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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lost Dog 2-25-15

Delmar DE. Lost dog is at Crystal Steel in Delmar De now. He's cold and scared. No collar. cross_rifles@icloud.com 302-344-9466


  1. Awwwwww....sweet little guy!

  2. Wish more people would get their
    animals collars with name & attached rabies tag----this poor
    little one could freeze to death
    out there with approaching weather.
    Sure hope someone rescues him!!!

  3. My dog is micro-chipped. There is no need for a collar. Take her to a vet and have her scanned. I will pay the bill. The Humane Society can scan too. I have her chip tested yearly.

    Maybe if you had a clue you would not be dictating what I need to do with my pet.

    Animal control should be required to carry one also.

    1. It's good that you microchiped your dog, but it's still a good idea to have a collar and tags. It let people know that this dog has an owner, you could be notified faster, and some people just don't have the time to get the dog to a vet or a shelter.

  4. The same little dog is now at my house. He will be safe tonight but we cannot keep him. Please call if you are or know the owners. 302-396-5467 or Wmjw203@comcast.net


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