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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Owner makes Arkansas gun range 'Muslim-free zone'

Jan Morgan, who owns the Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range in Hot Springs, Arkansas, has banned Muslims from her business. She says the ban is for safety reasons. Morgan barred two Arkansas men of Indian descent from the facility Sunday even though they are Hindi. 'I'm not Muslim, I'm just brown,' one said.



  1. Everyday I wake up saddened I have to live with white skin. The level of ignorance within our people is mind numbing.

    I'm a white Muslim. Unless I wear the outfits identified as Arabic you'd never know. If I were a terrorist I would have zero problems going to that range with a gun and training or shooting the owner.

    Please, for the love of God stop embarrassing our race with hillbilly logic.

    1. How do you stand on cutting off heads??

    2. Before the Muslims started their latest flooding of the Christian world we did not have these problems. They were driven back once before, now they are once again pushing forward. The liberal brainwashed progressives have learned nothing from history. They will only wake up when lined up before the executional graves they were forced todig.

    3. The imbedded German reporter with ISIS said to be stunned at their plan of killing hundreds of millions of non believers. 6:28 would be on that list.

    4. While you are at the range 6:28 hopefully a real American could dispatch you to paradise you richly deserve.

  2. It may not be politically correct or even moral but its her buisness and she can do what she wants. If you dont like it, tough.

    1. Sounds like pre civil rights America is your heaven. It's a shame people with opinions like yours exist.

  3. 99% of all Muslims are terrorist, so glad she is banning them from her business, I wish others would do the same. No one wants them here, go home and blow up your own people.

  4. 6:28 "for the love of God"??? Really? Your God is not the God I worship. My God teaches me to love not only my neighbor, but my enemy. Islam does not teach that.

    You refer to "our race". In the eyes of my God, all people are God's children - race has nothing to do with it. Many Many Christians have biblical tolerance as taught by scripture and Jesus Christ. But then again, "your race" doesn't believe Jesus is the true son of God, do you? Stop assuming Christians are hillbillys, rednecks, and filled with hate. You need to worry about your own fate.

    1. As a Christian im appalled by your post. Learn the religion of Islam before you make such ignorant and narrow minded comments about it. No major religion promotes violence or hate, extremism is no where in the worship. As cult behavior isn't in the Christian religion and we certainly don't associate cults with our religion as Islamic people do not associate extremists with theirs.

  5. saying that all Muslims are terrorists is like saying that all white people are white supremacists. These are the kind of actions that divide us. I do agree that it is a private business but it shows the owners ignorance. I work with great people of all races and religions and they are good decent people that I am glad to have as friends.

  6. I love it!! Finally some push back. Makes me feel like my time in Iraq was not worthless. Nicely done.

  7. 8:34 let me share my experience with you. I spent a lot of time in iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. You cannot begin to understand these cultures. Completely male dominated and irrational. They only understand one thing...violence. it is an ignorant religion ensconced in hundreds of years of masoganstic ideals.

  8. 6:28pm...in my eyes you are nothing more than a coward aND a traitor to your race. While you see yourself as enlightened. I see you as garbage.

  9. 8:34 you must be a Liberal. Did you enjoy what your great people did on 911?

  10. 8:34- had an elderly friend during the first gulf war whose husband had served with the British Foreign Service years before.. She said the same thing then. We cannot grasp their willingness, even desire, to die for their cause.

  11. You're free to be as ignorant and racist as you choose to be. And in doing so you have all the "why's" for what I stated in the first comment.

    Our race is a primitive, myopic, bloodthirsty, apathetic, cruel and hypocritical one. A large portion anyway.

    A race traitor you say? I don't remember signing any pacts when I came to earth and you have didn't squat for me individually or through a unified movement so why on earth do you claim the right to my loyalty?

    Not a single Muslim had anything to do with 9/11. And believe me, with the level of spite I have inside I'd happily tell you about it if they did. I gain nothing financially for stating the truth, no claim to fame. I say what I say because I'm a lover of truth and I believe in eternal consequence for bearing false witness.

    So either you're aren't intelligent enough to figure it out or you're willfully ignorant. But from one "white" to another, our own government orchestrated and carried out 9/11.

    Truth goes through three phases. First it's mocked. Then its violently opposed. Finally, it's universally accepted.

  12. Hey but I thought islam was the religion of peace. If that's the case any "moderate" muslim, peaceful muslim doesn't need to be at a firing range anyway.
    Anyone else could be training for an attack as we recently saw in Paris, afterall the 911 hijackers took flight training at a flight school right here in the US.
    No one has ANY reason to be mad at the gun range owner. Muslims brought this on themselves and any decent respectful person worries about themselves and their families before they worry about what's politically correct.
    If someone gets their feelings hurt-Get over it. That's life. Everyone gets their feelings hurt everyday. Toughen up. If this is the worst thing that ever happens to you in your life you are lucky. Muslim parents need to be grateful to this gun range owner. It could be their children training for jihad. They wouldn't want that now would they?

  13. My neighborhood is a Muslim free zone.

  14. 6:45AM
    I do believe that you understand the truth, sir or ma'am.

    For the truth is, the attack on American freedom, executed on September 11, 2001, was planned and carried out by those that want to 'keep you safe' in their NWO.., your quickly becoming fascist., government.


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