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Friday, January 23, 2015

Obama “already implementing” U.N. Gun Ban Treaty

When Barack Obama signed the U.N. Gun Ban Treaty last year, he invited global gun banners to carve up our constitutional freedom.

Now Obama is using the full force of the international community to pressure our U.S. Senators into replacing our Second Amendment rights with U.N.-style gun control.

Earlier this year, Obama conspired with the European Union to issue an international declaration demanding immediate “disarmament and arms control” under the United Nations Gun Ban Treaty.

Take action against Obama and the U.N. Sign NRA’s petition to the U.S. Senate today.

Obama and his anti-gun European allies vowed to ensure every nation’s “entry into force of the Arms Trade Treaty.”

And that’s not all.



  1. Come take mine through a curtain of lead! I sure hope all the grandstanding old man lewis is doing is real talk. I'd hate to have to have a gun battle with friends!

  2. Done.... Petion submiited..please all...sign it also

  3. Guns and abortions. All you people vote on.

  4. 7:08 is pretty damn stupid.
    How about taxes? That's just one of the other things "you people" vote on....
    Its like saying all black people vote on is race , which is much more accurate than your blanket idiocy.
    But on the subject of guns, I have more than a few.
    I hope you are one of the poor things that come to take them....
    I don't get to have much fun, but you, or any other low IQ goof, that comes to my house to take ANYTHING from me, well, THAT is going to more fun than I could imagine.
    Hope to see you soon.


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