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Sunday, February 08, 2015

New ISIS video shows Jordanian pilot being burned alive

A new video that surfaced on the Internet Tuesday shows ISIS burning alive a Jordanian pilot the terror group has held since December -- an act that reportedly has prompted Jordan to ready the execution of an unknown number of terrorist prisoners.

The 22-minute video, which Jordan said is authentic, brought a grisly end to speculation into the fate of Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, 26, who was captured when his plane crashed during a bombing mission in Syria Dec. 24. The video, which reports said could have been made more than a month ago, shows the pilot standing in a cage with a line of fuel leading to him, which is then ignited, causing him to burst into flames. Islamic State had previously sought to trade Al-Kaseasbeh for Sajida al-Rishawi, an Iraqi woman who is in a Jordanian prison for her role in a 2005 suicide bomb attack that killed 60 people in Amman.



  1. And our idiot president still refuses to call them radical islamic Muslims he needs to be Arrested.

  2. I served in the 4th Marine Division in the first Gulf War. .in my opinion there is only one way to deal with ISIS....complete eradication of their entire society. There is no compromise or middle ground with them. They are the Arabic equivalent of the Nazi party. Complete extremist.

  3. But you got to remember that the Muslim people and their religion are peaceful, Obama said so. He wouldn't lie, he is the messiah!

  4. And look how Jordan responded. Two for one baby!

  5. 2 for 1. LOL! You might as well scratch their back.
    Nuke Mecca.

  6. Onama probably asked the king of jorfan to release the terrorists and then give them some pizza you know like the Salisbury police chief does lol.

  7. Please take this down...or at least the picture. Very disturbing and they want us to see this crap.

  8. 7:20 I hear you but I would also thing in letting the picture stay up it will help remind the world of the cruelty of these animals. Show this picture to every Arab "leader" and show it to every flying liberal that comes around bashing Isreal or those who side up to the extremest muslims. As sadly and as horrific as this picture is - it speaks volumes of man's inhumanity and it shows the world just what danger we face.

    7:20 it makes my blood boil but I just wanted to share my thoughts

  9. Jordan had the right idea - treat them as bad as they treat you. By pansying around, our POSOTUS is putting our country in danger.

    He's safe because they won't kill other muslims...oh wait they have....never mind, he's safe - think about President Biden...oh wait they would want less competence running out country....

    Make them all swear an oath against terrorism and radical religious extremists with part of that oath meaning disavowal of their prophet if they lie. Then if they commit an act of omission or commission, we can execute them publicly - while displaying their disavowal of their prophet. Cremate them with bacon grease. I know a bunch of New Yorkers and Bostonians that would be on board right away! Me personally, I would volunteer to back on active duty if they would allow me to assist in implementing this program!

  10. 6:34

    You do know Mecca is in Saudi Arabia right? And ISIS has control over no part of Saudi arabia? Brilliant plan.

  11. Leave the picture up. America needs to wake up. This is what is heading our way if we do not quell the satanic dogs. They are filthy cowards that use women and children to fight their battles. I piss on thier mother's grave. Turn the entire region into a sheet of glass.


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