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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Romney falls flat with GOP lawmakers

Republican lawmakers aren’t jumping on the Mitt Romney 2016 bandwagon.

Even among his onetime allies, the news that the former Massachusetts governor is considering a third consecutive run for president is being met with criticism or cool indifference on Capitol Hill.

Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), Romney’s congressional liaison for his 2012 run, said Tuesday he might support one of his Senate colleagues for president.

Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), who backed Romney before the 2012 Iowa caucus, said he’s going to “wait and see.”

And another senator who spoke on background to offer a candid assessment of how Romney could affect the 2016 race offered a stark dismissal.

“What we know about Romney last time, he lost the election with working Americans,” said the conservative senator, who backed Romney in 2012. “[Among] those making $30,000 to $50,000, he lost it by 15 percent, and [those making] under $30,000 by 28 percent. You can’t win an election like that. And it can’t just be words. I’ll be looking for candidates who are authentic, who have credibility.”



  1. " You can’t win an election like that. And it can’t just be words. I’ll be looking for candidates who are authentic, who have credibility.”

    Like Ron Paul or Trey Gowdy, right?

  2. Right now, this country needs someone who can foster jobs and employment - not some silly demagogue who is long on catchy phrases, but short on practical application. There are a LOT worse than Romney out there. You people better actually think about your vote this next election.

  3. 11:09
    We should not resort to "there are a LOT worse" candidates.

    Stop lowering the standards. This is why the republican party is becoming an embarrassment. We should be looking for THE BEST candidate.


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