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Monday, February 09, 2015

Black History: Did You Know This?

The Republican Party was officially formed in July 1854 in Jackson, Michigan when a group of men who belonged to various splinter parties met and adopted the name Republican. The name appealed to those who recalled Jeffersonian "republicanism" and generally placed the national interest above sectional interest and above states' rights.

The party's founders totally opposed slavery. The platform adopted at the party's first national convention in 1856 rejected the Southern position that Congress had the right to recognize slavery in a territory. The Party maintained that Congress could abolish slavery in the territories and ought to do so.

In 1860 Abraham Lincoln won the Presidency as a Republican candidate. After Lincoln's assassination, Vice President Andrew Johnson (a Democrat) and the Republican Congress were at loggerheads over who would control Reconstruction.

Congress wanted the federal government to insure black rights. The Republicans won the battle for control of Reconstruction and passed the 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution, seeking to guarantee blacks the right to due process of law and the vote.

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  1. So much of the early republican history has been lost and democrats have been given the badge of success.

    Here's the deal folks. Democrats were the party of Jim Crow and KKK. Bottom line - even today their use of the 'race' card for anyone who might shed light on the truth is out there for all to witness.

  2. The Republic party was abolitionist party and were killed by Democrats as were blacks. They opposed Jim Crow laws the klan and segregation which were all Democrat policies. LBJ finally signed a civil rights bill after blocking them for years he realized that welfare was the new slavery and entitlements would keep them coming back. Just Google LBJ's quotes on blacks.

  3. Too bad all the followers of the party now are stereotypical to what many blacks perceive as good ol boys. Don't hold your breath waiting for a voting demographic shift. Not gonna happen.

  4. That's baloney, 4:46. (JT)
    The 'good ol boys' that are holding the black folk down are the dems who won't allow them to get a decent education by protecting poor teachers and blocking school vouchers.
    The dems also are the ones keeping them dependent on welfare and other handouts-- practically chasing them down the street trying to give them more food stamps and Obamaphones.
    It's DEMS that are doing all the race-baiting and class warfare trying to stir up trouble.
    Good ol boys, like you say.

  5. It doesn't make any difference about the two parties. The y both are one in the same when it comes to Black Folk. If this were not true the would never have been slavery. You see now they have switched rolls The DEMS are more Liberal and the REP are more racists they just switched rolls to make it look like You have a two party system , because in reality they are both one and the same.


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