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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Spin


  1. I have never understood how his supporters keep denying this when he himself wrote a book about it. Coupled with his associations with Wright, Ayres, Sharpton, etc. it defies reason.

    All one needs to do is look at how he is handling the crisis in the Middle East to understand how dangerous it is.

    I'm with Rudy. Glad someone had the guts to say something.

  2. 6:23-His supporters will continue the trend of denial for Hillary as well.As you said,it defies reason.

  3. What spin??
    His communist upbringing is a matter of record, but I guess that most Americans don't know about it ---- or care one way or the other.

  4. Hawaii being the hotbed of communism that it is, I am not surprised.

  5. The bigger issue is that there are a significant number of Americans who agree with him. They voted for him.....twice. This is an indicator that our nation is disintegrating. What a sad state of affairs we are watching unfold. Be prepared because the violence that will undoubtedly follow will still take many by surprise.

  6. If you are a liberal that is one thing but if you belive,like Obama,that the constitution is wrong and must be ignored then you are helping to destroy the greatest nation on earth.Democrats have to wake up and realize they are being lied to.

  7. Obamas grandfather was a KNOWN Communist and his uncle too, his mother was married X2 to Muslims so y cant Americans see this ?

  8. 8:27 America voted for a Muslim Marxist fraud that deceptively pulled the wool over their eyes.

  9. Is he Muslim or is he a communist? Can you please name one other in the history of the world? Next you're going to tell me he's from Mars as well.


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