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Thursday, January 08, 2015

Hillary Out? Democrats Should Beware

Say all you want about The National Enquirer, but Democrats of all people should know the scandal rag is one of the few places that does any honest investigative journalism anymore — or even can afford to. Don’t believe me? How do you spell John Edwards? The folks at the New York Times are still trying to get that one right.

Now the Enquirer has another hot story: “Bill Clinton Underage Sex Lawsuit Shocker!” It begins in the mag’s inimitable prose:

Bill Clinton has been identified in a sex lawsuit involving underage girls – and the sleazy scandal threatens to blow up his wife Hillary’s bid to be president!

In a bombshell exclusive, The ENQUIRER has obtained shocking court documents that reveal details of Bill’s close relationship with billionaire money manager Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sex creep.

According to the legal papers, Clinton traveled on Epstein’s private jet numerous times and partied on a Caribbean island owned by Epstein, who served 13 months for soliciting a minor for prostitution.

“While it’s been reported that the two men were friends, Bill’s name is all over the legal papers, which are chock-full of sordid claims about Epstein,” a source told The ENQUIRER.

“This could end up being the final nail in the coffin of Hillary’s bid to be president!”

The documents filed in Florida’s Palm Beach Circuit Court, are part of a legal dispute between Epstein and lawyers Scott Rothstein and Bradley Edwards.



  1. How exactly is Billy Boy's misdeeds related to Hillary's chances?

    If Hillary would just vow not to touch the guns this southern boy would vote for her.

    Considering she's a Jew princess and I a southern Goyim, I have trouble understanding why I feel that way.

    Everything she stands for I hate and everything I stand for she hates.

    But over the years she has remained dignified in spite of her embarrassing husband, she stuck by his side, and I have a deep down respect for her.

    Maybe its because I want the wars and killing to end and I know any woman who would stand by Billy Boy's side would think long and hard before committing our children to die for an unjust by any reasonable and sane persons cause.

    Maybe it's just the weed.

  2. "But over the years she has remained dignified in spite of her embarrassing husband, she stuck by his side, and I have a deep down respect for her."

    Really? I think you have a skewed meaning of the word dignified. I don't think a woman who stands by her habitual philandering husband is worthy of anyone's respect. She is making a mockery out of the sanctity of marriage. A woman who stands by her man when he loses his job, or is diagnosed with an illness is to be respected, not one who stands by a man who hops from bed to bed with whoever gives him a second look.
    Both Clintons exhibit strong signs of being from a lower class of society who have many character flaws and are lacking in the morals and principles departments.

  3. 98% of all men come from that lower class of society you reference. We are, in general, very weak to the allure of females.




    adjective: dignified

    having or showing a composed or serious manner that is worthy of respect.

    I think my understanding of the word dignified describes Hillary Clinton to a tee.

    I would however like to hear how your view of her relates to the word. I think you have replaced the definition of dignified with your personal feelings, perhaps your feminist outlook.

  4. Men are only as faithful as their opportunities.

  5. "98% of all men come from that lower class of society you reference. We are, in general, very weak to the allure of females."

    Nope not buying it. It all goes back to what your social class is.
    Bill Clinton fits into what is commonly known as "white trash"-run around mother who herself had no clue who the father was.
    Of course he is going to have affairs. It goes with the territory.
    In my circles the husbands haven't the opportunity nor would they want to if they did. They want to support their families and on their down time they spend it with them. We don't feel we need a "night out" alone without our spouses and would rather get together as couples at another's home or a restaurant.
    As far as being a feminist-oh hell no. I want and always have expected men to open the car door and other doors for me. I certainly don't feel females can do certain jobs as well as a man can, and while dating in the 1980's if a date had even suggested us splitting the bill that would have been the last time I would have given him the time of day!

  6. You all speak for yourselves, I never strayed and never considered it because I took a vow not to.

    As for Hillary who watched 4 American heroes in Benghazi die on a TV feed and told rescuers to stand down for a four hour massacre, I'm a little perplexed about her "dignified" behaviors. There's a laundry list of similar actions by her.

  7. How is this related to Hillary? She's FAR from being "underaged"! Besides, she's BROKE so take it a little easy on her.

  8. So tell me 5:36 are you as a female claiming to know a mans inner workings better than a man? That's quite a claim. If I as a man were to claim to know more of a woman would you believe it?

    Are you 100% positive your mates been loyal? It seems a hard claim to assert unless you are at his side 100% of the time.

    I'm not claiming it's impossible, just very unlikely.


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