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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Fire In OC Yesterday: Impressive video minutes from dispatch


  1. Who ever took this video did a great job! I was shocked when I saw there was someone on the roof!

  2. That is INCREDABLE! The fireman take quite a beating on here often. Great to see something so positive. Poor lady on the roof was fortunate, thanks are never enough.

  3. Good Lord! Good video, but great job to the first responders. Amazing the calmness they displayed. Prayers to the displaced folks.

  4. Great job guys!!!!!!!! You make us proud! Brother AACFD fire fighter.

  5. And easily can happen here in Salisbury yet we have just been fortunate. Nobody blasts the sheriffs for waste or SPD but target SFD. Its about time we show all of our firefighters some respect and not our asses!

  6. As an Ocean City resident, allow me to be the first on here to say how proud I am of our fire company. I heard the fire siren sound back to back, which means something serious, is going on. Little did I know that 2 blocks away this terrible tragedy was unfolding. After hearing all the emergency vehicles I walked to the site, and witnessed heroes at work. I did not get to see the rescue, as I arrived shortly afterwards. What I did witness, was the most chilling moment I have ever experienced, when air horns blasted and being told that means a fireman needs help. Minutes later a brave soul came out of a third floor window, to awaiting men moving a ladder. To sbynews, thanks so much for the video; it just added that more to an already stellar performance. To the men of the Ocean City Fire Company, God Bless each and every one of you.

  7. God Bless all the first responders. I know I'm not capable of doing what they do each and every day.
    I hope the lady who was rescued is doing well. What a terrifying experience for her. I hate to see anyone having to go through that kind of traumatic experience. God Bless her and the other occupants.

  8. WOW, now that's a return on good training and dedication. From a retired, old firefighter, a textbook assist (not a rescue), without the fast response and perfect encouragement, it would have been a recovery. The remaining operation was just as impressive. Be safe!

  9. I was standing across the street when this happened. Words do not do it justice. Scary is an understatement. It also looks like by the activity today with contractors, they saved the building along with a life. I donate every year, and now wish I had more.

  10. I left an earlier comment phrasing the OCVFD. I apologize for not also recognizing the other County departments that assisted. It was a team effort, and I want to thank them also. We are very fortunate. God Bless.

  11. I left an earlier comment phrasing the OCFD. I apologize for not also recognizing the other County departments that assisted. It was a team effort, and I want to thank them also. We are very fortunate. God Bless.

  12. I wonder if anyone has heard from the owners that crammed all those people in the top floor of a unsprinklered fire trap. It is all about the money, until someone dies. I understood that the fire officials were already prepared for this call knowing the dozens of poor people living there and age of the building. Heck, it was a steak house when coastal highway was two lanes to the Delaware line. Nonetheless, the clip was a real eye opener to the conditions even in OC, and what the firemen must face.

  13. Great job to FD, pray for the victims.

  14. What's the big deal? Wannabe fireman from Parsonsburg helps someone down a ladder. Just busting your ba*** Ryan, we are proud of you.

  15. My family always went to Melvins when every corner wasn't a bar or rooming house. Shame, brings back good memories. To the Firefighters, we can't believe that building is not on the ground, or you even risked you lives.

  16. Anyone know the fireman on the roof getting the man down? Ilampreys dive work.

  17. 4:38 FF Whittington, assigned to the Fire Marshal Division. All 3 Divisions respond on a working fire. While he was with a victim on the ocean side, another was being removed from the bayside. All told, about a dozen occupants, two rescued, two injuries to responders, four taken to the hospital. One Firefighter was unaccounted for after an evacuation was declared, and self rescued out of a third story window. This did prompt a Mayday alert, but was quickly resolved. I listened to the entire call via live feed, and have searched multiple news releases, most are linked here on SBYNEWS, just scroll down for other updates.

  18. Ya live long enough, ya see everything. Little Ryan has grown into a real firefighter. Congrats.

  19. Funny thing is on Sunday evening we drove by Melvin's (we still call it that) and I commented to my spouse that every single window in the top floor had lights on and people must be living in the building.
    By piecing together the comments I'm taking a guess and going to say the FF who helped that lady off the roof and down the ladder is named Ryan Whittington. I don't know him, but I am very proud of him. It's calming and reassuring to know we have such dedicated emergency workers in our community.

  20. If I'm not mistaken that is Ryan at the 37 second mark putting on his gear.

  21. Ryan did a great job, but don't discount another 50-60 firefighters and paramedics. While Ryan was assisting one victim, there was another being carried out the rear door.

  22. I would like to know who owns this property and why so many people were stuffed in like kindling...pardon the pun.

  23. 7:01 Billy Giggs, Dough Roller pizza joints.

  24. I just saw an incredible rescue, and firefighters in impossible situations doing the possible! That woman had minutes before the scene turned really bad.

    KUDOS to all the firefighters!

  25. Figures, another slum lord. Fire dept. still did a good job, thanks OCVFC!

  26. It's unfair that OC Transportation Dpt doesn't get to place a comment here. The kids at the emergency department define who the heroes are but they are NEVER from the transportation dept. A change is needed!

  27. look at the 35-40 second mark where the county fire marshal excursion comes speeding down the road almost out of control turning into the parking lot with water splashing all up in the engine compartment with the steam to follow because he was traveling so fast---what was he even doing in OC on county time---I know OC is in the county but OC has their own fire marshal office

  28. 10:38 Must be another County employee, ummmmmm, maybe a Fire Marshal with a bone to pick? Severial County Fire Marshal's are also OC firefighters, one should consider the public fortunate everyone works together.

  29. OC Transportation can place a comment here whenever they choose, seems they already did. Stuck on stupid?

  30. not a county employee but a county taxpayer who watches what goes on. The numerous county tahoes that go to Salisbury, Nanticoke and the like riding around. it is nice everyone works together and that is great--when I saw the vehicle first pull up on the video I kept watching to see the person come in the video wearing a black coat that had Worcester County Fire Marshal on it...then I did call a county employee friend of mine who verified that large vehicle is assigned to the county fire marshal office--again just a taxpayer---go down to Snow Hill and watch all the vehicles leave between 3:30-5:30 and follow some of them you will be surprised at the stops that are made and how far away they are driven I am not against the vehicle or even take home vehicles IF they are needed but I can assure you some of these people have very seldom ever been called back to work after hours and they are using them for much personal business--the one Fire marshal has used his for years taking his kids to Willards and Pittsville schools and baseball little league games and practices

  31. o the “County taxpayer”, I appreciate your position and interest. Now, as an “Ocean City taxpayer, with a home and business, I pay the SAME County tax rate, on my assessed value as you do, no break or differential whatsoever, so, I am a “County taxpayer” also. I can’t help the inefficiencies that may happen in Snow Hill, with that, you should contact the Commissioners . I would hope that if a qualified member of the Fire Service hears a call with “citizens trapped”, they would respond! Bottom line, I know the OCVFC welcomes and encourages help from allied agencies, and the public supports their leadership and decisions. Maybe you should take a second look at the “County” and help more than criticize.

  32. I have helped and do send constructive comments to the Commissioners including many comments that they reduce the size of government and eliminate all these double services. I believe that you should not have two Fire marshal office and 2 communications centers, two planning offices, etc. The county does not provide these services so you as an OC taxpayer should not pay twice for them.
    My point was one about vehicle abuse driving like a crazy fool and tearing up the vehicle and secondly the why the county fire marshal was obviously in ocean city due to his/her quick response when ocean city is paying for their own fire marshal

  33. Just saw the debate on the County FM. The call was updated as a working fire with at least one citizen trapped. The vehicle in question (I saw the video) was in complete control, and I would sure hope that if my butt was trapped, they would be hauling butt to me. Another classic "they make to much noise, drive to fast", unless it's for me. I say county taxpayer, concentrate on the other issues you obviously have had no success, and stay out of the way of an emergency vehicle.

  34. There's always one to complain about something, can't we just thank the responders, all of them, without worrying about the small stuff?

  35. Great job and a huge congratulations to all the first responders. You have come a LONG way from the divided group of 10 years ago.

  36. To country taxpayer maybe if you paid the county and city tax we do, you would have the response in the video. Another liberal that doesn't have a clue. The important message here was the job of the men and women that risked their lives, not WHO they were, or whose clock they were on. Oh, I don't believe for one second that you don't know exactly who was driving the vehicle, just a cowards way of hoping he would get in trouble. Sorry, didn't happen. Have a good day.

  37. I call BS! County taxpayer is just stirring stuff and laying for Robb.

  38. I agree, although once a squirrel, always a squirrel (korb)

  39. Be nice to recognize the fireman that rescued the other occupant's. Taking nothing from the video, but there was equally another event at the same time. Good job to all!!!!!!!!

  40. Great job brothers! FFEMTP10

  41. 7:03 well, a voice from the past, great to see your still part of the family. It was a great job, mostly by us old guys lol. Thanks to you, and all those that support us.

  42. More great coverage has come out, awesome job to the FD!

  43. the owner of that building has a couple of more multi-family buildings a couple of blocks away. In the summer they are over crowded with foreign workers. I was told the buildings are in terrible condition and even real estate companies will not rent them.

  44. Don't know how I missed this, one of the best displays of public service in a long time.

  45. This video made national news and blogs, great display of local providers doing the job!


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