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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Watch the Wicomico County Council Meeting Live


  1. Mike Dunn......it's time to go to bed.

    1. He agread to the board.

    2. Principle of west sal school,
      Bitching about how long bob was there.

  2. Unfortunately it is the same people who speak at all the council meetings. The general public will vote at the polls.

  3. NAACP should be ashamed to have Mary Ashanti represent them as the leader or their organization in Wicomico County. She could barely put words together to complete a sentence!

  4. Ashanti saying nothing about nothing for a long time. I got a drift she wants to be sure that because of the color of their skin, and not for their qualifications for the work

    I tend to disagree with her and hopr her NAACP goes to heck.Blacks should be included b

  5. And if she can put them together, no one can understand her. Would not want her to represent me.

  6. 7:20 pm RE: Mary Ashanti isn't amazing how well crafted her speaking is when she reads from a written letter? Seems like she smartens up when somebody writes out her thought for her? I wonder if she realizes how illiterate she sounds?

  7. Mike Dunn is up to something - elevating his profile again. Look out!

    1. Wants to get on the. Board of ed.

  8. When did Kenny Gaskins get out of jail?

  9. Anonymous said...
    NAACP should be ashamed to have Mary Ashanti represent them as the leader or their organization in Wicomico County. She could barely put words together to complete a sentence!

    February 3, 2015 at 7:20 PM

    My God she is an embarrassment to mankind.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Mike Dunn......it's time to go to bed.

    February 3, 2015 at 6:58 PM

    He just likes to hear himself talk.

  11. I think if you have served time in jail you shouldn't be allowed to speak to the County Council.

  12. Ken Gaskins should be ashamed of himself for talking down to the council the way he did.

  13. Joe be careful mike dunn wants to get on the boe.

  14. I wonder if Mr. Dunn and his significant other are still swinging?

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Unfortunately it is the same people who speak at all the council meetings. The general public will vote at the polls.

    February 3, 2015 at 7:17 PM

    Who are you referring to? Mary Ashanti is the only regular one.

  16. Is Kenny Gaskins the criminal that stole money from the Salisbury Fire Department? How low can you go!

  17. Speaking of Kenny Gaskins he made a JERK of himself with his arrogant tone of voice stating that the County Council handled this Ass Backwards because the community called him telling HIM how upset they were. I high doubt Kenny Gaskins is a leader in his community and people contact him as their rep for complaints. He Dumb Dumb your rep for complaints in would be Ernie Davis. But then again the criminals in that district do seem to migrate together so maybe they did discuss the elected board of education.

  18. After the election in Salisbury this year, Dunn, Ashanti, Fake Day and Shameless Shields will control da Bury at the beck and call of the slumlords and chamber of commerce.

  19. lot of people on site are saying the same thing.

  20. I thought we were done with Dunn!!

  21. Did Kenneth tell his wife that he is paying another woman Child Support. I like how he used the Post Office address as a disguise.

    Circuit Court of Maryland
    Go Back
    Case Information

    Court System: Circuit Court for Wicomico County - Civil System
    Case Number: 22P06000115
    Title: Ortiz Vs Gaskins
    Case Type: PaternityFiling Date:07/19/2006
    Case Status: Closed/Inactive
    Case Disposition: DismissalDisposition Date:07/21/2006
    Plaintiff/Petitioner Information

    (Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below)
    Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
    Name: Ortiz, Leslie
    Address: 905 E Booth Street
    City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
    Defendant/Respondent Information

    (Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below)
    Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
    Name: Gaskins, Kenneth M
    Address: PO Box 1081
    City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21802
    Related Persons Information

    (Each Related person is displayed below)
    Party Type: Interested PartyParty No.:1
    Business or Organization Name: Wicomico County CSS
    Address: 309 Calvert Street
    City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
    Attorney(s) for the Related Persons

    Name: Geleta, Esq, Michael
    Practice Name: Wicomico Co. Department Of Social Services
    Address: 201 Baptist St.
    Suite 27
    City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
    Document Tracking

    (Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Document No./Sequence No. order)
    Doc No./Seq No.: 1/0
    File Date: 07/19/2006Entered Date:07/19/2006Decision:
    Document Name: Payments Received
    Doc No./Seq No.: 2/0
    File Date: 07/19/2006Entered Date:07/19/2006Decision:
    Document Name: Witnesses
    Doc No./Seq No.: 3/0
    File Date: 07/19/2006Entered Date:07/19/2006Decision:
    Party Type: Interested PartyParty No.:1
    Document Name: 4D Complaint to Establish Paternity and Child Support
    with Affidavit
    Doc No./Seq No.: 4/0
    File Date: 07/19/2006Entered Date:07/19/2006Decision:
    Party Type: Interested PartyParty No.:1
    Document Name: Request for Production of Documents
    Doc No./Seq No.: 5/0
    File Date: 07/19/2006Entered Date:07/19/2006Decision:
    Document Name: Blood Test Results
    Probability of Paternity: 0.00%
    Doc No./Seq No.: 6/0
    File Date: 07/19/2006Entered Date:07/19/2006Decision:Granted
    Party Type: Interested PartyParty No.:1
    Document Name: Motion to Dismiss
    with Certificate of Service
    Doc No./Seq No.: 7/0
    File Date: 07/21/2006Entered Date:07/21/2006Decision:
    Document Name: 2+ ProSe Parties when Case Closed

  22. All of the comments about Ashanti are correct. You must know the strategy of why she is in that position.
    1. They (NAACP) wanted an uneducated person so they could dictate to her without argument.
    2. She cannot understand any reasoning behind any decisions.
    3. ALL of her comments are written down and supposed to be memorized without any understanding of what she has said. Please don't ask her a question , just get a bunch of babbeling.

  23. Anonymous said...
    He agread to the board.

    February 3, 2015 at 7:05 PM

    What the heck is agread?

  24. Anonymous said...
    I wonder if Mr. Dunn and his significant other are still swinging?

    February 3, 2015 at 9:30 PM

    I don't know but I remember being at one of those events when she got the new ones.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Is Kenny Gaskins the criminal that stole money from the Salisbury Fire Department? How low can you go!

    February 3, 2015 at 9:38 PM

    Yes. Typical case of whitey trusting a criminal.

  26. I saw on the meeting he is calling himself Ken Gaskins now as if we would think it is a different person other than the criminal Kenny Gaskins who got arrested for stealing from the Salisbury Fire Department.

  27. Move this to the top please. Getting way to many comments to be lost.

  28. Ashanti reminds me of "mush mouth" on the old Cosby kids cartoon.

  29. Ashanti is the female version of Stepandfetchit -- she's a perfect dupe for the NAACP to use as their spokesperson. All they have to do is give her the script to spout in public. Smart blacks, like Dr. Ben Carson, do not have anything to do with her or that organization. Unfortunately there are not many of them in Salisbury.

  30. I believe Mr. Gaskins is on several important committees at the board of education. His opinion and wisdom are sought by those in power. One should not be surprised if legal problems are seen as irrelevant.

  31. Dunn wants something. What he needs is a real job, something he seems not to be able to hold down for very long. I remember when he was the corporate donation person at WSCL. When they had their on-air fundraisers and he took to the microphone for an afternoon, that afternoon's donations were the lowest of the campaign.

  32. Hey Stupid if you read the details of the deposition this case was dismissed, and he never went to jail.

  33. The sad fact is it is time for Mary to step down. Like a fighter who has stayed in the ring wayyyyyy to long. I would think a person of color would sit down and tell her she is hurting their cause. She makes no sense at all any more. I have never agreed with her politics but for the sake of argument she should step down she can no longer articulate her cause.

  34. These comments shows the real nature of the beast in this county. its really sad , however revealing you very nature is a good thing maybe the people will wake up and see you for what you are. This also shows that groups like the NAACP are necessary.

    1. NAACP is racist themselves all they want is more handouts.

  35. To say that someone is inarticulate is not a racist statement even if the person is African American. Every race has folks who do not express themselves well. The fun made of George Bush and his endless stream of mispronounced and misused words should be proof of that.

  36. Anonymous said...
    Hey Stupid if you read the details of the deposition this case was dismissed, and he never went to jail.

    February 4, 2015 at 9:41 AM

    HaHaHa!! LMFAO! Is that you Kenny?

  37. Anonymous said...
    I believe Mr. Gaskins is on several important committees at the board of education. His opinion and wisdom are sought by those in power. One should not be surprised if legal problems are seen as irrelevant.

    February 4, 2015 at 8:56 AM


    Mr. Gaskins? That is Boy Gaskins.

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    These comments shows the real nature of the beast in this county. its really sad , however revealing you very nature is a good thing maybe the people will wake up and see you for what you are. This also shows that groups like the NAACP are necessary.

    February 4, 2015 at 10:43 AM

    LMAO! You are just as clues as they are.

  39. Great to be able to see the meetings here. Thank you!

  40. What a waste of good time by 2 people who have no idea what the hell is going on.This bunch learned long ago that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.Bob Culver and crew have done there homework and i am so glad we have a administration with common sense to see thru these freebie cry babies who are used to everyone dropping to there kness on there every beckon call.Also i want thank joe albero for having this live on this blog he spends tons of time and his own money keeping people up to date with current events.He is a big part why we have changed the course for the better in wicomico county.Keep up the good work.

  41. Kenny Gaskins, what a joke after all he's been involved in.

  42. Kenny used to shake down people for money at the Salisbury parade, claiming it was for Jaycees.

  43. Anonymous said...
    After the election in Salisbury this year, Dunn, Ashanti, Fake Day and Shameless Shields will control da Bury at the beck and call of the slumlords and chamber of commerce.

    February 3, 2015 at 10:31 PM

    That is scary!!

    I would do just about anything to get Campbell, Cohen and Spies with a good Republican Mayor back on the council.

  44. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hey Stupid if you read the details of the deposition this case was dismissed, and he never went to jail.

    February 4, 2015 at 9:41 AM

    WTH are you talking about?

  45. Anonymous said...
    Kenny used to shake down people for money at the Salisbury parade, claiming it was for Jaycees.

    February 8, 2015 at 2:21 PM

    Kenny, I mean Ken, Gaskins is a thief and should be spending more time in jail.

  46. Joe anyway you can get to the parts and clip out where Ken Gaskins spoke just to show how rude he was to the council members.


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