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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Another Fight At The Mall Last Night

Wicomico First Alert

*Fight in Progress*

Downtown Locker Room A.K.A. DTLR
Centre at Salisbury

Police were advised of a fight in progress.

There were injuries.
Everyone refused EMS care.
Several detained.
Situation appears to be under control.


  1. The parents should be held accountable for allowing their children to destroy our community.

  2. 8:51, I would agree wholeheartedly, AS LONG as the kids involved are held accountable as well. Parents AND kids should be held accountable. This is becoming a weekly affair, "Saturday night fights at the Centre". Disgusting, just disgusting.

  3. According to my daughter who was there it wasn't kids this time it was two women

  4. People on this blog are making too much out of these minor incidents at the Centre.
    The Boardwalk, and OC, have regularly experienced similar problems for years, each and every summer.
    Hire more security, or insist that the Wicomico Co. Sheriff's deptmt establish a presence there
    until things quiet down, and the young people realize that the cops will be there, patroling
    Its not the end of the world.
    If people allow these isolated events to stand in the way of their consumerism, the US would be bankrupt.

    1. "...The Boardwalk, and OC, have regularly experienced similar problems ..."?
      There's a little bit of a difference there: OC has 300,000 people on any given summer night.
      I really doubt there was that many at the (Fight) Centre of Salisbury that night.
      It's ridiculous to compare the two.

    2. I guess I am the only one who remembers the fatal shooting in the mall!

  5. The Center had better form a militia to roam. If not shoppers will stay away.

  6. and just as soon as the DNA test come in we'll get right on that!

  7. Disgraceful and disgusting.

  8. My family will never shop there again.

  9. The mall should consider closing at 7:30 every night. The stores would save on payroll, utilities etc. while possibly having higher sales per hour.

  10. They want to fight, fine let them. We round them up, put them in cage and broadcast it live on network television. They want attention, give to them. Last on alive leaves the cage.

  11. 9J45 if you had been watching or reading news other than the MSM propoganda you would know this is a trend in malls across the US. it might seem isolated here but it is not, try googling mall figts or mall brawls you will learn something other than the kool aid you are being fed!

  12. hey 11:05
    The mall will be closing permanently in short order.
    Read the news , malls are a thing of the past.
    We will be little Fergusons all over the country , but this time the streets will be brown topped , not black topped.

  13. Close it up and put a high school there.

  14. I like the idea of closing it at 7:30, but the movies will be open so the fights will just move there.

  15. Apparently there was a fight at the Fountains last night as well. Denny's actually locked their doors for a while. We made the mistake of going to Denny's at about 1am about 5 years ago and it was horrible in there. People not leaving tips and some would walk out without paying. I felt sorry for their waitresses just trying to make a buck.

  16. 9:45 I agree. It is a distraction to bigger issues.
    I found the online scanner a long time ago, before it was uber popular.
    One of my first thoughts was, that the po-po were simply the public's babysitters.
    One call months ago was some chick got in a fight with her BF and he took her phone, so she called the police. Really? Grow the F up and handle your own.

    I agree that this petty stuff has been going on for decades. Fights, kids, domestic, etc.

    The comments throwing temper tantrums like ...."I will never shop there again"... simpleton. Then don't. In fact just stay in your house, because you have no clue that this stuff goes on everywhere. Its petty.

    Focus on the important crimes.

    Decades ago the police were not called for every petty altercation. Parents handled it ....
    The public's babysitters, part of the entitlement's crowd mentality, always someone else problem

    As good as instant access can be it is also harmful. Most of this is low level, small incidences blown up by commenter's that have no clue and are speculating, only to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

    On the good side, reading the comments just goes to show you how many idiots are out there.

  17. 11:05, yea let's just cater to the few idiots and inconvenience everyone else.

    How about security just move them outside so they can beat the ... out of each other and I can continue shopping.

    I am tired of mentalities like yours.

  18. 12:02, that's nothing new either.

  19. Maybe Brian Williams is 'reporting' these incidents for Salisbury?
    That would make it make better sense.
    TOTALLY AGREE with 12:08, 12:11, and 12:13.

  20. bring some mace along and when you see people fight spray them all with it and then you will see it end fast

  21. You want to see a real fight? Watch parents at their kids sports events.

  22. The situation has not been under control since duncan started.

  23. 1:49 Wrong! We didn't have these problems until Obama was elected. Obama is ripping the Constitution apart with his lawlessness. It's called "BLACK PRIVILEGE". Al Sharpton owes millions in back taxes to the IRS and nothing is done. Eric Holder has broken the law and nothing is done. Republican leadership will not bring impeachment proceedings against Obama for fear of civil unrest. We need the kind of leadership that enforces that if you loot, we shoot.

  24. Total nonsense 2:44
    I feel very sorry for you if you have lived any time on this earth,
    and that is the only conclusion you have come for the nation's, as well, Salisbury MD's
    economic, and social problems.

    1. 3:13? Are you a crazed lunatic? That person was spot on! Please explain what is wrong with his post.......waiting!

  25. 3:13. 2:44 was right. When the riots broke out in Fergenson the police and fire departments were ordered to "stand down". The looters were allowed to loot, steal, and commit arson. The weather was below freezing and all the fire department would have to do was hose them down. And, prior to that night, Obama made the statement that he thought the protesters "SHOULD HOLD THEIR COURSE". Please don't feed us some liberal crap somebodies social problems. It's not my fault that people are not held accountable for their actions because they are black.

  26. 3:13, you keep thinking that

  27. I was a Macy's one night this week. If you wanted to buy something, you had to hunt down an employee with an open cash register. The one I found took me 2 departments over from where I started to ring up my purchase. I'm sure they are not making enough money to keep the place fully staffed.

  28. you people can't honestly believe race relations start and end with the current administration. If so, who do you blame the past racial conflicts on.

  29. 5:35 Where are you coming from? Past racial conflicts in 1958, 1959 1964? These problems are happening today. The people causing this unrest are in their teens. In the 70s, 80s and 90s this was not happening. It's the entitlement mentality that set in, whereas people are not responsible for their actions. We need leadership and policing that will stop rioting. Period!

    1. You do realize countless riots have occurred over the win and or lose of professional sporting teams. I'm a shorebilly that's for sure

  30. Perhaps until this gets under control, undercover police should be patrolling within the mall to ensure the safety of everyone most especially innocent people just wanting to shop or attend a movie.

    Once word gets out that if you cause any trouble in the mall, you will be arrested and charged, things hopefully will calm down.

  31. In Sears yesterday and the girl behind the register was in a fleece lined sweatshirt. It was so cold in there I didn't stay long enough to buy anything.

  32. Joe,

    I know you report the news, events, whatever is happening around here and elsewhere.

    I know that, I realize that, I understand that, AND I appreciate that. You shoot from the hip and tell all of us what we don't or won't here elsewhere.

    All that said, and I know you can't make what some of us would like to hear, and this is in no way, shape or form intended to criticize, demean, insult or any other negative action.

    But I am so desperate to hear GOOD NEWS. Positive events, positive people. Anything besides parents killing their kids, kids killing their parents, cops killing dogs, people whatever.

    Everywhere I look, and it's not just here, but that is mostly what I see. Everyday.

    I know that 6 corporations own most if not all of the MSM. We are told what they wish us to hear, with the exception of you, of course.

    Is it just me? Am I not looking in the right places to see good people? I know they are out there, and I like to think I am one of them.

    Sometimes I am so utterly disgusted with the whole world, I just wish Jesus would just come right now and take me out of here. ( Please, no religious battles over that statement. )

    I really need an attitude adjustment. There is just too much hate in the world and not near enough love in the world, and in US.

    If you choose to publish this, I ask your commenters to PLEASE keep it civil, positive and open minded. Thanks.

  33. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I guess I am the only one who remembers the fatal shooting in the mall!

    February 8, 2015 at 8:48 PM

    I remember a fatal stabbing in the old mall, in the ladies room.

  34. maybe you didnt understand what I meant Joe.

  35. Love him or hate him,Obama has only been around since 2008.I would not have issue with 7 year olds fighting.

  36. Obviously,., local media sources want to blow any 'news' about the Centre way out of proportion.
    Just bc a 'fight' occured, does NOT mean a 'riot' occurred.
    Get a grip!!
    The media is hurting the business in Salisbury,
    and the business at the Centre, with its negative reporting.
    Comparisons to OC are examples of a city that works to keep those kinds of PREDICTABLE problems under control.
    Comparisons to the Old Mall are just 'fear' rousing to keep the fearful at home, in their homes, AFRAID.
    I work at the Centre, and thank goodness we were BUSY this weekend.
    Some people have to make their living working at the Centre.
    ALL this 'NEGATIVE SPIN' is bad for all involved.

    PLEASE, just report the facts, not the opinion.

  37. 8:44, Didn't you just report YOUR OPINION?

  38. I don't have the ACCOUNTABILITY that the media must have to report FACTS.
    I don't have to have JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY.
    I can 'report' my opinion, and I'm not selling it as fact.
    But,., given that I actually work at the Centre, I have an insider's view.
    Point is, a fight between 2 people is NOT a RIOT.
    A murder occurred 20+ years ago in building that no longer exists, on the other side of town.
    Its the PAST, and to drag it up, and negatively compare that time, and that situation, or event,
    to today is not proactive.
    And it hurts YOUR town, and YOUR economy.
    End of story.

  39. You told him Anon 9:37. Glad to see Joe prints the rebuttals to his posts, this does show journalistic integrity. Bottom line we need to hear what is going on at the Mall and anywhere else in the town the local MSM won't report on but the facts do need to be presented without embellishment.

  40. Looks like someone's feelings got hurt.

  41. Yeah I remember the shooting. Three dudes from Norfolk killed Roy Davis in 95.

  42. I am tired of mentalities like yours.

    February 8, 2015 at 12:11 PM

    Maybe he is tired of yours as well?

  43. February 8, 2015 at 11:21 PM

    Good comment, and I agree with you.

    It can be VERY difficult to find any good news. Part of the reason is good news does not sell as well as bad news. ( no reflection on you Joe)

    You know the saying, garbage in, garbage out.

    Joe, maybe you should make his comment a thread of its own. Maybe we all could start a positive trend.

  44. Another reason kids should not be having kids. We are acting like an 18 year old with a 5 year old is a responsible person. Not sure who or what was fighting but I'm sure I'm not far off....

    Stop having kids, and if you do, put the phone down and pay attention to them.

  45. Don't blame me, I never sad they were "really" full fledged humans.

  46. Okay deputies you got your benefits and raise, do your jobs!

  47. 7:46 shame but as soon as cops do their jobs, blacks will call the enforcement racist.


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