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Sunday, February 08, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: GOP-led House votes to repeal ObamaCare

WASHINGTON – The House voted Tuesday to repeal the Affordable Care Act, getting Republicans on record in favor of overturning the law for the first time since the party took control of Congress.

The bill passed on a 239-186 vote.

President Obama already has threatened to veto the legislation -- and like past bills to repeal ObamaCare, it is unlikely to go far under the current administration, despite Republicans now controlling the Senate and having a bigger majority in the House.

But the vote serves as an opening shot in the 114th Congress’ efforts to chip away at the law. Several lawmakers have introduced bills to change or undo parts of the Affordable Care Act, and some could garner bipartisan support.

Prior to the vote, Obama questioned the logic behind it.



  1. Democrats don't care about you needs or wants. They will dictate what you get based on their needs and wants.

  2. ACA is here to stay. Get over it.

  3. If they want to help the middle class they need to at least relieve us of the TAX disguised as a "Penalty". My family cannot afford healthcare but it hurts even worse when we are being punished for it. Our problem is that we make barely enough to get by but "too much" for help. This is the plight of people who try to make an honest living in a dishonest society.

  4. Waste of a vote until OSCAMA IS OUT.

  5. "Questions the logic"!!!


    As if the 2,700 pages contain any logic in the first place.


  6. Waste of time as usual from our congress.

  7. Slavery is here to stay...
    Prohibition is here to stay...
    ACA is here to stay!!!

  8. How about a vote for impeachment for Obama his release of 5 top terrorists is TREASON.

  9. Obama should be nothing more than a history lesson not to be forgotten.

  10. Obama care will fail on it's own in time but many will be neglected on it's way down.

  11. Thank God!! It's about damn time!!

  12. 7:23 A BIG AMEN to you....

  13. 5:48, look at 6:01's comments. We are in the same boat. Looked at Obamacare. We do not have enough money, even with a subsidy.

    Repeat, We. Do. Not. Have. The. Money.

    We don't go to the emergency room. We don't go to the doctor. We pray that nothing serious happens, because that's all we got.

    ACA did not help us, will not help us. And now we are being punished on top of it.

  14. 6:01--
    Right there with you! How is making us unable to pay the house & vehicle insurance helping us, exactly? Only government helping themselves to your hard-earned money to redistribute it to those that won't do for themselves.

  15. Tax Preparers are the ones enforcing Obama Care. This is a horrible mistake!


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