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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Montgomery County police force to purchase body cameras

GAITHERSBURG, Md. — One Maryland police department will soon become the first in Montgomery County to buy and test body cameras.

The Gaithersburg Police Department will purchase five body cameras to be used in training scenarios that involve force.

The cameras will cost just more than $11,000, and the department hopes to begin the pilot program testing them next month.



  1. Lets see, you buy a go pro with your money for less than $500 and the police buy a similar camera for 22 times that amount also with your money. Great deal. They should just buy a go pro and burn the other $10500 of your tax money for kicks. Maybe i should start a body camera buisness for LEO and make a killing off of tax payers.

  2. It's the citizens want, so they are going to pay for it. period.

  3. Sheriff office should wear them. Joe you're all about transparency, weigh in. Lewis and staff shouldn't have anything to hide. Culver should insist. Sheriff maybe elected, but deputies are county employees.

  4. This is a good first step in cleaning up the rogue scumbags in the police force. 12 magapixels of decency and integrity!

  5. I'm with 6:48. $2,200.00 per camera is B.S.


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