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Monday, January 12, 2015

North Carolina city removes sculpture of soldier kneeling before cross

Until a few days ago, a war memorial in a public park in North Carolina included a metal sculpture depicting a soldier kneeling in prayer before a cross. But city officials voted to remove the sculpture to settle a lawsuit claiming the artwork promoted Christianity.

King, a small city of about 6,000 people 15 miles north of Winston-Salem, dedicated the memorial about a decade ago. But the statue was removed Tuesday night, immediately after The King city council voted 3-2 to end the lawsuit. Now, an empty hole can be seen where the statue once stood.

MyFox8 in Winston-Salem, reporting on the controversy the other day, said the memorial is on city-owned land but was paid for through private donations.

“Both sides in this matter wish to avoid further costs, and this agreement will ensure that the City of King will not spend additional taxpayers’ funds to continue litigation in federal court,” the city said in a statement after the vote.

As part of the agreement, the King City Council also said it would stop flying the Christian flag over the memorial and would pay $500,000 to Americans United for Separation of Church and State for the legal costs the group incurred bringing the lawsuit on behalf of local Afghanistan War veteran Steven Hewett.



  1. Until we start defending the very foundation of our country, the foundation we were built upon becomes weaker every day. Before our children are grown, the foundation will no longer be there and we will be destroyed from within!

  2. ok so we have to take down our symbols christianity but let any other religion or faith put something up and we holler we are told we need to be tolerant of others i don't know but IM GETTING TIRED OF THIS BS

  3. I agree with 10:12!

  4. What is the Christian Flag? Can someone post a pic please?

  5. Why is it that something like this is happening while our children are dressed up as rutting islamists for a school outing? It's time to wake up people to Hell with islam and anyone that supports it's pervasive evil.

  6. 12:12 Our country is under the judgement of God, most of the people have lost their minds, what you are seeing is the result - national suicide.

  7. 2 more years left of obama UNREAL will this country last?

  8. Promoted Christianity? Baloney! It perhaps recognizes Christianity, but look at any veterans' graveyard.
    King City, you need some education.


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