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Friday, January 23, 2015

Our Mushrooming Welfare State

Americans’ slipping into government dependency is becoming increasingly difficult to reverse.

America’s national character will have to be changed if progressives are going to implement their agenda. So, changing social norms is the progressive agenda. To understand how far this has advanced, and how difficult it will be to reverse the inculcation of dependency, consider the data Nicholas Eberstadt deploys in National Affairs quarterly:

America’s welfare state transfers more than 14 percent of GDP to recipients, with more than a third of Americans taking “need-based” payments. In our wealthy society, the government officially treats an unprecedented portion of the population as “needy.”

Transfers of benefits to individuals through social-welfare programs have increased from less than one federal dollar in four (24 percent) in 1963 to almost three out of five (59 percent) in 2013. In that half-century, entitlement payments were, Eberstadt says, America’s “fastest growing source of personal income,” growing twice as fast as all other real per-capita personal income. It is probable that this year, a majority of Americans will seek and receive payments.



  1. Hey Joe--here's one for you---Dr. F has rescinded the attendance policy for minorities at county schools... you don't even have to show up to pass!!! Great news, Huh?? I have a student in grade 11 who passed (after failing all classes) and missed 90 days of school...Minority Achievement!!!

  2. Let's keep rewarding people for doing nothing!!! See Wicomico County Board of Education---Check out those salaries for losers...

  3. no wonder no one in their right mind would want to move here..

  4. What about corporate welfare? We give monopoly money to them with no complaints.. but poor people are an easy target.


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