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Thursday, March 19, 2015

4 more aid workers flown back to US for Ebola monitoring

NEW YORK (AP) — Four more American aid workers arrived back in the United States on Tuesday from West Africa to be monitored for Ebola, health officials said.

The latest arrivals bring to 15 the number of aid workers who have returned from Sierra Leone since Friday. None of them have been diagnosed with Ebola, but they will be isolated and monitored during the next three weeks for signs of the disease.

Officials have released few details, citing patient privacy. But all are connected to — or had direct physical contact with — another American who came down with Ebola last week in Africa. The unidentified man is in critical condition at a National Institutes of Health hospital in Bethesda, Maryland.



  1. shows you there are still americans out there who value the duty of our returning veterans lts spend more time and money on them and curtail immigration until the needs of american citizens are taken care of no reason veterans or children in the USA should go hungry or homeless

  2. They are not going to be happy until there's an outbreak here.

  3. Leave them there! How hard is that to understand? They knew the risks, why expose everyone to that dirty country's problems?

  4. They do not have Ebola 9:53 but they will be under monitoring for 3 weeks.

  5. Ebola was and is now a ploy to distract us from something. You sheeple shouldn't stare right into the sun.


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