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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Pelosi to name 1st Muslim to House intel

Democrat to hold post on key national-security panel

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced in a closed-door meeting Tuesday she would name the first Muslim lawmaker to the House’s Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

A senior Democratic aide said Rep. AndrĂ© Carson of Indiana would be named in the “coming days” to the key national security-focused panel. The California Democrat told lawmakers of the appointment during the members’ weekly caucus meeting.

Carson would be the first Muslim to serve on the committee and was the second Muslim to be elected to Congress. He already serves on the House Armed Services Committee and worked for the Department of Homeland Security’s Fusion Center — the clearinghouse established by the federal government to streamline data sharing between the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Justice and the military.


  1. Leave it to Nancy Pelooser to avail our intelligence to those publicly announcing their intent to destroy us.....

    Your parents should have used birth control!

  2. Perfect choice from a communist that wants to destroy this country.

  3. Excellent. I think they should get Kim Jong-un to take over Attorney General, once Holder leaves. Maybe Pelosi would step aside to allow Putin at the helm of minority leadership?

  4. she claims to be Catholic!

  5. 2:46 Are you part of the Obama admin?

  6. It is simply ridiculous to see the queen of lunacy herself making more ridiculous decisions. It is simply sickening to see yet another Muslim making their way into our government so they can contribute further to our demise. Why people are not furious about this, I'll never know. I certainly am.

  7. That guy is Obama's 2nd cousin!


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