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Saturday, January 17, 2015

WCBOE -Public Budget Hearing 1-15-15


  1. Can't get blood from a turnip. Improve the business environment in Salisbury and county by eliminating the personal property/inventory tax NOW and reducing property taxes in Salisbury. Do this and you will have more jobs and so fewer "at risk kids" that need additional services. Oh yeah, and as a side benefit the county will have more revenue to invest in education.

  2. Can't get blood from a turnip. Improve the business environment in Salisbury and county by eliminating the personal property/inventory tax NOW! and reducing property taxes. Do this and you will have more jobs and fewer "at risk kids" that need additional services. Oh yeah, and as a side benefit the county will have more revenue to invest in education.

  3. Even if all this is true and truly justified, with another thousand jobs leaving the City/ County, there are that many less contributing to the tax base.

    There are very sound business reasons Labinol and the others are packing up and moving elsewhere. Those reasons should be eliminated by our City and County government before the end of business this coming Monday.

  4. Don't you just love it how the BOE cherry picks their data.

    Where is the local area workforce statistics? Where is the local area factory closings business listings? Where is the net per capita income listed? How about all of the detrimental legislation - (i.e. raintax, flush tax, toll fee increases, gas tax increase, increased tag fees - more than 40 new fee increases) - that has helped to drive all of these businesses out of here.

    Or how about the legislation that passed onto the Counties the local pension cost for the school teachers - not to mention the passing on of the FICA (social security) cost that the State also used to pay.

    Frederickson - where in the heck have you been son? Why wasn't your organization lobbying to thwart what I call 'handwriting on the wall'.

    You reap what you sow.

    Reference to PoP-PoP - you are right on.

  5. 8:06 - it's not the BoE's role to report on those workforce/factory issues. They report on what comes in to the BoE and what comes out. We'll see all that in the County Exec.'s presentation, since he will cover County income.
    We can argue all day long about how much the BoE spends, but I'd challenge concerned tax payers to look a little more closely at slide 6. Where is the county spending all the money that used to go to schools? Not saying it should all go to schools, but if the BoE can absorb a $10 million dollar cut over 5 years, what's happening in the other county departments?

  6. Just remember that several years in the past that the County, State and City employees took furloughs while John Fredericksen and All to the School System employees to NO furloughs. They owe the tax payers!

  7. To 8:06 Poster

    The MD pension fund was about $18 billion short of what it will need to cover future benefits at the end of fiscal 2009, and federal stimulus funds due to expire in less than a year have propped up teacher pensions. In Maryland’s current budget, $422 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was used to fund education, with $240 million going to pensions.

    Responding to 8:06 AM Poster

    Let's go ahead and open up this can of worms topic - that is if you have the stomach for it. How in Sam h__ll did the 240 million federal subsidy into the school teachers pension benefit the millions of other Marylanders. Talk about Cherry Picking data - you need to go back to school.


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