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Monday, January 12, 2015

Kerry announces planned Paris trip, says criticism for missing march 'quibbling'

Secretary of State John Kerry called criticism that no top U.S. officials attended Sunday's massive march against terrorism in Paris "quibbling" Monday, even as he announced a trip to the French capital later this week for talks on countering Islamist violence.

Kerry announced his plans at a press conference in the Indian city of Ahmedabad, where he had made a long-scheduled appearance at an international investment conference Sunday ahead of President Barack Obama's planned visit to that country later this month.

"I would have personally very much wanted to have been [in Paris]," Kerry said, "but couldn't do so because of the commitment that I had here and it is important to keep these kinds of commitments."



  1. he's almost as ineffective as hitlery.

  2. You missed the boat obama why you ask because he is pro muslim.

  3. He should be fired or at least resign for making this comment.

  4. If obama were serious about fighting terrorism HE would have been there. At the VERY least kerry should have attended.
    Sending holder was silly. He's a law enforcement official and terrorism is an act of war on a completely different level than a mere crime.

  5. Shame on Obama. He's truly an embarrassment. This would Never have happened with any of our previous presidents, except in the very earliest years...

  6. Obama = a huge embarrassment to the United States and the worst president in our history. Such a sorry excuse for a president.

  7. As Robert de nero would say YOU BLEW IT.

  8. BoBo the dog face boy is a joke like the rest of the Obama admin.


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