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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

UMD students attend worldwide event to end fossil fuel investment

Two university students battled biting winds, freezing temperatures and Friday rush hour for the sake of the environment, taking part in Global Divestment Day ­— a worldwide event pushing for an end to government and university investments in fossil fuel companies.

“Divestment is a tactic used by activists to change the status quo. A lot of the systems that cause problems to people in the world are based on where we are keeping our money,” said Emily Reimal, a student from this university who attended the rally in Dupont Circle.

Reimal said she has always been an activist, but she became interested in divestment at a Power Shift climate change conference last year. Divestment from fossil-fuel industries — the opposite of investment — is a way to change the focus of energy sources, the sophomore criminology and criminal justice major said.

“We’re charging universities, churches, cities, governments, anything that has an endowment or a large fund to take their money out of fossil fuel industries and reinvest it into renewables,” Reimal said. “We want to hold the fossil-fuel industry responsible for their role in climate change.”



  1. Um, Sorry to burst your bubble, but one of these works, and the other five don't, you know, so instead of sitting out there in the below zero wind chills caused by global warming, why not come inside your nice, heated University Learning type Building, and develop a better renewable energy source besides the one that heats your building and your apartment?

    If you did that, you will have at least fixed stupid, which is thought to be impossible. Well, at least one of you, anyway.

  2. Fossil fuel industry.
    Those dumb kids just don't have a clue.
    They wouldn't survive 24 hours without products developed by the "fossil fuel" industry.
    I scoff at their ignorance.

  3. More uninformed dumb heads. They will vote for Hillary cause they think it sounds cool.

  4. Later that evening the students mounted their horses, camped in the nearby hills while eating road killed possums over a roaring campfire. Satire switch set to off.

  5. You want as clean, safe and overly abundant energy supply. Try Thorium, It is so common, it gets in the way of gold and platinum mining. The only radiation it puts out when active is Alpha particles. Your skin will stop them cold. Look it up folks. Nixon killed all research back in 1972 by order of his arab masters. The coal barrens also paid to have it stopped. It would have put them completely out of business.

  6. Jesus you have no soul. This is their passion they just want to make a difference.

  7. If they are worried about "global warming" they should stop spewing so much hot air !!!

  8. do these same passionate activists ever look up at the chemtrails following them around?


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