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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Wicomico Teachers underpaid? I think not!


  1. Wow, even the janitor makes more than the average resident of Wicomico County. Something isn't right about this picture. And the schools still suck!

  2. Wow, add their salary to their benefit package and it's a pretty sweet deal! Not bad for 9 months of work!

    1. The benefits are taken out of that pay, not in addition to it.

    2. I think we should be thanking our teachers for being in the class room teaching our children! Maybe you should try it and you would see that they deserve what they make. I am not a teacher but know several people that are and I thank them.

  3. Heard they also don't have to pay property taxes in the county.

    1. You have heard wrong on that. I pay plenty of property taxes as I am on the above list.

    2. And you can afford it obviously!

  4. This is from 2013...

    1. Then they get more now

    2. Actually there was a step freeze for years. These people teach our future.

  5. As an RN in the highest (at the time) branch of the profession, I made a little over 30,000. That was with being on call every other night! No overtime or on call pay.
    (ten years ago)

  6. The STEM teachers could make a little more elsewhere - but not here on the shore!

    The special ed shouldn't be part of the traditional school system as it requires special skills, special accommodations - and special funding...while getting in the way of the majority of the student population.

  7. its no wonder we are all broke by taxes

  8. While I believe that the salaries of these county employees are public information, I think it would have been prudent to redact the actual names. Post the position, school, etc. but leave the names off of the list. That being said, I was shocked by some of the salaries on here. I really didn't think that teachers made this much money. They have a difficult job and probably deserve these salaries. However, I won't listen to any more low paid teacher sob stories.

  9. 71,000 for a band teacher? !

  10. putting up with ignorant little brats that have no respect for authority, think they earn every penny. any more, it's ignorance breeding ignorance in this society.

  11. Look at all of the coordinators, supervisors, and the like. Skeleton crew at the central office? Yes, they're totally transparent when they tell the public that. NOT!!

  12. $57,643 per year for the mayor, with his mayor salary and working half-time as a teacher. Not shabby.

  13. They deserve every penny. Teachers are a significant part of our country's future, and I still don't understand all the hate. How does a school district attract great instructors? The same way a company acquires the best talent: money.

    I work in the private sector and have no kids, but I'll happily pay these teachers' salaries!

    1. Thank God for people like you. You must have enjoyed your education and benefited from it unlike the ignorant people who make hurtful and opinionated comments about something they know nothing about.

  14. 802
    You got gipped, even 10 years ago. My mother got paid twice as much and was only halfway up the RN ladder then. And that was in Delaware.

  15. Oh my god! Some teachers in this county actually make a decent living for dealing with all these idiot parents and children? We can't have that. We need minimum wage people from now on so everyone else who doesn't want to educate themselves can feel better about the school systems. By the way it's all the supervisor s and special programs that are killing the budget.

    1. A $76k kindergarten teacher is killing us!

  16. Posting this is simply wrong. Aside from that, these salaries are extremely low. I see on here a salary of $71K for a teacher with over 30 years of service. That's pitiful

    1. After 30 years still here? Not a good teacher then or would be at a better school system.

    2. God forbid someone stay here and try and make the community better, especially someone that grew up here. What are they thinking?

  17. Whats the point of publishing their names and positions and salaries? Only making them targets now!

    1. These need to be targeted. New council needs to take over!

  18. wow nothing, it is misleading and you are only focusing on the high and not the moderate to low salaries which out weight the high salaries.

    7:46 really? you are bitchin about a janitor that is only making 22K? That's only 10.60 an hour, hardly livable.

  19. It is the supervisors, coordinators and others who bloat the budget. Also a boatload of personnel who are paid to try to get certain subgroups to behave is a huge expense. For what? The same kids have folks paid to control them every year so they're learning nothing about controlling themselves. I pity the kids who do want skills so they can get jobs some day.

  20. Where's the privacy!!! Constitution this and constitution that.. liberal this.. Conservative that.. taxes.. race wars. Obama and illegal immigrants.. yet posting the salary of "everyday" people without their approval shows "Character".. there's a revolution coming better "wake up" people

  21. Why encourage our children to go into teaching just to receive low wages, and those listed do, on average, reflect a wage beneath the medium wage of many counties. Wages do not seem to equal a good standard of living unless one has been teaching many, many years and has seniority. In addition, teachers work evenings and weekends on lesson plans and grading and have to put up with children who are not disciplined in the home. Also,they have to deal with "helicopter" parents who think their little ones can do no wrong. I thank our teachers and applaud them for choosing the profession over a comfortable living wage.

    1. Real comfortable!

    2. Not to mention that teachers spend hundreds of dollars each school year on their own supplies for their classrooms and their students.

    3. If you paid better attention to the huge list of things kids bring and didn't let kids loose crayons glue etc you wouldn't. I'm tired of my kids saying their supplies I sent where given to other kids. If you as a teacher give away my money then spend yours!

  22. looks about right to me

  23. They get 2 weeks off for Christmas and the whole summer off. Wow I want that job.

    1. You say that, but I bet you barely, if ever, even volunteered in your own kids' classes. Until you've done it at a school like Bennett Middle or Wi-Hi, you have no idea what it is like.

    2. I spent a good part of Christmas break grading papers and planning. Not complaining, just saying.

    3. Most of us were students there. We know how hard it is. A select few act up. So what. All I hear is a teacher is underpaid. I work on scale projects busting my ass with hard physical labor and have a degree. Im lucky if I see 80k a year. 6 days a week and 12 hr days. With a six hr round trip commute.

  24. Lol @ sbynews. I bet you thought people would come into these comments armed with distaste for teachers. Instead they hold distaste for YOU. How does it feel?

  25. 10:45, Be very careful what you wish for. 25,000,000 views can create a lot of pain and sleepless nights.

  26. I agree. As a taxpayer we deserve to know where our money is being spent.

  27. The salaries and the costs of the schools themselves tell the tale, put together that is a whole lot of money!! How many kids are home schooled and/or sent to private schools? Private schools may even be cheaper.

  28. Private school teachers make no where near what these public school employees make but i think the trade-off of a safe,orderly and pleasant work environment is more appealing.You see,even while most of their graduates go on to college,they do not suck at the Federal NCLB teat as our public schools do.No students with ankle monitors either.
    And in public schools,there is no discipline because the staff has to "cook the books" by not suspending or expelling students with disciplinary issues.They get more Federal money that way.My childs former public school had pizza parties every month......for the "problem" students whenever they were able to go 30 days without an office referral.Back in my day the prize for NOT being sent to the office was not getting an ass-whipping at school or at home. Life is hard and its gonna be a hell of a lot harder for those kids who are used to being rewarded just for showing up.Public schools have way more funding than private academies,and still can't gt it together? A school choice voucher system is long overdue in Maryland.

  29. Just a note: A teacher's day doesn't end at 3. Many of the teacher's I've known, stay after school tutoring, spend well into the late evening grading papers, and also spend their own money for school supplies and classroom materials that the board of education doesn't provide.

    1. Your kidding right? Most teachers run out of that building by 4 pm.

    2. They may "run out" by four but work doesn't end there. I put in over 10-15 hours a week planning and grading. On top of the 40 I am paid for.

  30. Where's the privacy!!! Constitution this and constitution that.. liberal this.. Conservative that.. taxes.. race wars. Obama and illegal immigrants.. yet posting the salary of "everyday" people without their approval shows "Character".. there's a revolution coming better "wake up" people

    Hey 9:59 This money represents money from my pocket, as a tax payer. It is the taxpayers right to know how the money he is forced to pay is being spent. All government and tax payer funded salaries and all the other expenses need to be known and published. I spent 22+ years in the military, and knowing what someone made was a stimulus to encourage me to get promoted. Or, some folks figured that then could do better somewhere else and left. Privacy is not relevant when it comes to my money I have to cough up being spent on the government. I paid for it, I have the RIGHT to know.

  31. The lack of respect and integrity in this post is absolutely disgusting. For those of you who think teaching is a dream job, spend your thousands upon thousands of dollars to earn a degree and then help prepare students for the real world where they go out to become professionals. Doctors, lawyers, bankers, they all had to get an education and start somewhere; who was it that first educated them? And since some don't seem to know this, most teachers do not have the summer off, they are either working a second job or working with summer schools and activities.

    1. Yes you definitely prepare for the real world. You teachers have let the united states , once first in the world fall to what? 30th in the world? And when you do teach , it is to comform to big brother and be ignorant to what is important.

    2. Because it is all the teacher's fault that kids are spoiled rotten brats nowadays with a sense of entitlement that all they have to do is show up to get an "A"? And many parents foster that problem. It is not a teacher's job to fix a bad parenting job. No, I'm not a teacher either. Just an observer...

  32. I wonder how many of the people actually here actually went to high school. Or ever worked with a teacher. They put in more than the 8 to 5. And they invest in the kids whose parent don't. Ohh, not to mention the funds they put into making their classroom a successful environment. Or the education they have to obtain prior to getting that job. Everyone has the right to seek their professions, thankfully the ones who deserve a decent wage are getting it.

  33. They work HARD for the money...so HARD for it honey... And I'm pretty proud of my mother who has been a dedicated educator for over FORTY years.

    1. I bet . 40 years is what? 80k? Bet your Christmas was good .

  34. I don't think the issue is as much about the salary... I'm not about begruding anyone a decent paycheck. But my issues has to do more with the fact that it seems out of any other profession, it seems teachers WHINE the very most about their jobs. Never mind summer break - throw holiday break, spring break, on top of that... and the hourly rate skyrockets. So tired of the whining. If they don't like it, they should get out and work in the private sector with crappy benefits (if any benefits at all) truly low pay, minimal holidays, etc. The grass is not always greener on the other side. I understand their job is difficult, so are many other jobs, though. I no longer have the same sympathy I used to have for teachers when it comes to "Woe is me... I can't afford anything on a measly teacher's salary." Give me a break.

  35. Ask teachers with kids where their children go to school? I bet it's not public schools!

  36. Really 11:59, I bet it is about 5 - 10 % of teachers

  37. Don't blame the teachers for the programs at these schools and how kids are educated! That was the state government politicians doing!

  38. Joe

    Please bump this to the top so people will read it when they get home from work this evening

  39. All taxpayers, and especially tax payers in this county need to see this! No wonder the BOE refused to break done how money is spent! This is outrageous! Most of these teachers make more than most people make in the private sector! They all earn more than the average tax payer makes in this county! Some of them are no more that glorified hall monitors making over 60K per year!

    1. Sooooo... Those salaries at 16k are more than the average taxpayer? Average taxpayer also didn't spend hard money and time to get a college degree... And doesnt have to teach your spoiled rotten brats

  40. Correctional officers work all year, deal with the very bad azz students teachers complain about and receive no where near the amount of pay these whining teachers receive. If teachers were doing their jobs as they say, maybe the parents would take an interest in being better parents. Maybe, both sides would win if everyone took an interest in what is best for the kids.

    1. Why does it take a teacher to make a parent want to be better??? This is the problem... Everyone wants to blame somebody for their issues instead of owning up to being a bad parent.

  41. Hell you can make 70 g’s a year and still have time to run a city the size of Salisbury,,,though not very well

  42. How many 20 plus county employees outside of education make this much money? How many police and c.o. make this much money as the teacher? NOT COUNTING ADMINISTRATORS or DIRECTORS and their ASSISTANT.

    1. Quite a few I would imagine. At least the police and county employees with Master's degrees like most teachers are required to have

  43. With all due respect, (and I mean it) could you imagine IF each and every one of these Education positions were BID out for other Teachers across the nation to chime in with a bidding process and see just how much money could be saved!!!

    Example, PE Teachers, currently, $70,00.00 as an example. Someone sends in a BID for $50,000.00 instead. Oh yeah, talk about stirring the pot!

    ALL those younger people with student loans competing for positions, AWESOME!

    Howeer, we all know that won't happen but it sure as hell gives you an idea of just how seriously OVER PAID these people are. In the REAL WORLD, (private business) this would NOT be happening!

    Now, respond to that one Teachers, with all due respect. Yes, my name is on this comment too. Remember, agree to disagree BUT DO NOT come back here with hatred or act like I just killed your mother. We live in the REAL WORLD and quite frankly there is a majority of people out there who cringe because they can't enjoy such benefits.

    1. Problem with your thought is that there aren't many younger people that want to teach. Also with many states requiring master's degrees attained within a certain time frame, many teachers have mounting school bills. So that being said it could go the wrong direction... Think a teacher in D.C. would ever teach here for 50K?

      Btw ... Not a teacher, just realize that in order to keep the good teachers for my child to have a good education, we need to pay accordingly.

  44. if they were paid according to the product they turn out they would be paying the taxpayer. Pay for performance. You turn out a bad product you should be out of business.
    end of story!

  45. Ever notice how many share the same last names? Good ole boy system?

  46. Joe said, could you imagine IF each and every one of these Education positions were BID out...
    at 5:32 pm.

    You are overlooking that the higher salaried educators have taught a longer period. You also don't seem to realize that every system, public or private tries to hand pick their educators based on skills,ability and ethics. This is why some people educated in education never get hired in the profession and some who do don't last. We the public should want the best we can afford. I know I do. A system that hired the cheapest bidder would be a system racing to the bottom. It would also be an extremely unstable system that lacked continuity. What do you suggest open season each November for the following year? the same as it is done as with health care? None or few private companies could function like that and it is nonsensical to suggest they could or would want to do such a thing.

    1. A lot of upcoming eager teachers with loans would kill to teach for half most of the teachers are making. Its not a slope downward. Think outside the box!

  47. "Disproportionate Minority Contact Coordinator"? $54,516.80 WTH?

    You just can't make this crap up.

  48. WOW!!! Joe I've always loved your site, and I do understand why you do what you do. However, this has just left a bad taste in my mouth and here's why and before you assume ALL teachers are overpaid and whining consider the facts...

    1) How about you try teaching a class for one week with at least 9 out of 25 students who have severe behavior issues like, Operational Defiant disorder, ADHD, and sever impulsivity just to name a few of which disrupt the education on a daily basis because we as teachers have to constantly redirect the behaviorally challenged child all the time.

    2) Some of the higher paid staff have been there for years so it's not like they just started out that way. Some have a masters degree plus 30 additional credits, or a doctorate so that increases salary as it should.

    3). We all work hard for what we do and what we do is damn important because we are trying our best to educate the future generation all the while dealing with nasty parents, behaviorally challenged kids and a common core cirriculum that is ridiculous.

    Why don't you sign up to be a mentor and see exactly just how hard a teachers job really is. We take work home with us all the time come into work early and spend our own money. So don't judge what we do until you have walked a damn day in our shoes!!!!

    1. Cry me a river! Do you think you a teacher who deals with 9 " special kids " out of 25 should be paid the equivalent of a clinical psychologist who deals with real kids with issues about a hundred a day? Your nuts!
      More county employee entitlement!. You make as much as the sheriffs deputies do! Shut up and grade papers. You claim you work extra hours have at it.

    2. Yes!!! They should!!! Because if they are a good teacher, they deserve to be compensated accordingly. They don't start out with a salary that high. They earned it by being a good teacher! I'd rather pay high salaries and my child be properly educated!

    3. And they also get time and service raises if they don't further there own education.
      And I know a lot of people with a lot of schooling that still can't preform their jobs. Teachers are not exempt.

  49. I cannot ponder why we are paying a woman 50K year as a athletic trainer. This is why and for many other bloated salaries and needless postions we need a elected school board.
    I guess our olympic hopefuls will be coming in 2016.
    Thanks Mr ALBERO for keeping us in touch .

  50. 6:11, REALLY, you LIBERALS just shoved Obamacare up our a$$es. Do you really believe most Americans are going to get BETTER healthcare?

    YOU created Common Core too. Do YOU really believe we'll receive SMARTER Students?????

    Go blow your smoke up someone else A$$ because, quite frankly, you are full of crap.

    Oh, and I don't blame you for BELIEVING the higher paid are better educators because, like I said, Common Core will dumb down everyone.

    1. Actually I'm a firm believer that teachers should be paid more just for putting up with common core!! It limits their true ability to teach and frustrates them to no end I'm sure... I'm a red blood through and through but I also believe that the no child left behind act that Bush signed was the beginning of these issues... Now its near impossible to expel the problems from school

  51. 5:50 People cannot be compared to "products" until you can eliminate free will. Most products that I am aware of cannot make their own choices to do(or not do)whatever they want.

    And according to your logic, doctors of oncology are the poorest kind of doctors because they have the most patients die.

    If anyone reading this blog wants the easy, high-end lifestyle of a teacher, there is still time for you to get your degree and apply. New teachers are hired each year. What are you waiting for? Maybe you could negotiate a lower salary for yourself so you can save the county some money. Come to think of it, you're just who we need in working in our schools. Won't you do it to help us all out?

  52. Small businesses people around here for 30 years don't make 70,000 a year because of taxes,fees and high costs of doing business.

    1. Or because they are poor business people.

  53. anonymous 6:16, We not only raised 5 children, we are raising our Grandson the past 11 years as well.

    While doing so I owned multiple businesses and retired at 40 years old.

    Don't you DARE tell me I haven't walked in your shoes. I have worked 18 to 20 hours a day, SEVEN days a week.

    In fact, let me wake you up to something else here. I TOOK ALL THE RISKS ALONG THE WAY TOO! I never banked on a cush job for 9 months a year and 3 months off. In fact, I've seen THREE vacations in the past 30 years because I AM A PROVIDER. Mind you, that is of my own choosing.

    Now, while you sit here and read Salisbury News for the past 10 years, my day starts at 5:00 AM every single day, 365 days a year! It ends around 11:00 PM, every single day. Remember, this is a FREE service.

    Each and every day I have to sit here and GRADE YOUR COMMENTS, just like a Teacher has to grade students papers. I hae to put up with more stupid, hateful, death threats, attacks on my Family from other Bloggers and the nwhole nine yards.

    I'd take your damn job ANY day of the week over what I do here every day. Don't forget the text messages, phone calls, meetings, press conferences, the whole nine yards.

    You are either thankful for what I/We do here or you simply do not return. Remember, learn to agree to disagree and STOP being so hateful just because someone doesn't agree with you. I never said I didn't like all teachers, police officers, firefighters, etc. In some cases I simply disagree.

    It's people like Jim Ireton and Barrie Tilghman who want you to believe I HATE people. Not true at all.

    In closing, can you honestly tell me now that you in fact work harder than I do or put up with more CRAP from ADULTS vs. the children you deal with?????

  54. Teachers should be ashamed. They make two and three times as much as most county employees. Crazy!!!

    1. Ashamed of what? That they went to school most graduate school to make a decent living for themselves. Sounds like a bunch of haters on here. Tell you what...go back to school to get your teaching degree so that you too can enjoy all of the "luxuries" that come with being a teacher.

  55. Joe, youre an ass. Most teachers dont want common core or the stupid ACA. I am on the list and make a good salary. I have many years experience (over 20) a specific set of knowledge and skills. Not to mention a masters degree and over 60 extra credits of continuing education. So you want to bid me out for a brand new teacher that may or may not stick around. So lets go cheap on the backs of our kids. We have helped prepare kids for MIT, johns hopkins, UCLA and countless other great school. We have helped prepare students to become productive members of society. Maybe we should bid out your doctor for a cheaper less experienced one. Maybe bid out everyones job that has over 10 years experience to get a cheaper less experienced worker. To hell with those that stick with a job because they care.

  56. To be fair why not add their years of service ?

  57. 6:39, Give us PERCENTAGES! Of the THOUSANDS of children you have educated over the past 20 years, HOW MANY of them did YOU sent to "MIT, johns hopkins, UCLA"?

    The County Council said it best. Rather then building new schools, SHOW US WHY. Show us the IMPROVEMENTS as to WHY the County should support such new schools.

    Now, all that being said, I'm NOT trying to bash Teachers. I'm simply trying to WAKE YOU UP TO REALITY. The general public would love to have it so good, AND THEY DON'T.

    If the public was seeing results like WORCESTER PREP and so forth, well, OK then. However, like I just asked, show us the percentages. PROVE to us it is so worth paying out all that money here on the Shore.

    1. As was said before about the whining teachers, if the general public would love to have it so good, go get a teaching degree and have it. But to cry sour grapes because someone else is making a fair wage is petty.
      It's wasy to see results in aprivate school when you can choose who goes there.

  58. What should we be ashamed of? Working, going to college, working 60-80 hours a weeks while getting advanced degrees. Spending our hard earned money on our students? Giving our heart and soul to our students and community. If it is so easy, then why isn't everyone doing it? There is not one person commenting and condemning our salary that cannot get an education and do the work to become a teacher. If there are so many people that would bid on our jobs they wouldn't be from Maryland since our county has been one of the lowest paying counties in the state. What you should be looking at is the poor salaries of our support staff. These people give more to our kids than anyone knows.

    1. I have a degree on engineering. I make $75k a year. I help design the schools you work in. Come do my job. I really work 80+ he's. A week with travel adding. The majority of the kids the board passes are stupid thugs you want out of school. The ones educated are still stupid compared to thirty years ago. Every year you make more and more and produce less and less. In the real world , you loose your jobs.

    2. And you design and build pieces of crap. Buildings today are a shadow of what they were 30 years ago. I have no degree and make 90k a year working 60 hours a week. Stop crying about how hard and important YOUR job is, and hiw underpaid you are.

    3. I have guidelines and budgets to meet. Blame that on who???? The B.O.E

  59. My wife is on the list. I have never met a more hard working and dedicated person in my life. She was born to be a teacher. There are hundreds of students and teachers who are better for having been touched by this special person.

  60. Public/Government schools ran us out Many years ago with their "we really don't care what you think or want for your school system/child". Yes; that's the attitude we dealt with years ago. We didn't have much money, lived week to week, had old cars and a small home, lived frugally and pinched pennies to get our daughter into private education. We sacrificed and looking back; we're so grateful we chose to do this.

    Many parents have since made these same decisions over the years because they saw the demise of public/government education. Now Common Core (the latest experiment) is the program that will dumb down your children even more. This will indoctrinate your precious students into following their government without questioning and embrace values, including Islam that you won't like. There will be many times you won't have a clue what is happening.

    Whoa to those who mock and deny truth. One day you will see the error of your ways, but it won't matter because it will be too late.

    Our local school system has gotten away with just about anything because NO ONE would stand up to them. They thought they were untouchable and they were for a long time. Hopefully the party is over. Hopefully they will have to answer to ALL monies spent and give an account to "we the people". The ones who pay their salaries and pay for their extreme edifices. Wasteful spending must come to an end soon or we will all be in the poor house.

  61. We are not Worcester Prep. They are a private school and do not have to follow common core and the decisions of the board and state. If you want to compare then compare but with facts. What materials do they have in the classroom. Do they have children from all walks of life? Do they have students that can't wait for school so they feel safe and can eat? Do they have kids that vary in need and intellect? What disabilities and disorders do their students have in each classroom without assistance? Do they have parents that are working two to three jobs just to make ends meet? You know our parents send us their best, and everyday we balance it all for the benefit of the child. We take every kid that comes to us with open hearts and find and mold the very best parts of them. This bashing is not helpful to the community in any way shape or form.

  62. I never said i sent kids to these schools. We (the teachers) have helped students reach their potential and they earned the right to attend the schools. All the while putting up with people like you that are teacher and police haters, that have very little to no respect for us. I am a fairly conservative person and I dont think we need to spend money on new schools. I think fixing up old schools is a good idea. Build more cheaper schools. Lets save some money. Lets spend the money helping the kids and not stupid gift cards for "awards". I dont have any percentages, i just teach. Maybe someone at the board could earn their money and promote the good things our school system does and the successes we have. All these idiots that talk about how bad the system is have no idea how screwed up it really is. As far as having it good. Its not too bad except for dealing with the thugs with ankle braclets. The thugs that beat up the 83 yo and the thug that robbed the taxi driver as well as many others do everything they can to destroy our schools, yet we still manage to help many others succeed. If we could get rid of the trash we would be able to compete with worcester prep and the like.

  63. As expected, none of you can give us numbers.

    One would think each and every one of you would not only be proud of the students you had that moved on to ivy league schools but you'd have record of it.

    Worcester Prep proudly states that every one of their students are COLLEGE GRADUATES. Now you know I'm not stupid. I know they have far less students and I'd love to see the salaries the Teachers there get vs. Wicomico County. My guess, they get paid a lot less.

    Can't some of you simply see that IF you were to deliver factual figures and actually answer to the people that pay your salaries, we can't complain. Instead, you come back here and say my spouse does this and that and is the best in the business. Well, I'm sure they are. However, we'd like to see that Wiomico County sends the majority of their students off to college and they graduate. We'd like to USE those figures to DRAW Industry and good paying Jobs to Wicomico County.

    WE have always had to answer to our performance in the private industry world, you should too. After all, it is our tax dollars paying to educate our children.

    1. Worcester Prep can pick their students. Public Schools can't. Guarantee me the raw materials and I'll guarantee you the finished product.

    2. Every mind is raw. Always able to learn.

  64. Teachers earn thier pay. To bad they give a good portion every month to the teachers union who shovel vast amounts of cash into liberal campaigns.Not to mention the money they spend in legal defense of teachers who would otherwise be fired for incompetance if the teachers union was'nt protecting them. Look at other Maryland counties and look at what teachers make there.Your getting quite a deal hear in Wicomico.

  65. 7:19, I'll repeat. I do not hate Teachers, Police Officers or Firefighters.

    The difference here is that you are of a liberal mind in which IF someone, ANYONE disagrees with you, we are haters. No, we are not.

    WE are people who have had to PROVE our performance in the private sector. We have been hired and fired based on our performance and believe me, NONE of us were gifted with having to do less, like Common Core.

    Over time we too had to do the work of two or three people because of cutbacks on the economy.

    Now, WHO is getting pay raises year after year and who is not. Teachers ARE and private workers are NOT. WHY, because each and every year OUR TAXES go up because of EDUCATION. Now, do I blame the Teachers, NO. Do I blame our liberal elected officials and your Superintendent who blows money on Gift Cards and new Schools like there's no tomorrow, YES.

    Take it personally, if you like. However, it is not in my heart and or bones to dislike Teachers, not at all.

  66. 7:24, First of all, I have a name. Secondly, what are you talking about.

  67. Joe, don't just look at the number of students at Worcester Prep, look at the types of students. How many are special needs with IEP's that are book-length? How many have IQ's that are far, far below average? How many cause constant disruption and are allowed to remain enrolled? When prep schools start taking ALL kids, then compare.

  68. 7:27, the cost of living HERE is a lot less then anywhere else in the state. If ALL Teachers were really smart they'd move to Worcester County or even better Delaware and save a small fortune on property taxes. MORE then enough to buy school supplies, as so many here claim.

  69. 7:33, I firmly agree. However, I don't think you completely understood what I was saying. Perhaps conveniently?

  70. 6:57 your choice, just like deputies and firefighters choose a career path, but don't get the summer off or paid as much as you do and they deal with the rejects you couldn't educate.

  71. 7:38, Hey, wait a minute now. Many of them became Firefighters. LOL

  72. Teach should be a calling or a passion not about money. Like politicians you make to much when you chose a career that is about serving and not getting Rich.

  73. 12:09 welcome to the real world we work summer's too.

  74. I was laid off in 2008, and now run my own business, as no one has been hiring in my trade since then.

    Last year, I made $9,630. In my trade.

    I was a $60k Construction Super for 25 years.

    I feel this sorry for all commenters. (0)

  75. Joe, with the exception of Mongomery,PG,Howard and Baltimore,Wicomico is one of the highest taxed counties in Maryland.And heaven help you if you live in an incorporated area like Fruitland or Salisbury.

  76. I understood exactly what you were saying. You were conveniently comparing students in private Worcester Prep to those in public schools. I'm not sure what part of that comparison proves any point related to public education or expenses. In Wicomico over $35 million is spent on at risk and special ed. kids when local, state and federal funds are considered. It would be much cheaper to fund a school system that did not include those kids. Why not compare intramural teams who have to take all students to the best varsity players in the same sport and ask why the intramural coaches are not getting the same results.

  77. Good idea Joe, let's trust our children to the lowest bidder. I am a teacher AND I have worked in the private sector for a long time. I became a teacher to try and help our youth become successful in this ever changing world, and I am DAMNED proud of what I do. I went to college at night to earn my degree and qualify for this job. And yes I do make good money. I EARN it. If you haters would educate yourselves and actually improve your skills you too could make more money. I really could care less what any of you think. I do this job for the kids. Not any of you. And any of you that knock teachers need to get off of your lazy asses and spend some time in our schools. Maybe, just maybe you could actually do some good instead of sitting around complaining about what someone else does.

    1. The lowest bidder can't get in because your protected by contracts and unions. There is a lot of going smart people eager for your job. Come off your horse!

  78. 8:03, ME conveniently comparing????

    How about someone ANONYMOUS trying to sell me on just how great a job they are doing, yet they refuse to PROVE it.

    Let me add. Public Schools get paid a LOT more money for special ed kids, A LOT MORE! So stop blowing smoke up everyone's butt.

  79. 8:10, OMG, I feel so sorry for you and I can see, you are so proud of yourself.

    Now, (more then ever) I'm liking the lowest bidder idea even more. AT LEAST THE NEW EMPLOYEES WILL BE HUNGRY.

  80. So now Joe wants us to prep all of our kids for college.Why so if they get a job when they graduate they can get bashed on this blog. College is not for everyone. People are very successful with and without college. What education does, is provide choice, and opportunities you may not otherwise have. I don't know if you have noticed but many of our kids that go to college leave the county, because there are not enough quality jobs. We need jobs for our community. We need to bring back industry and offer incentives to do it. We need to give those who don't or can't go to college a chance at a job with fair pay. Without a college education or technical training there are very few jobs here. This is a great place to live, but it is heading in the wrong direction when the best that can be done is to bash those who stay and try to give back.

    1. Nonyou conform kids to what the government wants them to become! Why track kids so young and keep records permanently? Your pawns. High paid at that.

  81. The teachers salaries should not be published. . .period!! Some things are better left in the dark. This is a prime example as to why the public's interest would be better off not knowing what the BOE employees are making. SBYNEWS needs to remove the names and salaries ASAP. This kind of things being disclosed could cause a disruption in public service.

    1. You mean public disservice?
      Disrupt what? Your pay check if the people have their way and replace you with a newer cheaper model? I'm glad to know who makes what. My money pays for it. Are you a public official? Aren't all of you teachers public officials? Shut up! Your a government tool!

  82. 8:20, BS!

    When you went to college you knew that when you graduated you'd be working for the PUBLIC. The PUBLIC pays your salaries. It is PUBLIC information. If you don't like it, get a job somewhere else.

    Now, do you think, (like Laura Mitchell) I broke into the Board of Education and STOLE these names and figures?????

    If so, I've got a pill bottle I'd like to sell you for Migranes.

  83. Joe, the mandate of public schools since NCLB and Common Core is to make sure all kids show average or above average performance. For some, there is not enough money in the world to make that happen, but society keeps funding it and teachers keep trying to do it. Top students in mixed ability classrooms get little attention because of what the others demand. Top students in private schools without those who won't learn or behave do get instruction. Money won't fix it. Maybe as a businessman you have never been told your worst employee cannot be fired for lack of performance or bad conduct, but that would be the same idea. All your resources are to spent trying.

  84. Salaries should be public information.

  85. I bet these teachers see more of your kids than you do. I'm not going to complain about how much many of these people make because i know several of them and i know they spend a lot more time than just their classroom time working with your and my kids

  86. Every year the Montgomery county Journal newspaper publishes the salaries of all county employees.Gets em all fired up.

  87. 8:27 said, Maybe as a businessman you have never been told your worst employee cannot be fired for lack of performance or bad conduct, but that would be the same idea. All your resources are to spent trying.

    I would never go into a business where I didn't have control, just like I'd never own a home with a homeowners association.

    Back when I owned an Upscale Billiard Room in Anne Arundel County I was told I had to pay a 10% Amusement Tax. I thought about it for a minute and couldn;t stand having the OUNTY as my 10% partner without putting up a penny or any risk.

    So, I thought out of the box. I created an ALL MEMBER Billiard Room. MEMBERSHIPS could NOT be taxed, therefore I beat the system completely.

    As I stated earlier, perhaps they should put each position up for bid and relieve the taxpayers.

    Kinda SUCKS when your job is THREATENED for the very first time. Well, welcome to the REAL WORLD.

    1. Amen! Welcome to the real world! Again your just like us! Quit thinking your entitled because of a degree. Your entitled because of your performance. And what you claim if you are good is still to high. If you have all these degrees and doctorates then why are you still a teacher?, why not a professor at a college? Or a principal? Because your not that good! You teachers watch the old movie higher learning. That's how you have the public thinking your life is as a teacher.

  88. Why do they have all those "professional development coaches" and why do they get paid so much? What exactly is their job?

  89. An "upscale billiard room?" Would that be your term for a pool hall? Anything to make yourself sound better!

  90. 9:00, Well, considering I started the Upscale Billiard Room concept and was rated one of the Top 10 Billiard Rooms in the World, I earned the right to "sound better" because I was. What say you now, (and don't make me pull out articles PROVING such, because I will make you look like the fool that you are.

    1. You wanted a teacher to post the number of students they sent to top schools to prove their assertion. So why don't you post articles proving your assertion?

    2. Well Gary........watch what Joe serves up for you. Think that man speaks with out the ability to back his ass up? Lmao. I thought teachers were smart.

  91. 9:04
    How many holidays do you get a year? How many vacation days? Oh yeah how about the 2 plus months you get off each summer? After you retire we are still stuck paying you. These salaries are too much for the products you turn out of the schools.

  92. Years ago when I started teaching, common sense was part of it. If a child had ability in the 40th percentile, and performed at that level, teachers weren't told they were at fault because the kid's achievement was to be at least average. Politically correct not to admit lots of kids are below average. It's called the bell-shaped curve which educators are no longer allowed to cite.

  93. All these people criticizing teachers should be ashamed of themselves. You make it sound like the entire breadth of a student's intelligence, education, social graces, etc are the sole responsibility of the teachers!

    Seems like you all are just jealous of their salaries. Try teaching for a week and you will gain the respect for teachers that you buffoons should already have!

    1. Hey. You should try teaching for a week! Better yet.... A whole damn year! A day off every other week plus vacations summer and your production is minimal. And yes teachers.....these kids are almost yours . they are your responsibility all day everyday! If you haven't reached the kids attention and helped them focus or find a way to reach them then you failed them as much as their parents. You train to figure out how to reach students. I know your not taught in teaching school all kids are the same.

  94. by the way; Worcester Country School is NOT the only private school in our area. most of the families I know, including my family, attended private schools where tuition was much less. the education our children received was excellent. the schools accepted many students that had behavior issues, so that fact is wrong as well. most of us lived very simply so we could afford the tuition we chose to pay. we packed lunches, wore "hand me down" and "second hand" clothing and us furnished our homes with "used but not abused" furniture.

    Never believe those that chose to "escape" the failing public schools were rich. Many quit their jobs, downsized, sold the 2nd car and homeschooled.

    I'm telling you, there are ways to get a great education without having to put up with the public system that continues to fail our children (those that want to learn).

  95. 9:26, I am not a teacher, but I am married to a very dedicated one. One that is at school by 7:00am preparing for her 200+ students a day! Teaches six periods a day, tutors her students until 4:00 pm, comes home and makes dinner for her family, works grading papers and lesson planning most week nights and some weekends until 9pm! Nothing like a 14 hour day. But, trying spew logic and rationale to idiots like you, is futile.

    You probably think that kids who turn into drug dealers, bank robbers, porn stars, murders are the fault of the teachers too?

    1. In some cases yes. They are to blame. And who cares about a 14 hour week. All I can say is maybe you should join the club! I'm the president of overtime at piss poor salary with a great education.

  96. It is simple. The county needs to take the reigns from Frederickson. They need to overhaul the system. If your a good teacher worth your weight no problem right? Good at your position your safe. If the county does start to accept bids for contracts then allow the teacher who is up for reconsideration to bid as well or counter the winning bid if they're worth keeping. Our teachers are receiving the pay that the richest counties in Maryland pay and with a fraction of the students and resources needed. There is a serious problem here. Bob Culver needs to make sure the county residents either are protected from this waste and or figure a way to correct it.

  97. Joe, I'm a big fan, but the teachers are not the problem here. It's the bureaucrats. It's not just liberals who pushed Common Core. Lots of conservatives jumped on that bandwagon to promote "an educated workforce" and to pad a lot of corporation pocketbooks behind "reforming education." It is a crock. Most teachers I know hate it with a passion.

    Many of your $70k and up teachers are near retirement. I know these people, so I know they have 40+ years in. Some are worth every dime and more, others, not so much.

    The bloat is in the extra fluff positions, administrators and costs you've exposed. Many teachers I know do NOT complain about pay. They complain about NOT being allowed to teach because of stupid fake programs like Common Core, Race to the Top and No Child Left Behind that make politicians believe they are actually doing something when all they are doing is screwing education, kids, teachers and us more and more every day.

    As with any group, don't stereotype teachers just because they are represented by voices they didn't necessarily choose.

    I work in the private sector under less regulation than teachers have. I can go pee any time I want. My chance of getting hurt by one of my "clients" is far less than a teacher's. I can do my job the way I want to, not in accordance with some politician's whim. I was not forced to get a higher degree to even get my job, so my student loans weren't anywhere near what some of these folks have.

    Looking at these salaries, I think some of the teachers are underpaid, some are overpaid and some of these positions are b.s.

    Just my two cents and thanks for letting me give them.

    1. Christ sake! Retirement at that salary forever until they're dead? Omg! That alone is scary.

    2. Thank you for a well-rounded and fair comment...what im reading blows my mind!!! I know this is just a sounding board, but none-the-less, a frustrating read with all the uninformed or mis-informed comments/replies. Educate YOURSELF bf attacking us educators, especially all of us who knew what we were getting into and LOVE what we do regardles of the peaks and pits of the profession. Oh, and I could care less if my salary is published!!! It is to be expected with the data and numbers that plague the county.....thanks again!!!

  98. 9:38, You should be very proud.

    There are a LOT of very hard working women out there, men too.

    That being said, I think you'd be amazed at just how many single mothers who are out there working two or three jobs just to stay afloat but make next to nothing income wise compared to Teachers.

    Remember that the next time you walk into Sam's Club to order a slice of Pizza and how you treat the people working there. McDonald's, Royal Farms, Lowe's, Home Depot, no need to keep going.

    It's very tough out there for millions of people who don't have such security who can't be fired.

    Yes, you have ALL earned your way to some security and chose an employment path that delivers a very decent package. However, along with the job you chose comes accountability because you work for the taxpayers. Your names and salaries are a part of that scrutiny.

    I do not believe there has been ONE person who has called ANY Teacher out for doing a poor job.

  99. Replies
    1. A poster at 6:52 above stated they had taught kids that went to top schools for college. You asked forpercentages to prove it.

  100. 9:55, Complete BS!

    A Teacher from DC who is living in a $500,000.00 home can buy the same home here for $150,000.00. That same Teacher in DC is paying $12,000.00 a year in property taxes and would drop to $1,200.00 a year here. Their stress level would drop at least 50% and the $50,000.00 a year here would easily match what they were making in DC because of the cost of living.

    You all feed people a load of crap and because you never lived out tat way, (I did) you have no clue what you are talking about. Nice try though.

  101. Maybe you should be mad at the business leaders in the community for giving you such piddly salaries that you think (by comparison) that the teachers' salaries are so high. Maybe you should be mad that most employers around here don't offer benefits and you don't think this should be the norm.

  102. What do Wicomico county teachers make? They make a difference. They arrive early, stay late, spend weekends grading papers, vacations writing lesson plans...because they WANT to and because they believe in their students. Articles such as the one above are demoralizing and only serve to alienate the public. Teaching is a challenging profession, one that becomes more challenging every year as students enter school with fewer skills and less respect for adults and peers than in the past. Teachers and parents need to work together to ensure each student in Wicomico county reaches his or her full potential, but when vitriol such as the comments above are made public, that task becomes much more difficult.

  103. joe, ur being a little harsh. the problem is not teachers, the problem is the number of administrators and top end $.

    furthermore, you CANNOT compare DC to here. DC is the ONLY area in america that wealth is increasing and housing values going up b/c explosion in government.

  104. Fredrickson is the head of this festering boil on the counties cheeks!

  105. If you think the process of becoming a teacher, getting a job, and working with children and teenagers is easy and that you will be well paid, it's never too late to go back to college and get your degree. We have several institutions of higher learning in the area. So, stop complaining about teacher salaries and go get that degree, student loan payments, and the loss of 4 years of a salary. Then, you too can be demeaned on a regular basis by people who are undereducated of the real requirements of the job, complain about the behavior of teenagers and expect you to fix it, and think you only work nine months of the year. Don't forget you have to continue your education, on your own time, to maintain your certificate. Don't delay, sign up for spring classes is underway at our local colleges and universities.

    1. You are so far off base here. Everyone here just about went to college like you. They make less and work harder with I'm assuming better results than what we see as a community. You teachers don't want to be questioned? Figure out a way to reach and teach your students. These problem students you cry is damn near half of them just aren't being reached. And there is no way almost half the students are so problematic. But the teachers are never wrong. Who are we to question these highly accredited county employees? They are teachers and know all!

    2. I understand the problem most have with some of the salaries on this list, but my problem with posting it (here specifically on SBYnews) is that it always attracts the most negative of people and you take it out on everyone and you always seem to make every Wicomico County BOE employee look guilty or in the wrong.

      Crawl back into the holes you came out of. No one is ever positive about anything on the shore anymore.

      It's pretty ironic that most of you attack the teachers for this or that. You could all use a little help with your poor grammar and punctuation skills. It's pretty clear you never valued your time with your teachers if you even went to school.

  106. 9:49
    Maybe the argument should be that low-wage workers should make more, rather than teachers making less!

    1. No way. What a liberal. That's what they teach. Its OK if your mediocre, as long as you graduate and have a paper that says you can you should be paid well. There is a reason they are low wage workers. Want a burger flipper making 55k a yr? How would that make the teacher feel?

  107. 10:04
    Precisely. Nobody wants to hurt corporations' feelings though. Spineless.

  108. John Fredericksen Salary $168,383, but now I know for a fact is is $180,000 due to his last pay raise. That is a lot of money for anyone in Wicomico County.

  109. I have a MBA and a small business,work 60hrs every week, and am happy to make $100k year, before taxes. If its all about the kids that why do you teachers latch onto the union? I have a better idea, you get paid on the success rate of your students who graduate. But no, that would be life in the real world!

  110. I'm a middle school teacher and proud to be one!

    BUT well over half the staff at my location are horrible teachers who don't teach. They socialize most of their days and are more concerned about what administrator is gay, cheating, on drugs , or kissing their asses more concerned about stupid fundraisers.

    I've been teaching over 10 years now and I have my lessons planned. I've had them for the better part of my career. So all the whining I hear at work(outside the core BS) about spending time outside of school working plans are the teachers faults.

    Check out a site called teacherspayteachers

    If you don't want to work you can.pay someone a few $s for their lessons plans. I could use the extra money. I want a beach house for the 10 weeks off I get.

  111. 7:10
    Your story sounds just like ours.WE saw what was coming and put our child in private school.We are nowhere close to wealthy,but its an investment worth the peace of mind.Slow and problem kids were disrupting the classrooms and the achieving kids get bored easily.Then you have the environment where kids as young as 6 are hitting people and stealing from other kids.Lastly,when the bulk of public school teachers send THEIR kids to private school,you do not have to be clairvoyant to know why.


  112. With these kinds of salaries... why do they have purchase credit cards for extravagant meals?

    Bob Culver, we need you to oversee. Also...

    What the heck is an Instructional Supervisor?

    Why is Gary Beauchamp making over $100,000 a year?

    Doesn't it sound like a "Good Old Boy" position?

  113. It just fascinates me with the comments from teachers.
    Their lack of knowledge in our current financial crisis .
    They can't see our economy is failing because it doesn't effect them , making way too much money .

  114. Let me make something very clear to every one.

    The County Executive has NO SAY over what is done within the Board of Education, NONE.

    Quit asking Bob Culver to fix things. YOU need to demand your representatives from the County Council all the way up to the Governor allows Wicomico County to have an ELECTED School Board.

    THEN, you need to keep the Good Ol' Boys OFF that School Board!!!!!

    1. Is there a way the county can take control ? Joe I thought I read it before on your site.

  115. Weeks ago this blog published an article stating that in 11 states the average welfare recipient makes more than the average teacher. An area that cannot attract teachers will not attract doctors or other professionals either. Those folks always ask about the quality of the schools before moving into an area.

  116. I think this has to be one of the most distasteful posts you have done Joe. As far as what the teachers make I think they are underpaid! Yes I am sure there are some who are less than adequate teachers for that they should be fired. There is testing in place to test kids knowledge at many levels if they don't preform the whole school is held accountable not just one teacher who doesn't do their job and yes that should change. But to say some of these college educated people are undpaid is a joke, I am 30 years old and have been working in healthcare less than 10 years and I make 60K+ a year. I know several of the teachers on this list and they have been teaching over 30 years and are only making 75K a year? The fact that they work 9 months out of the year doesn't bother me, would I like to be 60K and only work 9 months, sure as shit I would! But I didn't want to be a teacher, I don't have the patience to deal with some of these little brats(parents included in the brats part). They are teaching OUR CHILDREN!!! If we pay them well and reward them for what they do OUR CHILDREN the FUTURE of this COUNTRY just might have a chance of making something of themselves!! So you know what Joe, why don't you shut your big fat mouth, people like you who want to throw around your success is 90% of what is wrong with country today, yeah you worked hard to get where you are...but now you work just as hard to bring hard working people down. Didn't someone have to educate your children? Did you think then that those teachers were overpaid?!? Most teachers felt the calling to do what they do, but to say they are overpaid is not right, many on this list have worked for 20 years to make what they make, it's not like they got out of college making 50K a year.

  117. Joe, I don't agree with how you are disrespecting our teachers but your post at 7:54 is spot on.

  118. Teachers' hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work nine or ten months a year! It's time we put things in perspective and pay them for what they do -- babysit!
    We can get that for less than minimum wage.

    A friend on facebook shared this with me, and it's a hoot. Read on.

    That's right. Let's give them $3.00 an hour and only the hours they worked; not any of that silly planning time, or any time they spend before or after school. That would be $19.50 a day (7:45 to 3:00 PM with 45 min. off for lunch and planning -- that equals 6-1/2 hours).
    So each parent should pay $19.50 a day for these teachers to baby-sit their children. Now how many students do they teach in a day...maybe 30? So that's $19.50 x 30 = $585 a day.

    However, remember they only work 180 days a year!!! I am not going to pay them for any vacations.

    LET'S SEE....

    That's $585 X 180= $105,300 per year. (Hold on! My calculator needs new batteries).

    What about those special education teachers and the ones with Master's degrees? Well, we could pay them minimum wage ($7.75), and just to be fair, round it off to $8.00 an hour. That would be $8 X 6-1/2 hours X 30 children X 180 days = $280,800 per year.

    Wait a minute -- there's something wrong here! There sure is!

    The average teacher's salary (nationwide) is $50,000.

    $50,000/180 days = $277.77 per day / 30 students = $9.25 / 6.5 hours = $1.42 per hour per student -- a very inexpensive baby-sitter and they even EDUCATE your kids!)

    WHAT A DEAL!!!!

  119. I'm glad this is up now. I've got a family member that is always crying poor and saying being a teacher is keeping them broke and now, with their salary posted along with their name, the pity train is leaving the station lol!

  120. Remember this is Not take home pay. . Also the teachers have to pay for their schooling they have to have a Masters Degree now within so many years. And if you are complaining about their Salary. BECOME a TEACHER !!!!

    1. No it is their take home pay. Then they pay bills.

  121. 10:41, Maybe Teachers should thank US for their paychecks?

  122. First, this is old data - some of the individuals listed are no longer employed by the WCBOE.

    Second, it may sound like good money, but teachers work many, many hours over and above the normal school day hours, and are now expected to do more with less support and with less time available. There is a lot of pressure on teachers nowadays, and it is not an easy job.

    Third, due to lack of financial resources, teachers spend a lot of their own money to buy supplies for the classroom, items students need, etc. So much has to come out of teachers' own pockets just to pay for things they need for their classrooms.

    Fourth, note the disparity between what instructional assistants make and what classroom teachers make. They all play important roles in the classroom, but their salaries do not reflect it.

    And we wonder why so many novice teachers leave within their first five years of teaching!

    1. Old data? They make more now then.
      Work many hours...join the club.
      Wanna quit spending of your own? Quit giving away the things the parents buy for their kids. Or just quit spending and make the county spend. But that may make them think yalls get paid to much. After all the only reason its been allowed this long is more than likely your gripe of spending money so they give you a lot.
      And fourth? My teacher never had an assistant. They had 40 kids in a class. You need no assistant! Your spoiled as it is. Look at teachers and kids 50 years ago and compare to today? Then look at society.

  123. None of your points include anything about individual teachers...therefore including all of their names is a pathetic move to get ratings up...

    As my earlier comment that was not posted alluded to, this will do nothing to help the current situation in schools here, or anywhere else, and will only make teacher/parent relationships strained.

    Again, in this situation, if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem, and regarding this...you are part of the problem.

    I also cannot figure out where the hell this even came from...all of the sudden Wicomico county teachers are all overpaid and you want the children of today to be taught by teachers that give a low bid??? WTF???

  124. 12:34, Read my new Post times at 2:30 PM. It's at the very top right now. Hopefully that article will help you to better understand where I am coming from. As for the teachers names, it is public record. STOP trying to attack me for something anyone can read on line.

  125. They don't make nearly enough for having to deal with some of the Junior Thugs of America that enter their classrooms.

    1. The blame goes to more then the parents. If you can not reach your students for over twenty years and your school consistantly produces thugs. ...then its obviously a teacher problem. Reach your students.

  126. All I see here is JEALOUSY! Everybody wants something they cant have! Get a life! Good for those teachers! Good for anyone that works to get a degree and stay in a position for more than 20 years to obtain a better salary! Jealousy reeks on this post! Nope- Im not a teacher. Just sick of everybody and their nosey ass opinions!

  127. 2:09, Absolutely not true.

    The ONLY thing the County can do is hold back additional funding above and beyond maintenance of effort funding. Aside from that there is nothing the County can do.

    What the taxpayers can do is demand an ELECTED SCHOOL BOARD. One of the Board Members, (in my opinion) should be a County Council Member.

  128. What is a Graduation Coach and what does the job entail to warrant a $73K+ salary?

    1. A degree secures 50k a year the teachers said. I learned at the school of hard knocks that performance earns you money.
      So the question is if I'm educated by book and can't preform , I am entitled to awesome pay scales? The answer from your teachers is yes. It is acceptable to half ass and get paid. No wonder our kids are dumbing down.

  129. Responding to 8:20 Poster that said;
    'The teachers salaries should not be published. . .period!! Some things are better left in the dark.'

    Response: Left in the dark? Where in he heck have you been. Here in America most every politician from the President right on down to the local council will tell you that the best disinfectant to a Democracy is LIGHT. What SBYNEWS has done is shine a bright light onto a very dark subject. TRANSPARENCY, AND EDUCATION, are an integral part of the Democratic system. Get over it or move to Russia.

  130. To 3:28 Posting who said the negative commentators always seem to make every Wicomico County BOE employee look guilty or in the wrong.

    My response, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck then it must be a duck. With 14.8 weeks off a year - one can easily argue that the entire establishment is not underpaid. If anything - the 14.8 weeks vacation should allow sufficient time for even a second simultaneous career.

  131. Look at how many folks are not teachers or administrators. Now Joe ask if you can get a list of money paid to contractual folks. Most of that is with tax money.

  132. The following are links to just a few of the colleges and universities you may apply to become a teacher and make millions of dollars like all of us:
    Wor-Wic: http://www.worwic.edu/ProspectiveStudents.aspx
    Salisbury University:
    Wilmington University:

  133. joe maybe you ought to look into why so many thugs kicked out of schools in new york and who knows where else, are sent to attend school down here with our kids. It's my understanding new york pays the county to let this happen. Then you wonder why we have the problems we have and why all the special education teachers make what they make! Thanks bonnie (109K per year) and company for all this bs you bring us! lmao at local taxpayers, you are all being played for fools! got the balls to tackle this one Joe?

  134. Joe

    Let me say this. I am a product of this system. Born and raised in Salisbury. Graduated from JMB, went to SU and did my student teaching under several of the teachers listed above. I am currently a teacher in Philadelphia and I am making over $17K more than my mentor teacher as well as making just as much as many of my former teachers at JMB where I graduated 20 years ago and I have only been in the teaching profession for 10 years now.

    Wicomico County is so far behind in teacher pay!

  135. This is so amazing... we have a community full of future educators! Yay...I can retire soon knowing someone qualified will come work my position for much less. We are not the highest paid county, do your research! As for the time I personally work. I work 190 (1615 hours) days (contracted), 2 (16 hours) days before school to set up my room, 5 PTA meeting (5 hours), 20 after school faculty meetings (20 hours), 35+ hours in Destination Imagination, not to mention my day starting at 8 am, thats 45 minutes before the actual school day. ?. And I never leave at the bell...it's at least 15 min to hour afterm that's another 190 hours. I earned my masters in 10 years (33 credit hours from SU), 6 credit hours every 5 years for recertification. **That's approximately 1000 hours in 20 years! For those of you "educated"responders credit hours are not actual hours. One credit hours is equivalent to about 6-8 hours. I work about 1881 hours a year ÷ 52 weeks is 36 hours a week. I do not complain about my salary, I do work hard and enjoy my job! Post my accomplishments, it makes me feel good. But, nothing makes me feel better than receiving a letter from a student I had my 2nd year teaching thanking me for educating him and his accomplishments in becoming a lawyer! Am I proud? YES I AM! Nobody can comment on here and make me feel bad or be ashamed of my salary or the career path I chose to devote my life too! As others have stated, if you want to join us educators, get your degree I will be retiring within the timeframe it will take you to get your degree! Have a wonderful and prosperous 2015.

  136. The number of comments on this particular post have gone off the Richter scale. Wow! I looked at this article this morning and there were only a few postings.

    I believe everyone in Wicomico is now posting on this subject.

  137. Teachers are over paid.

  138. Why I have to justify the reasons behind why I make $43,000.00 a year is beyond me. I have 2 Masters Degrees equaling thousands of my own dollars spent to educate myself, hundreds upon hundreds of hours away from my own family to use that education to educate YOUR children, and amongst other things…to make myself and YOUR children a better member of society. I grew up in the ‘not so pretty part’ of Salisbury and was the first in my family to attend and graduate college. I’ve dedicated my entire professional career to educating OUR children.
    Please remember I am not the one who creates our laws that we as teachers must adhere too. I am not the one who created NCLB/MSA or Race to the Top/PARCC. I am not the one who pinned teachers against society. I am not the politician who created unrealistic expectations of both teachers and students. I am not the one who is pushing for 100% compliance on every article that leaves a school building. How many people do you know that have a 100% success rate? I am simply a facilitator of these demands. When did it become a scarlet letter to be an educator? I worked far too long and invested far too much money into my own education to just leave it and move on. When I graduated and interviewed, I could have cared less how much money I was going to be paid! It had to be more than the $18,000 I was making pre-graduation.
    I was that 5 year old sitting in a Kindergarten classroom, admiring my teacher and everything she did. I never imagined I could be in her shoes one day. I had no reason to even graduate high school, much less have multiple degrees in many different areas of education. I strive to be ‘that’ teacher who inspires my students to become meaningful members of society.
    Yes, I attend school 190 days for 7.5 hours each of those days – that is equal to 1425 hours of teaching per school year. If you calculate that out from my $43,000.00, I make $30.00 an hour. Now, let’s hear the truth. I attend 2 1-hour each faculty meetings a month after school – 18 hours. I attend 5 PTA meetings (where I have about a 5% attendance rate of parents by the way) at 2 hours each – 10 hours. I go in to my school 1 hour before it is time for my duty and NEVER leave at 3:30 – usually it’s more like 4:30 or 5:00 – I’ll give you the low end, but pay attention because this will rock you – 380 hours. Now let’s talk about the planning (because let’s get real…I attend more parent conferences during my planning and lunch time than I do after school) and grade papers/projects after I’ve fixed dinner, helped my own children with their homework, bath time, snuggle time and bedtime – so from 8:30 to around 10:30 (b/c I vow to be in bed by 11:00!!) – that’s another 380 hours. Because you think I don’t do anything all summer – I won’t even count the continuing ed credit hours, the professional development (I pay for myself to attend), the hours spent creating activities that are ‘outside the box’ for all of my many types of learners, etc. – I won’t calculate these because they do vary and that just wouldn’t be fair now would it? So, that puts me to an additional 788 hours for a (on the low end) grand total of 2213 working hours per 9 month school year. For you math people - $43,000/2213 hours = $19.43 per hour. Don’t forget however, those 788 hours are not paid hours – they are more like volunteered hours. I do not get paid overtime or comp time. Would you work for 788 hours for free? Yeah, probably not. Civilian workers averaged $32.20 per hour worked in September 2014, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported. So, why is what I make a big issue? Why do you judge me? I am a good person. I contribute to society in a meaningful way. Why shouldn’t I get paid for my education and for my hours of time spent working, dedicating my life to educating your children?


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