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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Camden Assault Victim Refuses To Testify

Remember the 83 y/o man beaten by the kids on Camden? The kids were in court earlier this week. They walked, as the victim refused to testify.


  1. Oh, that's sad. Poor old man probably scared to death to testify thinking they will do it again.

  2. He thought they had enough without his testimony.Why would an attorney lie to him?

  3. I thought since the police were involved, they would be prosecuted anyway, its not like they can say nothing ever happened. I live right there by where it happened, if I see it my german shepherd will eat that ass up.

  4. Lucky that wasn't my grandfather.

  5. Their "parents" or homeboys must have intimidated him,police should investigate.

  6. This is not good news for any part of the city. The West Side and Princeton Homes neighborhoods, as well as Camden, had been experiencing troubles with these teens. Those trouble stopped when they were arrested after the assault.
    Let's see how things go after these poorly raised and unsupervised children steal another few bicycles (at least two of theirs were stolen and were confiscated by police) and get back on the streets. My guess is that we'll see them again soon, in custody, after more petty and not-so-petty crimes.
    And don't forget that they have now become little idols among their friends for getting away with this crime, and are now, if they hadn't been already, prime candidates for enlistment into one of Salisbury's gangs.

  7. I am his neighbor and I hope to God no one else gets hurt by these kid thugs. I am sooo angry that he did not testify. If anyone else gets attacked it is on him!

    1. On him, really? What an idiot you are! He is 83 years old for crying out loud.

    2. Only uneducated people call others names. And yes I will blame him for any other crimes committed by these criminals. Those kids needed to be held accountable - without that they will continue on a path of crime. He still walks miles everyday and doesn't seem too concerned for his safety. I would hope that at 83 I would have lived long enough to recognize that you do some things for the betterment of your community. Maybe you should take some pride in our community and stand behind prosecuting criminals who make this town unsafe.

    3. So is he suppose to live in fear and not walk anymore?

  8. What a disservice to his neighbors and all of Salisbury. The thugs are now free to attack someone else because he is too much of a liberal to have the attackers RIGHTFULLY persecuted. What ever happened to holding people accountable for their actions?

  9. Or better yet he's going to go "Clint Eastwood" on them like the movie Grand Torino.

  10. @2.27 this is way too serious of a matter to be making jokes

  11. A lot of "victims" fail to testify.

  12. 2:26 Really? I think that statement is cruel. The guy is 83 and should not have to be put in this position.
    I do not understand why they could not be prosecuted without testimony.

    I believe that it doesn't matter, if they were juvies, they would have gotten a slap on the hand and back out to their ways, and he would potentially be harassed by them in the future.

    Unfortunately no one is going to further protect this guy if he did testify.

    My property was vandalized after I confronted some parents about their kids crap. I do not blame him.

    At his age his only job is to protect himself, and his neighbors should also be looking out for him.

    Lets talk again when you are 83 and see how much your opinion has changed.

  13. Post the thugs address so we can keep track of these thugs.

  14. We as a society , are afraid of these people. I'm 72 and will not put up with their crap. I was sitting at a stop light yesterday on snowhill and college , two were walking with their a$$ showing. I put my window down and when they went by I told them to pull their friggin pants up and act like men. They just gave me a dirty look. I'm white and alright.

  15. 3:45 it's quite simple. Everyone has a right to be confronted by his accuser.

  16. So seems a rightful concealed carry permit SHALL BE ISSUED WITHOUT DELAY..screw the crappy useless courts...we need to put the courts out of bussiness..one thug at a time...

  17. 5:14 What give you the right to tell someone else what to do, how to dress?
    Reminds me of the people who used to yell at guys to get their hair cut in the 60's
    None of your business. Not your hair, not your pants.

  18. 5:17 and the state/county/city can be the accuser.
    In domestic violence cases, the victim does not need to testify.
    Maybe the same should apply here.

  19. when you reward bad behavior, or in this instance, fail to punish it, don't act surprised when you get more bad behavior...

  20. 5:17 you have that backwards....everyone has a right to confront THEIR accuser....not the right to be confronted by their accuser.

  21. Interesting...want to know why the Crisfield basketball team no longer exists...you will never see this on msnbc...find out why???

  22. Again,check out the story of Crisfield athletes... a real class act!!!

  23. Call Al Sharpton--find out why these pigs jumped a poor maintenance man!!!! They are wild animals, and should be treated as such! guess what their gpa is... probably, non-existant...

  24. 5:56 I was wondering about that. If 2 people get in a fight and the police show up and there is marks or other evidence of assault they can take the one away. Why would not be able to do the same thing in this case. Isn't there some type of laws in this state to protect the elderly?

  25. I feel so sorry for this elderly gentleman. What is the real reason he chose not to testify? Fear, no doubt.

  26. 10:51- On scene domestic violence arrests require 3 elements to be met 1) cohabitation 2) report made within 48 hours and 3) evidence of physical injury. The police charge the primary aggressor in these situations. This incident does not constitute DV and police can not make a warrantless arrest for 2nd degree assault if its not DV.

  27. And just think about this, these little thugs are in our schools with good kids and our tax dollars and then they have relationships with the dumb liberal white girls to have more little thugs!

  28. yea-Cristfield. We heard about that. Little animals! And the admin is useless.

  29. And....wait for it.....most of them are in the county school system and still allowed to attend!!!!!!!!!

  30. They were back in school friday.

  31. Until We patrol our own neighborhoods armed and run these people out it will only get worse. These sub-humans just learned that it's okay to try and kill an old man.


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