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Friday, January 23, 2015

White House aide says Obama will 'steamroll' dissenting Democrats

The Obama administration appears to be arming itself for a take-no-prisoners approach to lame-duck governing, at the risk of crushing Democrats who disagree with policies outlined in the president's State of the Union address on Tuesday night.

A White House aide said plainly on Wednesday that 'party loyalty' won't protect Barack Obama's fellow Democrats on Capitol Hill if they get in his way.

'The president is in the last two years,' the aide told Daily Mail Online, 'and party loyalty isn't worth what it used to be. He's going to steamroll them.'

So much for the pen and the phone.

Obama's legislative vision hit an unexpected snag this week as prominent members of his own party – including three U.S. senators and a handful of indignant House members – voiced targeted objections to items on his State of the Union laundry list.

Tuesday night marked the first time he dropped his agenda in the lap of a GOP-dominated Congress; while loud objections from Republicans were expected, some parts of the speech drew howls from Democrats as well.



  1. they hold the power not him
    they can override every veto he signs
    i say bring it on and lets get it done

  2. They are elected officials who are supposed to have their goals set by their constituents. Not goals set for personal opinion and gain. The president if going forward with effectively destroying his own ties to the people who'm supposedly elected him will set themselves further back...wait what am I saying bring it on and burn every bridge you can King so impeachment will come from your own Dems.

  3. He sounds more and more like a dictator in some small third world country telling everyone I don't care what the law and rules are I will rewrite them to suit MY wants and needs!Wake up Congress and impeach this imposter!!


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