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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Police Threat Is Too High

The hypocrisy of American police is beginning to bother even law and order conservatives. The New York Police Department is rivaling the black community in Ferguson in keeping alive the murders of their community members.

We are constantly reminded of how dangerous it is to be a police officer. A total of 50 police officers were reportedly killed last year in the “line of duty,” but the police themselves managed to kill 1,029 Americans during the same time period, most of whom were unarmed and innocent of wrongdoings.

In other words, any encounter between the public and the police is more than 20 times more dangerous for the public than for the police.

That should raise questions about the absence of restraint on the ability of police to use deadly force as a first resort. Yet authorities and white communities invariably defend police violence against the public.

If Americans had half-decent educations, Americans would know that power comes from precedent. The police, like the executive branch, have now established themselves above the law. The laws that apply to the public do not apply to police, US presidents, presidential appointees, NSA, and CIA.



  1. Americans have education - the dumbed down socialist common core type. Its a wonder they can even tie their shoes much less understand precedent (yo, thats not Obama).

  2. am clear on some of your comment, but the article is pure drivel. Another anti-cop driatribe that cannot be accepted as educated conversation.

  3. Paul Craig Roberts mentions, in the source article, the cop Grant Morrison of Billings MT PD.
    Here's a bit more info on Mr. Morrison. The Billings PD has had five police shootings in the five years this POS has been a cop there. And, 40% of them are by this a**hole., that's right 2 of the 5 are this arrogant POS's kills. Most cops go their entire career w/o one and this scumbag has two in five years. Un-rutting-acceptable!

  4. No gun ,instant arrest. Cut and dry! Identify the threat before your fire! Its why we train. Coos should not be immune.

  5. I'm 45, cops are totally disrespectful. It hasn't changed. I've been searched, slammed on the car, called a liar, & warned to stay in my hood when my license clearly stated I didn't live in the hood or even the state. It's pathetic. Any movement is considered aggressive which gives cops a right to shoot or lock up. Nope never arrested just harrassed to pass time. We sick of being sick. What u read in the papers is nothing compared to the abuse you don't see or hear. Whenever my car breaks down, I pray no cop stops to help. Least I live another day or avoid jail. Cops always, always presume you guilty of something if your skin is black. Maybe police should target another race for 40 yrs. White folks use more drugs than all minorities together but no patrols locking them up in the trailer parks.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    am clear on some of your comment, but the article is pure drivel. Another anti-cop driatribe that cannot be accepted as educated conversation.

    January 13, 2015 at 6:26 PM

    not by someone who is uneducated like you seem to be. the numbers are true. they have been posted multiple times. you can try to deny, deny, deny, all you want, but the truth is the truth is the truth.

    we all know SOME cannot handle the truth and it looks like we have found yet one more.

  7. Another anti-cop driatribe that cannot be accepted as educated conversation.

    January 13, 2015 at 6:26 PM

    well we ARE talking about cops so you can't talk too educated or they will get lost and not know what you're talking about.


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