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Sunday, February 08, 2015


Salisbury News has confirmed the Daily Times has in fact let go a ton of employees.

We know that at least 7 are gone from the news room. Three photographer's have been let go, leaving only one photographer for the entire tri state area.

As for the sports section there are only two reporters left to. Over the entire trip state area as well.

We've been told the paper is breaking away from local news and will be more like the USA TODAY and or SBYNEWS.

Get this. They pretty much let everyone there go and each person has to reapply for their position at a much lower salary. Hence several people flat out quit.

As for the title of this article, well, all of the equipment is gone and the majority of space left there is being sublease out to a dog food company.

I'd ask that the mayor and council STOP allowing ANY more tax breaks as this company has s reed over Salisbury several times I  recent years as well as their veteran and loyal staff.

UPDATE, We're told they're breaking away from the local news and converting to be more like a USA TODAY or SBYNEWS.


  1. DemocRATS are cutting back in salaries and benifits ??? OBAMA is going to be Pissed.

  2. Joe have them fill out a application for SBYNEWS...)

  3. How come msm hasn't released the misappropriations of funds by Beauchamp??? You would think the daily slime would be all over that!!!!

  4. Let's face it, The Daily Times has been out-hustled and out reported by none other than SBYnews. Most everyone was aware that this was coming especially when Gannett central (GCI) decided to severed their financial ties and try make the paper hold its own without a subsidy.

  5. All they have to do is hire one employee to copy all your work, and they have a paper the next day.

    One employee, one lawsuit!

  6. This is what happens when one tries and fabricate the news as opposed to reporting it. I don't know how many times I have witnessed their liberal slant, all the time knowing that the truth was the opposite. It's called lack of credibility.

  7. Oh let's just face it. I want to know if Susan Parker is still employed there? I pray that she has been kicked to the curb.

  8. I agree with 7:13. Time and time again they have slanted the news and opinions to suit themselves. I know of letters to the editor that were sent during the election in support of Republican candidates that never saw the light of day. When questioned, they used the excuse of cut-off dates and deadlines....which were not made public so it was a convenient excuse not to print some of the letters. Additionally they edit letters and articles submitted to suit themselves. A complete DISGRACE to freedom of speech and ethical reporting.

  9. Susan Parker's opinions colored everything that paper printed that was editorial, opinion page or political news. She is a major reason the Times lost all credibility. Plus, she loved feeling powerful.

  10. What will poor Pollitt do now without his mouthpieces at the rag? Maybe now he will stop being a whiney brat and accept that he lost. Never have seen a politician who thought he was in office for life until Slick Rick. Give me a freaking break. NOTHING changed when he was executive. Culver is the FIRST TRUE COUNTY EXECUTIVE. Go Bob!

  11. SBY News is reporting the facts. Just keep reporting the facts. The MSM doesn't.

  12. Culver is the first true county executive...worth printing twice.
    We are proud of you!!!!!!!!

  13. A dog food company?

    Seriously, Joe you have to be making that up!
    Too outrageous!

  14. Interesting. I did just hear today that whoever it was that wrote the Stephen Decatur fight piece was fired.

  15. 705 - there were no misappropriations..that's why Lee B got unemployment

  16. Are they in bed with NBC?

  17. The Daily Times has proven time and time again it does not care about the truth and is only interested in supporting their liberal agenda. They would much rather keep their readership in the dark rather than provide informative news that allow them to develop an opinion based on facts. Susan Parker is a disgrace to the intelligent people of the lower shore.


  19. Details, please!

    How come msm hasn't released the misappropriations of funds by Beauchamp???

    Is the State's Attorney or Mike Lewis investigation or is it being covered-up (can you say "landfill"?).

  20. I believe Beauchamp was a department head who worked at will. No excuses or reasons needed. He was terminated, period.

  21. The Daily Rag's "agenda" wasn't always about liberal vs. conservative or Democrat vs. Republican, although I doubt anyone can argue that point.

    In my opinion, it was much worse - it was favoring certain political and monied interests over those who disagreed with those interests. A select elite got near-perfect positive coverage while "the little guys" got near-perfect negative coverage.

    Not hard to figure out the who's who in that.

  22. This could save WBOC and Steve Hammond's job for a year or so!

  23. Plenty of Mexicans are interested in these positions.

  24. Like I've said before , there isn't a need for investigative reporting anymore. The government will tell all MSM what to say and how to say it. Thus newspapers are gone forever , soon all printed news in any fashion will be gone.
    WE( I mean you)(I don't recognize our government) are under the rule of a dictatorship social government.

  25. You poor souls need a better hobby - how can you get pleasure from viciously slapping people or businesses when they are already down - it wouldn't hurt to act like you care - instead celebrating the hand life has dealt them. Your attitudes IMO is a form bullying - Use your brain and know for a fact "There but for the Grace of God go I".

  26. Did you guys her that jake day is going to be a daddy!!! Check his twitter page!

  27. Gannett can't be very smart as Susan Parker is still there. One would think that with one new Editor after another that they would be able to connect the dots. Let's face it, The Daily Times is nothing other than 'Grocery Store Aisle Tabloid'.

  28. Gone are Liz Holland, Brice Stump, Todd Dudek, Cindy Robinson, Laura Emmons and at least two more.

  29. Yes 6:44, but when our new governor and county executive do similarly, they're being criticized for not caring about those who need (supposedly) those cuts.

  30. hope we see no more of Gaines Hawkins opinions too....he and Susan Parker are twins...sick of his holier than thou writings...it must be quite the burden carrying all of his superiority around!

  31. 8:17 - known some of these people for years. Sad for them. They did their best under the changing regimes. Wish them well!

  32. 11:46 p.m. - nailed it! this became more obvious every day. In my opinion this is largely responsible for their demise...being controlled by a favored few and not reporting facts...just an agenda machine for the chosen elite. Public rejected that in favor of facts and real reporting from SBYNEWS.

  33. To 8:17 - you can add Joe Cacchiolla, Bob Valentine, Joe Carmean, Keith Fisher . . the list is endless.

    'Owe how the mighty have fallen'

  34. I wonder who the dog food company is. There is only one manufacturer on the Eastern Shore

  35. Anonymous said...
    I agree with 7:13. Time and time again they have slanted the news and opinions to suit themselves. I know of letters to the editor that were sent during the election in support of Republican candidates that never saw the light of day. When questioned, they used the excuse of cut-off dates and deadlines....which were not made public so it was a convenient excuse not to print some of the letters. Additionally they edit letters and articles submitted to suit themselves. A complete DISGRACE to freedom of speech and ethical reporting.

    February 6, 2015 at 7:34 PM

    I know of one Republican Candidate that was refused an interview and they endorsed the opponent. Funny thing is the opponent lost by a landslide! LMFAO

  36. Anonymous said...
    What will poor Pollitt do now without his mouthpieces at the rag? Maybe now he will stop being a whiney brat and accept that he lost. Never have seen a politician who thought he was in office for life until Slick Rick. Give me a freaking break. NOTHING changed when he was executive. Culver is the FIRST TRUE COUNTY EXECUTIVE. Go Bob!

    February 6, 2015 at 7:40 PM

    Same can be said for Norman Conway. Both lost and neither conceded or congratulated the winner of their races.

  37. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You poor souls need a better hobby - how can you get pleasure from viciously slapping people or businesses when they are already down - it wouldn't hurt to act like you care - instead celebrating the hand life has dealt them. Your attitudes IMO is a form bullying - Use your brain and know for a fact "There but for the Grace of God go I".

    February 7, 2015 at 7:25 AM

    Thanks for your comment Susan, now GTH!!

  38. Poor Todd, have they found his wife yet?

  39. Does anyone know for certain the names of all the employees that are gone? I hope Brice Stump is still there. I enjoy his articles.

  40. 8:17 is correct, They are all gone.

  41. " Anonymous said...
    You poor souls need a better hobby - how can you get pleasure from viciously slapping people or businesses when they are already down - it wouldn't hurt to act like you care - instead celebrating the hand life has dealt them. Your attitudes IMO is a form bullying - Use your brain and know for a fact "There but for the Grace of God go I".

    February 7, 2015 at 7:25 AM"

    It's for the children 7:25. If you care about the children, you should rejoice when another liberal propaganda machine bites the dust.
    Let it be a lesson for those with an agenda-You lay down with the dogs and you get fleas. Too many alternative choices today. People aren't as easily fooled by the liberal slanted media.
    I'm from another county over and it was becoming so apparent how the DT's was throwing everything they could at the wall, hoping something would stick that would discredit WicCo's new county executive.

  42. I personally will miss a daily news paper. It would be nice if somebody like the washington daily times would buy them out Somebody with a consertive outlook.

  43. Joe, I don't think the city of Salisbury uses the Daily Times to advertise jobs anymore. They're using Greg's weekly paper the Salisbury Independent.

  44. Joe, Brice Stump may be a Democrat, and most probably a liberal, but he is a great guy and an excellent writer, he was the only reason I even bothered to read that paper. You should hire him to do human interests pieces for your blog.

  45. Won't Greg's paper hire them? Being jobless is a terrible thing. Hope Todd finds something good.

  46. Anonymous said...
    Gone are Liz Holland, Brice Stump, Todd Dudek, Cindy Robinson, Laura Emmons and at least two more.

    February 7, 2015 at 8:17 AM

    So left behind are the Journalist Extraordinaire's Jeremy Cox and Phil Davis!!


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