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Sunday, February 22, 2015

SNOW Driving In Wicomico County

At this time the driving restrictions are still in effect in Wicomico County. We will update you just as soon as we get word the restriction is lifted. 


  1. Joe I'm confused,

    It has come to my attention that Wicomico County Board Of Education employees (central office) closed today. When this occurs those employees get paid leave. The paid leave is given because the employee is not given the opportunity to work. I mean, who wants to take off anyway when they're snowed in and can't go anywhere? This has been the norm for years. The same decision for Wicomico County employees has happened for years until today. It is my understanding that our County Executive, Bob Culver, closed non essential departments for today. Which means that employees who wanted to work today could not. The county has always made it a practice that since the employee did not have a choice, the county would pay that employee. Mr Culver is making county employees use their leave. How is this fair? Making employees take off and use their leave is not fair. I do agree if a business is open and an employee can't get in or won't come in, then ABSOLUTLEY make them use their leave. In the future I think the county should be open and employees should wake up earlier, clear their vehicles, sidewalks, driveways and go to work or use their leave if given that option. I hope this gets posted and gets lots of feed back to help make a well informed decision in the future.

    1. Wow....that's amazing....I worked at SU for 8 yrs....every year when the university closed for Christmas break and spring break, the employees had to use annual leave in order to get paid or use holiday pay accumulated through out the year...I often questioned this but was shut down...I also never understood why contractual workers were unable to collect unemployment when they closed for summer break....it just always seemed very shady...

  2. I went out this morning and saw more 4 wheelers than plows

  3. I agree with 11:35. When the county office is closed, the employee should not have to use their own leave. It's not their choice not to work. If the office is closed, they don't have the option. If the office is open, the employee has the option to stay home and use their leave, or they can go into work.

  4. Sorry, oh royal above me county workers, but we lowly private sector employees get no pay when our company is closed. I cry for you. My heart bleeds so much for you. You above all should be paid at least double for this. Can I offer you flowers or candy? Maybe we private sector people could take out an ad in your local paper asking the Federal Government to step in? I just don't now if I will be able to go back to work tomorrow without crying all day after having heard from you. Just don't know if I can go on...

  5. 1:02....You can make an intelligent decision to apply, and if you are qualified enough, gain employment with the county. The person is entitled to his opinion, just like you. If you have such a problem with your lot in life, then attempt to make it better. If not, then don't hate on those who do have made an attempt and have better benefits.
    I agree, if management deems it to dangerous to put employees lives in danger, then close and pay. Leave is used at the employees discretion, not managements.

  6. 1:37 A McDonalds worker is overqualified for local government work. Qualified enough? Meaning you can use a fork and write your name? If they are not needed, they can use their vacation days. Fair and matches what happens in the real world, AKA Private sector.

    1. AKA Private Sector... Use a fork and right your name? Really? 80% of county employees have higher education. For you that means education beyond high school. And I can guarantee I have more education than you just based on your comments alone. If you need help reading this ask one of your kids.

    2. Right your name. Wow.

  7. 102 here. Hey, 137, i work for myself. Last week, I made eight grand in three days, put six in the bank for retirement and am taking today off at a sports bar. You go apply at the county you're such a good whiner!

    1. I think that's great. Enjoy Adams!

  8. 2:57 Maybe you should have your kids teach you the difference between right and write. I pray you are not a teacher in this county

    1. That's what I get for not proof reading. That's why I don't ever respond to blogs. My last point is simple. It's been a benefit to county employees for over 20 years. Would have been nice to know this benefit was removed. I pay a substantial sum for my retirement, health insurance, and other benefits. Those in the private sector pay much more, but many make much more like 1:02

    2. Cry me a river and I guess "ever" has happened for you since here you are, arguing on a blog.

  9. I don't think that the taxpayer should have to pay for county employees to get a free snow day on the taxpayer's dime.

    The County Executive is doing the right thing for all taxpayers. He is cutting wasteful spending.

    Your feeling of entitlement is what has gotten this county into such a financial mess. That and Pollitt's inability to do anything but go on trips and eat his way through the years on the taxpayer's dime.

    You have leave and just because you don't want to use if for a snow day, you can use personal, vacation, sick, or unpaid. You certainly have more options than most working people.

    Frugal budgeting of your time, will help you save up for special weather events.

    I'm sure the county employees aren't going to like this and will be yelling and be upset, but other businesses, and systems work on a much tougher pay/reward system than city/county employees.

    It is doing the FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE THING at this time, just like most people have to tighten their belts and do without things they may want in order to pay their bills. For now, you must do the same and just be glad you have a job and insurance.

  10. Sounds like a bunch of kids on here

  11. It would look bad if the county was open when there are driving restrictions in effect. Don't put your employees in danger and let the plows do their work. Most people never use all their personal days anyway, so use one for this.

  12. 1:37, 3:27, 102 again. I've been 3 months with absolutely no work as well, so there's a real roller coaster ride with being self employed. I just lucked into a rare deal that does happen now and again, and you might make more than me per year, who knows? It's all whatever your heart wants to do. A regular wage job is an awesome thing as well. Learn to respect it for that.

    I have loved my 40-60 hour a week jobs and disliked them as well, just as I love being self employed during weeks like last, and disliked the lean times. I was laid off permanently on '08, just like everybody else.

    I'm not "hating" on anyone. But don't get on a high horse, holier than thou, smarter than me attitude towards me, because I and my high school education will drill you to the wall. So, hate that!

    I love my customers who feed me and provide for my family, and have the ultimate respect for all of them. And I will defend them all to the end.

    Please take time to thank your boss tomorrow for all he does for you.
    Oh. Wait. You may have another day off.

    Maybe Thursday...

  13. "Most people never use all their personal days anyway, so use one for this."- Yeah, all 2 of them you get!
    Or take one of the days of vacation leave you get a month! Or call out sick! And use that day you get a month. Of course then you have to drive to a doctor or clinic and get a note that shows you were sick or you get an occurrence!

  14. 3:27 Gasp... a person of such HIGH education didn't proofread? Private sector should make WAY more that any public jobs. Private is based on goals and profit, public is based on how much can we milk to get more funding. When funding goes up, say 10%, you figure out how to be 10% less effective as to use up those funds. It is intelligent cheating. If you had to operate in the black, or green, you wouldn't know what to do with yourself. One more thing, your education means jack, although I could probably match or exceed yours, experience is king... especially in the private sector.


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