed, this includes ALL schools in the county. There are an abundance of teenagers who are sitting at home. Even if you argue teenagers are lazy, or have other plans, I am sure this does not apply to them all. Perhaps, the parents who complain that they do not have daycare, should take the time to be proactive in finding yourself a sitter. It is FREE to post an ad on Craigslist. Hell, open a Yahoo group to find a sitter. The weather today also has many college students home, and they can really use money too. OR, you can continue to complain about a situation that is pretty easy to find a solution for. Hate to tell ya, it doesn't matter who the Superintendent is. Weather is weather and it is always going to happen. If it's not Freddy making the decision, it will be somebody else.

  66. seriously 3:56. YOU ARE A FRAUD! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY YOU ARE A EDUCATED, LICENSED TEACHER! Something is psychologically wrong! You need help! If you are a teacher, you would have to prove it to the rest of us. Again, it's not possible! You need mental help!

  67. TEACHERS that are posting on this blog AND choosing to degrade children (if you are a true, licensed Teacher, which I doubt)....who DON'T LIKE THEIR JOB THEN WHY DON'T YOU QUIT!! YOU SAY YOU HAVE IT SOOOOO ROUGH..... Or, wait a minute, like Frederickson saids "it's about the children". blah, blah, blah..... It's all about yourselves! Probably couldn't get a degree in anything else.

    What is Frederickson degree in? What's his educational training?

  68. i agree 6:29 pm. i just looked at wcboe.org web site. Board Members has their credentials listed, degrees, experience, etc. No where can I find John Frederickson credentials, education. Maybe just not printed, but then i Looked at Maryland's superintendent and her credentials, education, etc are also listed. Why wouldn't Frederickson have his listed? Maybe just an oversight, but I would think the public/community/parents would want to know and why wouldn't you as a person want your credentials to stand out, if indeed you do have them!!

  69. School is not a day care center. Decisions must be made for the welfare of all children. When we have children these are the prices that we have to sometimes pay. Better to lose some money, as opposed to losing our children.

  70. For many, school is a day care center. It's also a detention center, a medical center, a food center, a reward center and lots of other centers. Maybe sticking to educating kids instead of raising them would be a good idea for our schools.


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