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Monday, February 09, 2015

Congress Pushed to Recognize 'Darwin Day'

From primordial goo to you, the newest in “science.”

At least, that’s according to American Humanist Association chief Roy Speckhardt, who is praising a move in Congress to make Feb. 12 Darwin Day, in recognition of the man who claimed evolution is responsible for the balance that keeps earth habitable just the right number of miles from the sun, the miracle of life, the minds of Albert Einstein, J.S. Bach and Mark Twain, the magic of hummingbirds, and marvel of the skies and the seas, and, well, more.

“With climate change deniers endangering our environment and the anti-vaccination movement threatening our children’s health, there has never been a greater need for our politicians to stand up for science,” said Speckhardt, executive director of the association. “Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution has made immeasurable contributions to science and humanity.”

The legislation is supported by American Humanist Association and the Secular Coalition for America, a nonprofit advocacy organization dedicated to amplifying the voice of the “nontheistic” community and of which the American Humanist Association is a coalition member.



  1. has anybody noticed how far down hill our government has gone since they evicted GOD?

  2. The day could be dedicated to idiots that get weeded out of the human gene pool because of their stupidity. A lot of liberals would be honored.

  3. how does evolution place the earth in the narrow ring of survivability?

    it seems to be just the right size and shape to fit its place.

    like it was according to a grand design.

  4. Its a THEORY because there are LOT of holes in it.
    I never understood the ridicule religious people are subjected to because they believe in something that can't be proven.
    But scientists insist that we believe that EVERYTHING in the entire universe came from a point in space smaller than the eye can see and all life derived from some organic molecules that somehow, suddenly came to life and ---get this -- REPLICATED THEMSELVES. We, despite decades of trying, have NEVER been able to make chemicals come to life.
    Which, in and of itself, has BIG problems and some huge unanswered questions.
    Believe what you will. Thank God Christians don't murder you and your family for failing to toe the line. Just don't ridicule anyone for failing to believe in YOUR version of creation.
    Preposterous is a matter of perspective.

  5. God created the heavens and the earth and all that lives today.
    In the early life of Darwin, he had a "theory". At the end of his life, he came to believe in God's creation. period...

  6. The theory of evolution says nothing about the origins of life it says how life changes and evolves. It's clear from some of the posts hear that there's a lot of ignorance and lack of education on what the theory of evolution is or what a scientific theory is.

    In the science world the word theory is on the synonymous with fact. There is more data and evidence for evolution then there is for the theory of gravity but I don't hear anyone saying will gravity is just a theory. Or saying that germ Theory is just a theory.

    Our country has become a laughingstock around the world because of its lack of education and scientific knowledge. In fact you can still believe in some sort of deity and still except the fact of evolution unless you are a biblical literalist at that point I don't know what to tell you.

    Before making a comment about something you really should try to understand it and not just parrot uninformed opinions.

  7. When lambasting other's education or gauging their intelligence, it would be a smart move to check your own spelling, grammar, punctuation, and use a dictionary. Using the Theory of Gravity is NOT a good example of why a theory is really just a fact that religious people are too stupid to understand.
    Gravity, by the way, is a THEORY. Why? Because we still don't know for sure what it is and how it works.
    Further, correct me if my explanation of evolution was wrong.
    Doesn't 'evolution theory' say that ALL life on Earth EVOLVED from some organic molecules that somehow self-assembled, came to life (and the REAL problem for scientists --- copied themselves (!!), which is a very complicated process) and spread across the whole planet and turned into millions upon millions of different plants, animals, bacteria, and viruses (which aren't really "alive" as we define it)??
    We'll ignore, for the moment, the "comet theory" or the "Mars impact" theory AKA the "panspermia" idea.
    A really deep understanding of the Theory of Evolution reveals some MAJOR holes. MANY of them.
    That is a fact, no matter what your educational level is....and If you have any science background then your statements are disingenuous, at best. You KNOW that even if scientist only understand a BIT of an effect, process, or manifestation of forces, they will come up with a "theory". ANY theory, to a scientist, is better than saying GOD exists. Its the nature of a scientist. But THEIR beliefs DO NOT make their ideas a FACT, no matter how much it's presented as such....
    Like I said, preposterous is a matter of perspective. And not everyone is illiterate or unable to match your intelligence level.


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