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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

WY&CC Operations Scheduled to Resume at Noon on Feb. 19

Salisbury, MD – The Wicomico Youth & Civic Center (WY&CC) is scheduled to resume full operations by Noon on Thursday, Feb. 19. Upcoming events, including this weekend’s Better Living Expo and Fine Arts Show will take place as planned.

Customers may access a temporary Box Office through the main doors of the WY&CC (labeled Offices, Midway & DaNang Rooms). They can also call the Box Office at 410.548.4911. The temporary Box Office will be open to the public Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Box Office’s online services are and will continue to be available. Event tickets can be purchased from www.WicomicoCivicCenter.org. Recreation program registration is available through www.WicomicoRecandParks.org.

Operations of the WY&CC were temporarily interrupted as a result of a busted pipe, which caused water damage. County employees have been working since Monday to clean and repair the damage.


  1. Glad to see they updated their other post.

  2. As big as the civic center is, why the heck a broken pipe. Leave some heat on or was it lack of insulation.

  3. 6:53, I never said it was a frozen pipe, nor did anyone else.

    It was a "T" connection that BROKE. These things happen.


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