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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Jordan hangs 2 Al Qaeda prisoners after ISIS video shows Jordanian pilot burned alive

Jordan executed two Al Qaeda prisoners early Wednesday in response to a graphic video released by the ISIS terror group that showed a captured Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage.

The release of the video sparked outrage and anti-ISIS demonstrations in Jordan, while Syrian activists reported that the terrorists gleefully played the grisly footage on big-screen televisions in their de facto capital, Raqqa.

Government spokesman Mohammed al-Momani confirmed to the Associated Press that Jordan had executed Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad al-Karbouly, two Iraqis linked to Al Qaeda. Another official told the AP that both prisoners had been hanged. The executions took place at Swaqa prison about 50 miles south of the Jordanian capital of Amman. At sunrise, two ambulances carrying the bodies of al-Rishawi and al-Karbouly drove away from the prison with security escorts.



  1. Well now, that's an eye for an eye, or two! Let's see how much ISIS continues to bully Jordan. Thinking next time ISIS kills an American we should wipe out about dozen of them!

  2. Line up Isis scum 10 for every 1 and hang them in the town square.

  3. All is well if Obama's pleas are ignored by any involved country.Jordan has promised an "earth shaking response".Allow them to do just that.

  4. Its more than Obamation would do. Wimpy as President... Makes our nation weak, hope you all are glad for what was voted in office.

    Tyranny is still alive in 2015

  5. Fact is, ISIS doesn't care if you kill them. They want the fight. They want ground troops on their turf. This terrorist organization makes millions of dollars every day selling oil on the black market. They're not as stupid as they seem. But they are as crazy as they seem.

  6. This will change nothing about how ISIS treats Jordan or any other country. As the title states, they weren't even ISIS militants, they were Al Qaeda. Still a justified act, I think any convicted terrorist should be executed immediately. But, all in all, an ineffectual act.

  7. Finally, someone has a set

  8. Only wish Obama would make a statement like Jordan did, but what he does is like a little scardy cat and give up 5 for 1 deserter - what a leader we have, HA!

  9. Lookup and watch the entire video. It will give you a very different perspective. The pilot was taken to the area where his bombs hit and shown the burned bodies of his victims. Then he was killed in the same manner. Trapped, burnt and crushed. Cruel? Perhaps. Maybe it will give people who drop bombs from 30000 feet a new perspective on doing so. You can hide behind love of country but it doesn't change the fact you incinerate families, kids.

  10. Round up all Muslims and shoot them, end of problem.

  11. Obama needs to be arrested fir Treason.

  12. Where do i sign up.

  13. 9:37, you must be one of those Obama lovers and hate the military. War is not pleasant, it's not easy, but they do what they are trained to do and what needs to be done in a time of war.

  14. 9:37-You are very naïve to put it mildly. Once and for all this has nothing to do with "our presence in the region" -- None what so ever and as soon as you people realize this the better off the world will be and don't you ever forget it.
    Let me give you a much needed history lesson. Maybe it will keep you from repeating nonsense, so if you are ever in the company of intelligent people they won't think you are an ignoramus.
    Islamists want to take over the world and don't you ever forget it. If we didn't keep them under control in their own territory, they proliferate. They train terrorists and send them to other parts of the world. They have been doing this for centuries-CENTURIE-you got it! Long before the US was a figment in anyone's imagination-YOU GOT IT! They will not rest until the entire world is converted to an extreme form of islam.
    As far as Obama he is useless as a human being. His own race are killing each other in record numbers in this country and he does nothing except invite other ghetto trash into his space like JayZ who glories violence in his "music." Obama is a very sick disturbed individual.

  15. This administration needs to stay the hell out of it and do what they do best, stand on a street corner and hand out food stamps.


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