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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Matt Holloway (and the Daily Times): Stop Backstabbing Bob Culver

We should not be surprised that Matt Holloway, who supported Rick Pollitt's effort to remain Wicomico County's Executive, is making pointed comments in the mainstream media about the person who made that effort unsuccessful. A recent article in the Daily Times quotes Mr. Holloway as being displeased with Bob Culver's moves to change the direction of the county government by delaying funding for planning a new school and firing Lee Beauchamp as the County's Public Works Director.

No doubt the Daily Times found it easy to enlist Holloway in its effort to undermine Bob Culver, which began even before he took office as County Executive and very shortly after his election victory that took the Daily Times by surprise. Matt Holloway has been distant, politically, from Bob Culver – in essence, Holloway is Republican in name only. But there may be more to the matter than meets the eye.

Holloway and family have farm land on which they could possibly sell a preservation easement to the state. At present, because of the County’s zoning code, the state won't play ball. If Pollitt had been reelected, his efforts stop further development might have been successful, and resulted in a big payday that may now be pie-in-the-sky.

The Daily Times is stopping at nothing in its attempt to disparage Bob Culver. The article mentioned above, besides quoting Holloway's critical comment, quotes John Cannon's reaction that the firing of Beauchamp and the County's finance director (Andrew Mackel) "came as a shock". The article also suggests that Culver was wrong to fire Beauchamp because two years earlier he had moved and voted to confirm Beauchamp's appointment by Rick Pollitt. Does anyone at the newspaper realize that since then Beauchamp may have destroyed employee morale at the Public Works Department and that, as county executive, Bob Culver may have become more familiar with Beauchamp’s competence for the position or lack thereof and his performance?

The article even suggests that Beauchamp was a good person for the position because of his friendship with Matt Holloway and Jake Day. No, I’m not making this up.

Elections make a difference, and Bob Culver is not required to explain in detail why he has dismissed certain department heads or to refrain from doing so because it displeases Mr. Holloway or the Daily Times or shocks John Cannon. They need to get over what happened in the election and stop backstabbing Bob Culver.


  1. The citizens of Wicomico county are what he is responsible for taking care of. I wish the few people that had their feelings hurt would stop whining, go away, and get a life elsewhere. While all of his decisions will probably not be perfect, he is willing to put his life on hold and lead a county that has had mediocre leadership for the past administration. If he does in fact make some mistakes they will be overshadowed by the successes. Congratulations Mr. Culver, and you will certainly have a lot of support in your efforts to improve Wicomico county.

  2. This is just more of that clique that is upset because they lost the election. As far as MHolloway, he and some others were very disrespectful of Culver when he was on the council because Culver and usually Joe H. too had the guts to stand up to the "in crowd" that was taxing and spending this county to death. Strasberg would get red in the face with anger toward Culver, so how can he now be an effective "right hand" to him? It is apparent they didn't think he had a chance to win. Just goes to show how out of touch they were with the dissatisfaction of the people. Remember us? The people?

    As far as Beauchamp and others. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that if Culver supported him and now has terminated him, something has transpired that Culver finds unacceptable. We don't have to know what that is when it comes to personnel matters. Culver not only has the legal right to do what he has done, he has a moral obligation to be sure the best people are in the available positions. If Culver asked people to leave, it is because he sees something not right. Just because some of these people are "friends of" or part of the clique, it doesn't make them untouchable. It appears to me, that group sees their power base crumbling and they can't stand it. Grow up and act like you have some class instead of acting like spoiled, entitled children.

  3. The more these people expose themselves as whiners and complainers, the better educated we get on who the next people are who need to go. Thanks for being so stupid as to show how in bed you were with the lame Pollitt regime. Keep it up! You'll be next to be voted out.

  4. MHolloway and Cannon are in competition for who is going to run against Culver in 4 years. I love it. They are making such @sses of themselves, Culver will wipe the floor with them. They are part of the DEFEATED past. Culver is the new face of what Wicomico wants. Go Culver and don't listen to the sour grapes babies who are pouting because they lost.

  5. I find all of this really funny. There has been no Executive leadership for 8 years. It was just a continuation of the Shea/Creamer power group. Now that there is a real leader who is trying to do the job, the losers are bad-mouthing him to the press and in the community. It says far more about them than Culver. Go on with your bad selves, you're going to have a long 4 years. ROFLMAO

  6. Agree with all comments. Sour grapes. Cry babies. Immature. Unprofessional. Loss of power. Pollitt mini-mes. Entitled. Self-important. Political posturing. This could go on all day. LOL!

  7. I think culver is off to a great start, but as an employee I'd like too know what he has in store for the line employee (the working class). We don't care that he cut the BD personal leave, but are there other benefits he plans to cut? A new personnel manual is forthcoming, what major changes are in this that will affect us. Uncertainty is a moral killer. We also thank you for putting take cars from the good ole boys.

  8. Matt Holloway has big political aspirations. He must be changing his political affiliation to Democrat or he should. Culver is buddies with the Republican Governor. Seems to me Holloway would want to be "in" with the Republicans instead of trashing one of the Governor's 5 Republican Executives. Not sure Holloway is very smart.

  9. Very well said 10:33!! Most in the GOB will admit Pollitt was an empty suit but what they won't admit is they liked it that way. Mr Culver, just how many department heads and management level do you think voted for you? I would imagine zero and it's because they liked having a do nothing boss. That is exactly why the county is in the condition you find it. And yes you are attemprong to clean it up by terminating those who are out of control but you will find that there are very few friends in the work force who will change their mindsets exampled by M holloway. Their feelings run too deep and they don't have the capability of changing. They will give you lip service but if you think for a minute they have a willingness to follow your lead, you are badly mistaken. They can't either. They didn't respect you because of your trying to keep county spending under control and they will continue to show you disrepect. The people voted for you because they wanted change and change is what they deserve.

  10. 2nd 10:48. From what I've seen, Culver is a friend to the workers and relates to them. I've heard that he visits offices that never saw Pollitt in 8 years. It seems to me that he is trying to empower employees and give them an opportunity to shine rather than be repressed under ego driven, control freak managers. Don't know about new employee manual, but usually changes effect new hires or have some kind of date they begin. I believe Culver will be fair as he sees himself as one of the people and not on a pedestal like previous guy.

  11. To me, it's about loyalty and actually working for a living.

    For too long, (8 years) we had a so called leader who basically did nothing and I'm being very serious. Rick and Jim Ireton have no leadership abilities but the stupid voters kept putting them back in office and it's been a huge mistake.

    I personally feel that Bob Culver scares the rap out of the Good Ol' Boys because he actually has leadership experience.

    WBOC, WMDT and the Daily Times are DESPERATE for the advertising revenue and or being FED information so they don't have to HIRE someone to write articles. The Daily Times has gone so far as to demand they get information a day in advance over Salisbury News because they have to go to print and the continue to fall at least a day or two behind us.

    To actually mention a 10 year old relationship in their article proved to me that the Daily Times is now a bottom feeder. Anything for attention, even if it means defaming a man who beat out an incumbent and guess what, they used Matt Holloway and John Cannon to do it too.

    As I mentioned about a week ago. The Daily Times will be having another major layoff in January or February. Advertisers need to get on board with Salisbury News where we get far more local traffic then that newspaper. $100.00 a month, 25,000,000 hits. Compare that to the Daily Times. The paper keeps getting thinner and their customer base keeps dropping. We, (on the other hand) keep growing. Do the math.

    Oh, let me remind you of this. Your local media keeps requesting letters from your elected officials. These elected officials LIE, (at times) and the media sources who attend meetings know they are lying. Because the elected official said it, they produce it anyway because they, (the media) didn't lie, the elected official did. So much for ethics and journalistic protocol.

    So why do some hate Salisbury News, because we tell the TRUTH and call out the media and elected officials. Let me give you a prime example. Remember when Rachel Polk was physically attacked after a Council Meeting? The Chief of Police said in the Daily Times he didn't see anything. Salisbury News published SEVEN audio clips from the court hearing in which ALL seven testified that the Police Chief yanked Tilghman off Rachel Polk. REALLY? I thought he didn't see anything! Yet you never read that in the Daily Times, even though they were right there in the court room. Oh I could go on and on.

    They need to show some respect for Bob Culver and STOP twisting stories.

  12. Ever hear FREEDOM OF SPEECH?

    You certainly make use of it several times daily, You speak as if unaware the Daily Times is liberal (as is generally the case with most MSM) or that others should dare express opinions different than yours.

    I agree with your statements and had the same thought before reading your forum. The difference between you and me lies in the fact the DT and Holloway are entitled to their opinions and I am entitled to mine. I do not think the DT or Holloway the uneducated fools you would have readers believe.

  13. Sorry for the typos above. I'm getting a new keyboard today as this one has just plain been worn out.

  14. I would like to welcome County Executive Culver aboard as head our county team of 800 plus employees.I know he is a busy man and will get around to each department in the future.Keep up the good work.

  15. Matt has been showing his true colors since just before the recent election.

    John Cannon has always been a marginal RINO - but electing these two was significantly better than the alternatives.

    If we had real conservatives running here in the county we wouldn't have to hold our noses and elect the best of the bad.....

  16. 10:51 - You are correct. Matt sees big things for himself. Not sure how he thinks he can accomplish it when he is a known RINO with votes to prove it in a now Republican county and state administration for 4 years. He is also a fool if he thinks Culver can't get to Hogan with the truth about MHolloway any time he wants. Keep it up Matt. You continue to shoot yourself in the foot. All that is left for you is to become a real Democrat instead of a RINO.

  17. 11:09 I think we all agree with Freedom of Speech. However, shouldn't it be based in fact? The MSM frequently glosses over facts. As far as MHolloway, I personally find that a former County Council President and current Vice President, Choptank Electric Board member (conflict of interest?) and MACO Director, would stoop to bring up a personal relationship of Culver's that ended 10 years ago appalling. To me, it represents a complete lack of professionalism, decorum, class and statesmanship. Yet this young man wants to seek State office. In my opinion, he doesn't have the judgment to serve as a council officer let alone a higher office. He has a lot of growing up to do.

  18. If you talk with employees in Public Works, they will tell you that Beauchamp's management style sucked and that he spent money like it was his and not the taxpayers'. Maybe Culver reviewed the spending and projects on the table and discovered incredible WASTE in Solid Waste, Roads, etc. Also, isn't Beauchamp the department head that drove a county Jeep as his personal vehicle and took it to runs and events in Annapolis and drinking at the bars at the Bay Bridge. He was too immature for his position. He probably could have been let go for cause if Culver wanted. Culver made a good call.

  19. Aren't those three young, know-it-alls, part of that swingers/wife-swap group?

  20. The Daily Times is part of the problem, not the solution. They don't "report," they publish opinion as if it were fact. They did the same thing to Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen. Mike Dunn was on the editorial board. There is a group that is not good for Salisbury's future that controls most of the main stream media. Take for example what has been reported of Ireton's relationship with one of the local TV stations. Remember Barrie Tilghman's influence over the Daily Times? Thank goodness for access to alternative citizen initiated news and information like this and other blogs and electronic publications.
    Go, Bob. Shame on the Daily Times.

  21. Swingers/wife swap group? Thanks SBYNews. The MSM would never disclose a tidbit like this.

  22. Main Stream Media is NOT something we want to be tied to. They claim to have strict standards and protocols in which they flat out lie. In fact, the Daily Times has spent YEARS trying to defame me and my Family and every single time it has backfired. Every single time they drew people to this Site and they immediately learned that we had documents, pictures, video and truthful EVIDENCE backing what we said. Barrie Tilghman controlled them like a puppet. Tell me ONE TIME you have ever heard of ANYONE who ever had anything close to control of Salisbury News. We ARE Delmarva's news leader.

  23. Just look at the money Mr Culver has saved taxpayers in gasoline in just 2 weeks. Also with John Terrell on his team do we really need to hire someone to replace Gary Mackes? John was in that dept for a long time.

  24. I wonder why the daily times doesn't report on Ireton dating a former male reporter from wmdt. They'll publish Culver dated Lee's mother ten years ago.

  25. watch out for mike dunn, in the past he has claimed to be conservative however runs with the likes of louise smith and phil tighlman. he's tied at the hip with way too many liberals. seen too much of him lately to deny he is staging something, snake in the grass

  26. Matt Holloway, Jake Day, Lee Beachamp and Mayor Liarton are all party boys. Check out Sobo's, Green Turtle or the Irish Penny and you will see this group. Matt Holloway is nothing more than a spoiled mamas boy. spends most of his time hunting,sailing or drinking. Big brother runs the show and gets little credit Matt likes the limelight.

  27. "The article even suggests that Beauchamp was a good person for the position because of his friendship with Matt Holloway and Jake Day. No, I’m not making this up."

    Who gives a Flying F*k if Little Boi Beauchamp is friends with Matt Holloway and Jake Day. The Daily Rag also erroneously attempts to make Jake Day a Republican. Sound familiar? Same garbage the Democrats used for Josh Hastings.

  28. Originally posted at?

  29. Yes Matt Holloway and John Cannon have more political aspirations. Shame on Marc Kilmer for voting for them as President and Vice President of the County Council. You lost my vote.

  30. Cannon is nothing but in it for advancing his rental Agenda $$$

  31. Anonymous said...
    Matt has been showing his true colors since just before the recent election.

    John Cannon has always been a marginal RINO - but electing these two was significantly better than the alternatives.

    If we had real conservatives running here in the county we wouldn't have to hold our noses and elect the best of the bad.....

    January 10, 2015 at 11:34 AM

    You can blame that on the Wicomico County Central Committee, they failed us. It is their job and responsibility to assure the citizens of Wicomico County have adequate and quality candidates running for office. To coddle Muir Boda was the first mistake. To support M. Holloway and John Cannon was a fatal mistake. If you want to point fingers Joe please do a story on the neglect of the Wicomico County Central Committee.

  32. Freedom of speech ,Freedom of opinion , Mmmm , maybe that only applies to a select few.

  33. Many of the issues we are seeing, including comments by Council people, comes down to values and character. What kind of character does it show of Matt Holloway to bring up Culver's past relationship with Beauchamp's mother? Is he the kind of person that you want representing you? Someone who stoops to that?

    The Council got conned by Cannon. He is in this for himself and only himself. Sit back and watch. He doesn't have the gonads to go against the Pollitt hold overs and support Culver. Never forget he is a friend of Strasburg too. The President should be Joe Holloway with Marc Kilmer vice-president.

    This county has been run by takers, not people who are looking out for the citizens. This list includes Mackes, Pollitt, Creamer, Strasburg, Beauchamp, Matt Holloway, John Hall and John Cannon. They are all now afraid because a man who is looking out for the "little guy" has been elected.

    They should tread lightly, because the overwhelming majority of people who voted for Culver can use that same power to expose them for what and who they are... Men of questionable values and character. They may hold office now, but the public will be watching their every move and the motives behind it. They don't want to respect Culver and cause him problems - a fellow Republican? Stand by. Let's see who the stand up guys truly are.

  34. Mike Dunn has an ego out of control. He really thinks he is special. That little group just fawns all over each other. Bassett and his new one-on-one show is a laugh. He doesn't have true media chops if his first interview is with Mike Dunn. That just proved who Bassett is. His little paper will fail too because all he supports are Dunn, Ireton, Day, MHolloway - the self-anointed ones who think they are the future of Salisbury. Pathetic.

  35. I voted for Culver and am glad he won, but it's a bit disingenuous of you to rail against the media for giving him a hard time, since so much of what you do here is railing against politicians you don't care for.

  36. 1:51 and your point is? The self-righteous can't be criticized?

  37. Sometimes you face difficulties not because you're doing something wrong, but because you're doing something right - Joel Osteen

  38. This county has needed a change of direction for many years and those opposed must be on the government dole.

  39. Ditto about the Rep. Central Committee being responsible for the current chaos with the 3 RINOs (Hall, Matt Holloway and Cannon). The only reason they won (except Hall who was unopposed) is that the Dem's ran born losers (Pagano, Hastings and Mitchell) along with Slick Rick, and the voters were wise to it this time.

    The Rep party needs new blood at the grass roots level to displace the likes of Suthkowski, McIver, Boda, Matt Holloway, etc.

  40. It appears that Bob is turning into our own "Scott Walker"! God Bless him, and may he continue to have the courage and wisdom needed for tough decisions; wise and strong leadership.

    His actions are definitely in strong contrast with his critics.

    Don Coffin

  41. 2:42

    Mega ditto on those you IDed (and would add John Hall), but Dave Parker and Greg Belcher are first rate. Not sure about Ms. Keim. I hope Gail Barko will remain involved. Prettyman is good riddance and not soon enough.

  42. If you guys on the council don't get on the wagon it might run you over. Bob Culver has the winning team. Excellent job Bob keep it up.

  43. 3:43 PM I totally agree with you on all points. Love me some Barko, Parker & Belcher. Keim is good, too.
    Prettyman, well, i hear she went to Florida & has a position on Rubio's team. I know her husband is still here cause I saw him at Foodlion the other day. Maybe we all need to call his office & tell him she is a RINO.
    Let's do it. She shouldn't be working for any REP.

  44. Keep cleaning house bob there are still PLENTY of backstabbers in house.

  45. 4:40 You are so right!
    4:42 Now that's funny and I don't care who you are. Prettyman on Rubio's team. ROFLMAO! How will she be able to function without Strausburg and Creamer leading her around by the ...ahem...nose..maybe they will join her in Florida. We can only hope.
    5:13 I assume you mean in his own office!

  46. John Cannon and Matt Holloway should have been registered Dumocrat!! That is what they both are acting like now that Bob Culver is doing a Great Job since taking office. Neither of them have any business on the County Council.
    Keep it up Bob you are what this county has needed for many, many years. Thanks for doing what you were elected to do.

  47. Strasberg, Morris, Konrad, Baker under his control. Creamer, Matt Holloway, John Cannon and John Hall - but he can't get rid of them.

  48. Was talking with a friend today who said the firings are being discussed and people are saying Bob Culver is doing exactly what he promised and the voters are thrilled. The nay sayers will say the voters are so stupid and they don't understand. LOL That's why Culver won do easily. They were tired of being discounted.

  49. Baker needs to retire. He's been promising for a couple years.

  50. The transition team shouldn't be handed county jobs as some of you are suggesting. Part of the beauty of it was that they were doing it "Pro-Bono" because they "cared about the community". Not because they were going to get something out of it. Besides, a couple of them are retired county employees, and I know how you all feel about double dippers. It would lead to an appearance of another "good ole boy" network. The transition team reviews the departments, recommends a department head gets cut loose, transition team member gets a job. Too convenient.

  51. Joe....forgive me for not researching this on my own....can elected county council members be recalled ?

  52. 11:46 the answer can be found in the charter Section 202 D and E. If a council person ceases to qualify as a voter of is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude he will must forfeit his office. If he moves out of the district he was elected in or out of the county he forfeits the seat.

  53. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Many of the issues we are seeing, including comments by Council people, comes down to values and character. What kind of character does it show of Matt Holloway to bring up Culver's past relationship with Beauchamp's mother? Is he the kind of person that you want representing you? Someone who stoops to that?

    The Council got conned by Cannon. He is in this for himself and only himself. Sit back and watch. He doesn't have the gonads to go against the Pollitt hold overs and support Culver. Never forget he is a friend of Strasburg too. The President should be Joe Holloway with Marc Kilmer vice-president.

    This county has been run by takers, not people who are looking out for the citizens. This list includes Mackes, Pollitt, Creamer, Strasburg, Beauchamp, Matt Holloway, John Hall and John Cannon. They are all now afraid because a man who is looking out for the "little guy" has been elected.

    They should tread lightly, because the overwhelming majority of people who voted for Culver can use that same power to expose them for what and who they are... Men of questionable values and character. They may hold office now, but the public will be watching their every move and the motives behind it. They don't want to respect Culver and cause him problems - a fellow Republican? Stand by. Let's see who the stand up guys truly are.

    January 10, 2015 at 1:54 PM

    What? President and Vice president? I do have some concerns with the sitting officers but of the two you mention one is a high school drop out and the other is a right wing nut with no proven political experience. Which one of the two are you?

  54. Anonymous said...
    Ditto about the Rep. Central Committee being responsible for the current chaos with the 3 RINOs (Hall, Matt Holloway and Cannon). The only reason they won (except Hall who was unopposed) is that the Dem's ran born losers (Pagano, Hastings and Mitchell) along with Slick Rick, and the voters were wise to it this time.

    The Rep party needs new blood at the grass roots level to displace the likes of Suthkowski, McIver, Boda, Matt Holloway, etc.

    January 10, 2015 at 2:42 PM

    Spot on my friend, Spot On!!

  55. Anonymous said...
    John Cannon and Matt Holloway should have been registered Dumocrat!! That is what they both are acting like now that Bob Culver is doing a Great Job since taking office. Neither of them have any business on the County Council.
    Keep it up Bob you are what this county has needed for many, many years. Thanks for doing what you were elected to do.

    January 10, 2015 at 7:46 PM

    You are correct, but the other choices were Muir Boda(a fake Republican who used the party to try to get elected) and Laura Mitchell.

    To be honest I think I would have rather had Boda than Holloway and Cannon.

  56. Tracy Pollitt, wife of Rick Pollitt the County Exec. loser is on Chuck Cooks Facebook page bashing Bob Culver.

  57. Chuck Cook

    January 8 at 12:05pm · Edited ·

    And the Bob Culver Guillotine keeps going.
    Thanks, Tea Party Executive.
    Lee is an outstanding director with an eye for the future. So, it only makes sense to get rid of him if you live in Tea Party land.
    *note, the picture is of Councilman Holloway, not Bobby Tea Party Culver.

    "Wicomico council surprised over county firings" Delmarvanow.com Link
    Liked by Tracy Pollitt, Ben Rayne(wife of Sarah Rayne), Sarah Meyers(City employee at Poplar Hill Mansion) and others.

    Jessie Trostle Cocci - Yep. This is sickening. Wonder what direction he's heading? Cuz Lee was doing crazy cool stuff!! Culver wants to go in a 'new' direction. Hmm. I thought Lee was doing a great job of that.
    January 8 at 12:23pm · Like · 2

    Jessie Trostle Cocci - I'm very redundant. I feel so strongly about it I have to say it twice.
    January 8 at 12:23pm · Like

    Bill Duck - As soon as I saw he wanted to do a solar project, I knew that's why Culver canned him. For some reason, conservatives hate saving money with solar power. Never figured that one out.
    January 8 at 1:02pm · Like · 1

    Chuck Cook - Because that is dirty hippy talk, Duck. Everyone knows that fracking is cool and solar is for Communists.
    January 8 at 1:06pm · Like · 13
    Liked by Jake Day, Lee Whaley(Sarbanes and other Dems you know what)

    Ray Perdue - Well when you have depletable resources you have to use those up first.
    January 8 at 1:14pm · Like · 5

    Chuck Cook - The sun is going to go red giant and engulf the Earth in 4 billion years, Ray. So, time is of the essence in harvesting all those sun rays.
    January 8 at 1:23pm · Like

    Jonathan Topping - The sun is going to turn "red" one day....it's just waiting to engulf us in its horrible brand of socialism.
    January 8 at 1:55pm · Like · 1

    Nicholas Blendy - I assume morale is taking a real beating among county employees. I'd recommend that anyone stay away from working for Culver, if possible.
    January 8 at 2:55pm · Like · 2

    Tracy Pollitt - I love the tea party middle name - I believe this is nothing compared to what we will see!
    January 8 at 5:57pm · Like · 2

    Chuck Cook - Gonna be a tough four years for Wicomico taxpayers.
    January 8 at 5:59pm · Like · 3
    Liked by Tracy Pollitt

    Rich Hall Elections have consequences.
    15 hrs · Like

  58. 1:46 Thanks for posting. Good to know who the real crazies are. As is typical, they have no idea what they are talking about. And Tracy Pollitt - really? She can't find her way out of a paper bag. She is probably upset because Rick is getting on her nerves.

  59. 1:46 Rich Hall - yes elections have consequences. This one was your group was VOTED OUT - grown up and get over it.

  60. Thank you for posting 1:46. Chuck Cook and all his friends are liberal lunatics and have know clue how to manage a budget.

    If Chuck Cook thinks the County Executive should have kept Lee Beauchamp then maybe Chuck should have ran for County Executive. I bet the loser couldn't even beat Muir Boda in a race for the City Council. LMFAO

  61. Some of Chuck Cooks friends are at it again on FB and OneSalisbury. They are putting down the leadership in Wicomico County and stating that the City leadership is much better. Jake Day clicks "LIKE" for his vote of approval.

    Alex Wersen‎Chuck Cook

    Yesterday at 9:18am · Salisbury, MD ·

    Sickening. Fortunately, I trust the movement you guys have gotten going in our city to hopefully thwart the forceful hands of the ignorant, greedy, and power hungry that are determined to ruin our country and now our city. Jake Jacob Day Jim Ireton

    Donald Trump, say hello to Bob Culver!

    The phrase that ushered 'The Donald' into our collective consciousness about a decade ago is...back! "You're Fired!" has become Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver's most ubiquitous - and most impactful - utterance in his first month in office. And it has more than a few people in and around One Salisbury scratching their heads and asking: "To what end?" And..."What's next?"

    In the last week, Culver has fired Public Works Director Lee Beauchamp and Finance Director Andy Mackel. They join Tamara Lee-Brooks, the county's former Public Information Officer who Culver fired in his first week on the job in December, and Gary Mackes, the former head of the county's Recreation Parks and Tourism office who resigned December 31st, as high profile county employees who will not be part of Culver's team in the next four years...

    Chuck Cook and 7 others like this.

    Chuck Cook - Thankfully, our city leaders are much more measured in how they conduct business.
    Yesterday at 10:58am · Like · 1
    Liked by Jake Day of course.

    Travis Sterling - Who is he putting into these positions?
    Yesterday at 11:07am · Edited · Like

    Alex Wersen - And thank you, Jason Ward, for both sharing the article and clearly caring more about your hometown than many of our current local residents and "leaders". Can't wait for us all to have a good rant session someday!
    Yesterday at 11:07am · Like

    Travis Sterling - Oh btw, Alex, I finally heard you guys for the first time ever while I was home. You guys are awesome. Just thought I'd awkwardly hijack this article to tell you haha
    Yesterday at 11:08am · Like · 4

    Alex Wersen - I appreciate it, Travis Sterling! Thank you.
    Yesterday at 11:22am · Like · 2

    Mike Pusey - I'm still waiting to hear details on this "new direction" Mr. Culver is taking us in.
    Yesterday at 11:30am · Like · 4

    Mike Pusey - Good article, btw.
    Yesterday at 11:34am · Like

    Chuck Cook - I just don't get the firing of Lee. That guy was a SOLID public works director. And Culver was his reference for getting hired. Double U Tee Eff.
    Yesterday at 12:04pm · Like · 9


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