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Friday, January 23, 2015

Bill banning Common Core standards advances in Va.

Legislation prohibiting adoption of the Common Core curriculum standards in Virginia schools has cleared a state Senate committee.

On an 8-7 party-line vote, the Republican-controlled Education and Health Committee approved a bill Thursday that would forbid adoption of the national standards without prior approval from the General Assembly.

Republican Sen. Richard Black of Loudoun County, the sponsor of the measure, said the Common Core standards have generated controversy among teachers and parents.

Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe's administration opposes Black's bill, calling it unnecessary because the state has no plans to adopt the national standards.

The standards have been adopted by 43 states.



  1. I hope Maryland can do the same!

  2. Maryland had to adopt something because certain groups of students were failing miserably under the No Child Left Behind program. Deciding that all children are capable of at least average performance, no matter their abilities or commitment, is a recipe for failure. Hundreds of millions of dollars later, we're still thinking money can fix it.

  3. Back to basics please another useless money sucking failure..dictates from a clueless government

  4. so where do I sign the petition to get school VOUCHERS on the ballot only we can stop this destruction of our once solud eduction system..schools are now just Marxist indoctrination camps hell bent on creating future submissive sheep... we have to stop this!!!! it's for the children its for our future

  5. Better get used to it. With Bush are next president, Commom Core will be here for a long time.

  6. From a friendly teacher. Who you all love :)
    Common Core is SUCKS!

  7. I'm a Wicomico County teacher and I can tell you that better than half of us have no clue as to how and what we're supposed to be doing. Basically we're faking it and the students are suffering for it!


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