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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Just Posted On YouTube: Salisbury, Maryland Police Department


  1. Wow! Assault the people with a baton while they're following commands. May not be fast enough but they were. And then never arrested anyone he assaulted so no justification of force. And officer it is a baton not a magic wand! You swing it not point it!

  2. but i guess those who are for police brutality didn't watch this....

    kind of hard to ignore brutality when it is on your front step isn't it??????????????????????

  3. Curious what the whole story is as this is obviously filmed at the tunnel leading to SU on the side near Hardees. The police while performing their duties do not have the right or privilege to evoke terror on the public who they are both paid by and charged to protect not beat and batter upon verbally or physically.

  4. Why wasn't that incident handled by Salisbury University police anyway. Anything around that college involving the university should be handled by SUPD. Those apartments, investigating accidents on the roads surrounding the University and running radar on those road as well. The SUPD should be running more mutual aid with MSP, SPD and WCSO. They should also be involved in the task forces and DUI check points.

    Right now it is hard to even think of SUPD as nothing more than security guards. If they want the respect then they have to earn the respect. They have a gravy job.

  5. Its cops like this one that give good cops a bad name. Its why people fear the police instead of respect them, and why people are losing trust in law enforcement. Just another power trip!

  6. He needs termination papers!

  7. Is the one on the right Jake Day's cousin?

  8. This officer clearly. Acts like he is scared and used his police powers to the extreme. Maybe a new career should be in his future.

    1. Yup. Exactly. Scared and acting with poor discretion. He'll kill somebody one day..... Mark my words.

    2. Yes he will. my friends husband was killed by a cop like him. her husband was unarmed and they were looking for someone else. this was in princess anne tgo

  9. We need these same comments when it's a colored man on the ground, or there is a protest against police brutality.

  10. 3:32 neither of those officers are Jake Days cousin. His cousin was on light duty from knee surgery at the time of this incident. This officer deserves a job well done. There was absolutely no use of force! He ordered the other subjects back so that he could affect the arrest then controlled the crowd. There is absolutely no need to make comments about him losing his job. Drunk college kids think they are above the law and know the law more than the officers. Do what you are told to do and there will never be any problems! Unless you work in this profession you have no idea what officers go through nor do you have the right to say how then should do their jobs. If you want to critique the job, step up and apply. The Salisbury Police Department is always hiring if you people think you can do the job.

  11. Is this poorly prepared, unqualified guy still working for the police department? IF so that is just sad

  12. Lol he should have sprayed them after they didn't back up the first time. Guy on the ground clearly resisting and probably another drunk college kid who thinks they can do whatever they want. Good job SPD!

  13. I agree, there is sympathy because he's not black. I mean, all black people are thugs, right, which gives them the right to act like that *insert sarcasm*

  14. That's Officer Aita......the same officer that's the focus of I believe three law suits against the City and SPD. I too fear he will kill someone or be killed himself. He needs to pick a new career path before it's too late.

  15. Wasn't there a protest in salisbury not to long ago about police brutality...

  16. Now everybody trying to act like everything is police brutality. I've changed my life but trust me, I've had many encounters with the Salisbury police and I can honestly say they are the best cops I've been around. You respect them and follow orders, they'll respect you. It's about how you act towards them and if you obey orders. Everyone act some kinda way, when they're just doing their damn job. As a former criminal, the fucking truth is- you're responsible for your OWN actions. You can blame the police and say they were too harsh, or whoever you want.. But you reap what you sow. Simple as that. Fuck this bullshit video trying to make the Salisbury police look bad. For what? Doin their job? After all the rioting and protesting been going on, they're not wrong for trying to get people to back up. People in this country lost their mind. You don't get all up on the police like that. It's their damn job

  17. Obey the law breathe easy !!!

  18. Job well done SPD

  19. I would have sprayed everyone of them. Stay back when the officer tells you.

  20. bullshit!!! my life has changed but I went to prison by false statement of assault by officer riccio of Salisbury police dept, who later was fired for stealing from 7-11 store on waverly dr at the time

  21. I didn't see anything wrong. The cops applied the force that needed to be applied to get the job done. If you don't wanna get arrested don't break the law.

  22. you are assuming they did something to break the law

    1. Oh right. They were probably on their way home from a quiet study session where they all shared milk and cookies. These officers were likely just bored and decided to harass them for no reason. Because, that makes sense how? Give me a break.

  23. I see no problem here. Crowd was jeering at them & slowly inching forward. Officers have a right to do their job whilst not being surrounded by a (likely drunken) mob. Orders to get back were disobeyed. Had the crowd continued closing in that could put the officers in a potentially life threatening situation - then everyone would be whining about why they shot and killed a sweet little innocent SU student.... Don't want to have a confrontation with Police? Then just act right. It's a really simple concept. Well done officers.

  24. @8:38 Why don't you apply for a job at SPD. You know..get out some of the rif raf in there. Cause I am sure you are perfect at your job. O yea...right...I forgot you probably don't even have a job.

    1. @9:37 Maybe you misunderstood me? Or maybe I'm misunderstanding you? My post was a sarcastic reply to the comment "you are assuming they did something to break the law." The reality is, cops don't just wander around looking to pick fights with large groups of people. There was a reason they were at that place, dealing with those specific people. They were doing their job, not lurking around for innocent & law abiding citizens to "prey" on (as much media tries to imply these days). Addressing your next point: I am not nearly brave or tough enough to be a cop, so joining SPD wouldn't be a good career choice. Thankfully though, I am still able to contribute positively to society in the field I chose (which no, I am not perfect at and yes, does involve full time employment rendering a comfortable salary). Btw, I am also the poster at 8:34, maybe that will clear up my position if this didn't.

  25. @10:48 this is @9:37. I didn't see the sarcasm in your post!I guess I got carried away with all the police bashing! I apologize for misunderstanding you. Your @8:34 post was spot on!

  26. Every convict swears a dirty cop set him up.Tons of books and movies borrow tat premise.

  27. 4:36
    What is your knowledge of his level of preparation?

  28. This issue is ridiculous.
    These cops were doing their job and the people they were trying to contain were disrespectful. Period.
    Respect the police. You are not smarter or more brave than them.
    AND the police will always win if you try to sue them out of your embarrassment or inability to accept that you effed up. Grow up people.Take responsibility for your actions. Your parents weren't kidding when they taught you that.

  29. 11:57
    If I had a baton I would smack you in the head with it.

  30. 2:16
    The public does not pay the police. They do not work for you (or me).

    Honest wage earners pay taxes to the county, state, federal government.
    If you don't like it, move out of the country and sign up for another form of government.

    Otherwise, show some courtesy and respect for the brave people that protect us.

    You and I are fortunate to be citizens of this country that many people have fought for, died for.

    your cowardly comment is absurd.


    Please mark the proper "Lawful Command" above that the students are to obey. Aita is saying both commands alternately.

    I'll check back for your answers later.

  32. Mark Jones you went to jail because you are a criminal and you broke the law. Riccio wasn't stealing, it was given to him as a courtesy and he was set up. My bet is you will spend more time in jail. See ya Butt Buddy!!

  33. The police officers feared for their lives. You complain that he pulled out his baton, but be glad he didn't pull out his weapon. He would have been within rights to use it and we would have had some poor little mama's darlings shot because they were drunk and stupid.

    Good Job SPD and I agree with the comment about the Salisbury University Police Department. They are an embarrassment and they should have been the ones who had to confront their unruly students. Their Chief of Police is a Joke!!

  34. "In fear for their lives"?


    Have you watched the videos and the ones leading up to this confrontations? They all start with all students complying with an order to go home after last call and walking peacefully towards their living quarters. Then, the cops show up.

    Tell me students started this fight and I'll call you a liar.

    There is video that is VERY clear.

  35. 5:05 seems to me that all orders given by the officer should have been followed.

    Why don't you get that?

  36. Well, no, I don't get that, 759. If I back off, I am disobeying the "lawful" order to come here, and if approach, I am disobeying the "Lawful Order " to back off.

    I get arrested either way?

    No, you are to tell me which of the two is the "Lawful Order", and which one is not.

    Are you ready to go to jail for this A-hole?
    It's really a pretty simple question, 759, but your brain seems to have a malfunction on it, which would probably get you arrested and in jail at any given time.

  37. Looked like they were doing what they're supposed to do. If the guy resists, it takes some force. If people don't STAND BACK, they deserve a knock onna noggin for failing to comply. What about get back don't you people understand? I'm with the cops in this. That isn't brutality! It's a job somebody has to do. Who else will stand between us & those maniacs?

  38. 8:04, while you are certainly welcome to your opinion, I find it amazing that you want to call these kids, (young adults) "MANIACS".

    A "maniac" is someone out of control. I didn't see any of them attacking or assaulting a Police Officer. If anyone was out of control it was the Police.

  39. Just like the KIDS of today to blame their actions on somebody else. It's always somebody else's fault. In this cast the cops. MY FOOT! Those NOT involved NEED to step back and to have sense enough to do so...Or suffer the consequences. They probably don't have jobs they suck at yet. Too young to work. Ha!

  40. 8:07
    I meant the maniacs all around us ... the bad guys. Not the KIDS (not young adults imo)in this video.

  41. 9:52
    If the officer tells you to jump you should ask 'how high?'
    Just do what he says and everything will be fine.
    If you act like an idiot there are consequences.
    Pretty simple.


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