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Thursday, January 08, 2015

Outrage erupts over lack of media coverage of NAACP office bombing

One day after the FBI called an explosion outside a Colorado NAACP office building "deliberate," #NAACPBomb is a top worldwide trending topic on Twitter.

Almost all of the hashtag's thousands of tweets are criticizing the mainstream media for their lack of coverage of the attack.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is a 106-year-old civil rights organization—the oldest in the country—that has played a key role in countless political battles over the last century. On Tuesday, someone planted an improvised explosive device on the wall of the group’s Colorado Springs office, right next to a gasoline can that failed to ignite, according to the FBI.

"All of a sudden I heard this big boom," one witness told CNN affiliate KDVR. "There was smoke everywhere, the building on the side was burnt."

The FBI's primary suspect is a balding white male who looks about 40 years old. Curiously, major outlets like CNN neglect to mention the suspect's race despite police providing that information.

The bombing received precious little coverage on TV the day after it occurred. Even some locals said they had barely heard anything about what had happened.



  1. America has been desensitized to racial issues because of the obvious.We have been so inundated with recent high profile incidents lately that the NAACP has shot themselves in the foot when it comes to further attention.The MSM recognizes a non issue when they see it.

    1. The msm only knows what Obama let's them

  2. Exactly 1:31. Any more you look at them the wrong way or disagree with them and they scream racism.
    Everyone is sick of it and no one cares.
    Bottom line is everyone is a racist according to them and if they don't like it too bad. It is what it is so suck it up.

    1. F all of them i bow to nobody.

  3. They probably did it themselves for some pity and publicity.

  4. Where is the outrage when white cops are killed?

    Who cares about them i DONT.

  5. Where is the outrage over the many black murder victims already this year killed by other blacks!
    Oh but black lives matter!
    This is why black neighborhoods are overwhelmingly cesspools of crime and poverty. A simple thing like honesty is a foreign concept to them.


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