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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mayhem On Rt. 13

Seventeen Police Cars were lined up on north Rt. 13, just south of the Bypass this weekend. I never did find out why. Perhaps our viewers know. 


  1. There were four state boys cars lined up south bound 13 by peggyneck road 11:15 last night

  2. Might of been a checkpoint charlie.

  3. Someone was giving free donuts away. Oink oink.

  4. Left the whole community wide open to chaos if they were all in the same place.

  5. To 8:26. You are a disgusting piece of trash.

  6. Wonder how many uneducated fools will comment on here about the LEO today. The Fire Fighters were sure torched yesterday by the same individuals thats claim to lunacy is diarrhea.... of the keyboard, brain and mouth.

    ...and we wonder why kids have no respect. If you want an answer just look to the commenters on here who are raising those kids.

  7. Heard it was a chase

  8. Yet, none of the commentors answered the question "what was going on?"

  9. and it takes 17 cars to chase one? I think the other 12 could have found something better to do.

  10. 9:09 and neither did you.

  11. 9:09 you is a fool

  12. The cops have to show you who is boss by show of force...

    that is why they need 10 cop cars with 20 cops to subdue a 96 yr old women... (not in this case but in general)

    That is also why they all show up to one call and leave the rest of you to fend for yourself...

    Lets put it this way, if cops where such tough guys and are all that like they think, why do you suppose they come to calls like burglary and the like with lights and sirens??? Because cops are hopping to scare of the intruder before they even get to the scene so the cops don't have to confront anyone... they rather investigate after the fact and TRY to hunt down the criminal... but notice how cops always get to the scene to HELP after the fact or after it already happened, not before or during?????

    If you want to be a hero, be a EMT or firefighter... Firefighters put their lives on the line every single day and every single call... COPS DO NOT...

    and if cops are sop awesome, how come more people get hurt by them than any other person or job? why is it when cops go to shoot someone, they hurt more people and miss the guy they are shooting at???

    If cops are so awesome, how come after they shoot you, they put you in handcuffs when your already dead and further more, if they are so awesome, how come after they shoot you, they ;eave you on the ground to bleed out be fore they call in EMT's????

    if cops are so awesome, how come they won't use a taser on you instead of a gun???? and why do they tase you the shoot you, like Grant Morrison did?

    if cops are so awesome, how come when they tell you to get your licence out, you go to do so and they shoot you????

    This just shows you, if you follow orders or not, cops will shoot you... This is partly why people hate cops... Partly....

    1. Why dont you sign up for the police academy and become a cop????... if you clearly have so much insight and knowledge about the rules and procedures of law enforcement professionals then you surely would be top of your class....imagine how awesome...partly...it would be if you spent the same amount of time doing something positive instead of going off on an uneducated negative rant by means of a blog? Thanks for providing me, partly, with some mid-day reading entertainment....next time you experience (or witness) an emergency dont forget to be a hypocrite and call 911!

    2. @ 3:35
      Well said! Too many individuals attempting to make these crafty comments bashing cops, teachers, etc., but they really have no clue how ignorant and mindless they are being when generalizing. Not all cops (or any profession for that matter) are ALL one thing, or always doing another thing.
      Joe, thank you for the open forum, but am surprised you are allowing many of these comments/replies through.

  13. When asked a question, such as;
    "Seventeen Police Cars were lined up on north Rt. 13, just south of the Bypass this weekend. I never did find out why. Perhaps our viewers know."

    If a viewer knows the answer it would be proper for the viewer to respond with an answer to the question. Sooo...the comments to the original post proves there are plenty of viewers...without a clue on how to respond to a question. These folks have made a career of being offensive and adding nothing to society.

  14. Most don't hate police. If I ever need one, I would not want to think I Bashed them. Some of the commenters on this topic are Filled with hot air. no common sense, that's for sure.

  15. I don't hate police, but if you ever need one your problem will be over long before one gets to you.

  16. We were headed south to Pocomoke on Sunday and at the beginning of the bridge on 13 there were about 10 police cars with lights on there diverting traffic around the bridge ???

  17. 12:00
    That's why I (and a few neighboring business owners) don't advertise on here. I don't want stupid people that love complaining about everything coming to my business! And I don't want their bigoted money. Not saying that WBOC or the Daily Rag is any better, but there are certainly better options.

    But what the hell, I'm sitting here reading and commenting on this site so I guess I'm the real moron haha.

  18. I got no use for police. One time a sneak thief came up on my property and stole from me and police never solved the case or even returned my phone calls. All they do is harass and tax the public with their fines. I sure as hell don't need somebody to protect me.

  19. We don't need to know.The only 3 things in life we need to remember;Lead,follow,or get the heck out of the way.

  20. Anonymous said...
    The cops have to show you who is boss by show of force...

    that is why they need 10 cop cars with 20 cops to subdue a 96 yr old women... (not in this case but in general)

    That is also why they all show up to one call and leave the rest of you to fend for yourself...

    Lets put it this way, if cops where such tough guys and are all that like they think, why do you suppose they come to calls like burglary and the like with lights and sirens??? Because cops are hopping to scare of the intruder before they even get to the scene so the cops don't have to confront anyone... they rather investigate after the fact and TRY to hunt down the criminal... but notice how cops always get to the scene to HELP after the fact or after it already happened, not before or during?????

    If you want to be a hero, be a EMT or firefighter... Firefighters put their lives on the line every single day and every single call... COPS DO NOT...

    and if cops are sop awesome, how come more people get hurt by them than any other person or job? why is it when cops go to shoot someone, they hurt more people and miss the guy they are shooting at???

    If cops are so awesome, how come after they shoot you, they put you in handcuffs when your already dead and further more, if they are so awesome, how come after they shoot you, they ;eave you on the ground to bleed out be fore they call in EMT's????

    if cops are so awesome, how come they won't use a taser on you instead of a gun???? and why do they tase you the shoot you, like Grant Morrison did?

    if cops are so awesome, how come when they tell you to get your licence out, you go to do so and they shoot you????

    This just shows you, if you follow orders or not, cops will shoot you... This is partly why people hate cops... Partly....

    January 19, 2015 at 11:16 AM

    Joe I don't know if you picked up on this or not, but this cop hater is obviously a fireman, more than likely a paid fireman. I know several of them in the Salisbury Fire Department that hate cops.

  21. 11:16
    You are full of it. How many calls do the EMTs/paramedics call for police because the patient is combative? If there is any type of "danger" they call the police and sit and wait for them to get there before they will help the patient. When you hear about a fire the victims are usually already out of the house before the fire department gets there. They usually do more damage to a house on a small fire than is necessary.

    1. Only protocol. I know for a fact if we didn't have to cya we would be in the mix.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You are full of it. How many calls do the EMTs/paramedics call for police because the patient is combative? If there is any type of "danger" they call the police and sit and wait for them to get there before they will help the patient. When you hear about a fire the victims are usually already out of the house before the fire department gets there. They usually do more damage to a house on a small fire than is necessary.

    January 19, 2015 at 2:33 PM

    You are correct.

  23. 11:16 I noticed you failed to mention Paramedics. You claim firefighters and EMT's are real heroes? NOT! The real hero there is the Paramedic. Paramedics save lives and EMT's do nothing but CPR or drive. Firefighters are to dumb in most cases to become Paramedics so all they do most of the time is "say look at me, look at me." Paramedics are far more educated and firemen have over inflated egos.

    1. A paramedic is an EMT moron. Emt-p is their designation.

  24. What a bunch of brain dead haters lol. I dont hate or like cops. I just know they have a job I would not want. They deal with your morons every day. I am lucky enough not to have to deal with the public daily. There at least over a million cops including the feds. So I find it hard to believe they hurt more people then thugs do. I hate to say it if I was a cop I would surely be one that would shoot most of you. Just saying. As for Feermen most them wanted to be cops but have a record that prevents it or they could not pass the training lol. Fire-hose-water that is a tough one to figure out. Fires dont shoot back or get drunk and drive.

    Joe love your place I get a kick out of reading these post. I sit and wonder what most of these people do for a living. I would guess most get a state check by the post lol Have a good Joe

  25. Joe... is there a news blackout on all things that are involving police in this area? I noticed that lately all the news stories about anything going down are not mentioned on main stream tv news and if you call the police because of a problem you are made to believe that NOTHING ill ever happens in this area. What gives???

  26. Good Lord, 30 comments on this Post, really? What the heck did I start here.

  27. 4:53, Do know that I am not the only one moderating comments, hence my being so surprised there were as many as there are.

    That being said, I think Police Officers have a strong enough backbone to handle the negative comments.

    We cannot censor comments just to make Police Officers happy. If we did, well, no one would ever come here. I don't like them as much as you don't. Keep in mind though, I'm man enough to use my name, unlike 99.0% of the other commenters and I respect that too.

    It's a shame but we are the bigger News Website in the state and there's a good reason for that. We allow anonymous comments, so for once you really know how people feel, unlike everyone else who makes you sign in under your Facebook name.

    Finally, screw the nay sayers. Heck, there are Blogs out there specifically run to bash Joe Albero. Like I care what those people say. Anyone who believe those BS articles/remarks/comments is a fool.

  28. still no answer? maybe there was ice on the overpass and they were re-routing people around it?

  29. Filming a new movie "Sugarland Express 2" with Stevie Prettyman reprising the role Goldie Hawn made famous.

  30. Lucky for Thugs there is Cops because people would be out Cleaning House.

  31. January 25, 2015 - 10:49 AM
    My thoughts exactly.
    And, to those who don't understand I ask, "Why do you think Charles Bronson's 'Death Wish' movies were so popular?"


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