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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Thank God For Snow Blowers

Year after year I can depend on my 15 year old snow blower to fire right up and get paths cleared. Our driveway is pretty long and believe me, there's no way I could handle shoveling it by hand. 

That being said, I'm contemplating hitting the road to help the elderly, (seniors only) and handicapped. At this time my road is not navigable. It may not be until tomorrow but if you need your path way clear I will do my best to get to you. 410-430-5349

Remember Folks, check on your elderly neighbors and if you have the energy, shovel their driveway and sidewalk. You'll never feel better!


  1. Snowblower for 5 incheswow.

  2. Open your eyes and look again at how long our driveway is 1:06. That comment has to be JT. Especially with the spelling errors. Who's clearing your way out? Oh, that's right, it's a part of your subsidized housing package, I forgot they do it for you.
    From ALL of us Maryland Taxpayers, you're welcome JT.

    1. Hahahahahaha....could you see him TRYING to move ANY snow???
      The only thing hes moving is his mouth.

  3. Joe,
    Even though I don't agree with you on some things and despite the rhetoric on the blog at times being a Senior Citizen I have to say thanks to you for offering and helping us Seniors and Handicapped when we have these weather events, it is GREATLY appreciated.

  4. This senior citizen's son just left from clearing my sidewalk and car. Thanks son!

  5. When it started snowing last night my wife just stood there looking thru the kitchen window. I thought to myself, if it gets much worse I'll have to let her in.

  6. Many thanks for your kind offer to seniors and/or handicapped persons. My neighbor stopped by my house to check to see if I was alright.
    We appreciate everyone's kindness.

  7. That's pretty awesome if you went and helped. My roommate and I(who come from snow areas) have shoveled our older neighbors out today to lend a hand. Even a little bit is a huge help! #SUALUMNI

  8. The age that is currently considered a senior needs to be raised to at least 75.AARP starting on the 50 year olds is ridiculous.There is a psychological handicap to anyone being called a senior.That threshold should not be encouraged prematurely.

  9. Just have to love my neighbors who have snowblowers that clear their sidewalks up to the edge of mine and stop right there. Not even OFFER to blow the snow off of my sidewalk or driveway....makes me wonder their reasoning for that. On top of that, they don't work (most are retired) so it;s not like they have a job to get to. Guess they need to get to their next glass of wine.

  10. 4 04 guess they dont like you what have you ever done for them

  11. Great example for everyone to remember to help those who are alone, are older or handicapped.
    Thanks Joe.

  12. 4:04 I guess you expect him to mow your lawn and edge your grass in the summer also?

  13. Joe, I know you will be out tomorrow with your snow blower helping those in need. You are always really good about helping others. Thank you in advance for Paying It Forward. :-) Beth

  14. 4:04 must have money to live where they have sidewalks, so go buy your own. It case you didn't notice it's not quite balmy out there.

  15. It's those little things that are remembered when it comes time to SELL my house. (which I hope is sooner than later as Salisbury is a dying city) Plenty of real estate agents around and I have always learned in business Help Those that Help You! Joe, you are one of the few left in this world that truly care about people! Thanks for all you do.


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