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Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Viewer Writes...

"Terrorist scumbags killing a french police officer this world better wake Up against Islam".


  1. He is 100% correct there are no such thing as a moderate muslim ship them out of All democratic countries.

  2. Mudslimes demand 100% acceptance of their beliefs while refusing to respect others.

  3. Round them up and ship them Out.

  4. Look out Salisbury, there are a bunch of them mudslimes right here.

  5. Another reason Maryland HAS TO expand its concealed carry laws and stop keeping good guys from being able to carry.

  6. 1:58 Isn't that the definition of all religious fundamentalism?

  7. Joe is in the media. This is a direct terrorist attack on media. Maybe we (at sbynews) should show some more solidarity with Europeans!!!

  8. Time for a new crusade, this time the western countries can start in their own backyards!

  9. Hands up, don't shoot crowd should be all over this

  10. "Anonymous said...
    1:58 Isn't that the definition of all religious fundamentalism?

    January 7, 2015 at 2:43 PM"

    No not at all. Stop being an apologist. You don't see Christians, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, etc running around killing people while hiding behind a religion. Islam is a cult-period end of story and there is no such thing as a good muslim anymore. When something has been hijacked to the point of it becoming barbaric it's time to opt out or at least that's what a good person with morals will do.


  12. 2:43 Liberals like you will be the first ones to have their heads removed from their bodies. No, not all religions are the same, WAKE UP.

  13. This is what happens when a society is tolerant and allows these murderous religious immigrants into their country. They will not stop their murderous theology in the 21st century. This will continue until war is actually declared against the real threat of Islam. Obama and Bush both have it wrong. Islam IS the enemy of ALL freedom loving people!

  14. 3:53
    I agree with most of what you said. We differ on the hijacked part. They are doing exactly what their quran tells them to do.
    Anyone that would follow this cult that has a 'prophet' that marries little girls should be locked away with mental issues.

  15. Chop the terrorists heads off and let the families kick them around like soccor balls

  16. 3:53 I agree with most of what you said but would add anyone who joins this religion that advocates killing anyone who is not part of their religion needs to be killed before they can practice their "religion". My motivator is survival rather than religion. I look at it like cancer, if you don't cut it out of the body right away, you WILL DIE.

  17. EUROPE close your doors already America too.

  18. I have no respect for any muslim. How anyone can identify in anyway shape or form with such uncivil barbaric behaviours is disturbing to say the least.
    I'm a Christian but if even a small percentage of Christians were running around beheading others I would run away from that and never look back.
    Something is seriously wrong with anyone who would still call themselves a muslim anymore. It's been said that most intermarry and are inbred and it's becoming apparent because it seems mental illness is prevalent. This could explain why they are so easily brainwashed too.

  19. 2:47 myself as a proud american i would never show solidarity with France under our current relationship we have with them. considering the fact France holds the USA in low regards and has even shown political disdain towards us. Not to mention not long after 911 they bailed on us and left out to dry. Screw France and when it gets bad enough over there for them to ask for outside help I hope who ever is in charge at the time reminds them of how they treated us before telling them to go screw them selves.

  20. Not necessarily killed right off the bat 4:33 but watched like a hawk, and any extremist moves on their part need to be dealt with swiftly and severely. Though it can be said that anyone who wants to join this so called religion certainly isn't playing with a full deck and probably should be locked away for life at the very minimum.
    This was the original goal of the Patriot Act until the democrats got involved and said they wouldn't pass it if it "profiled" against those of Middle Eastern decent or showed any discrimination or singling out of Muslims. They insisted on everyone including Grandma be targeted.

  21. Warm up the Nukes.

  22. 5:27
    That foreign policy is NOT how we ended up as the most powerful nation on Earth. Rethink your statement.

  23. Anyone who acts out in this manner is a stone cold killer period. Maybe the French will wake up now and see that the world is not the same place it was prior to 911. All these radicals need to be rounded up and given a place in the middle eat to live. If they infringe on the rights of law abiding people then kill them. Big, small, short, tall. They need to be neutralized at all cost. Free people should be just that Free.

    I have no qualms with killing them by the thousands. Its like taking out a colony of termites. If we don't they will destroy democracy. The Boston Marathon is a prime example of what occurs when these lunatics are allowed to run free.

  24. Disgusting people all around. Extremists kill over cartoons, small town idiots comment that "anyone who becomes a Muslim should be killed". Another commentor actually said "not necessarily killed right away." That type of thinking will totally make moderate Muslims side with you over those OTHER Neanderthals. But hey, they should be killed off anyway right. Pathetic.

    A couple other points. Christians killed people over religion for over a thousand years; they just stopped 700 years ago or so. And 5:27 I don't know about you, but there is no way I could look around today and honestly believe that we live in the most powerful nation on earth. In case you havent noticed, our country is a train wreck.

    1. Y dont you leave our free country alone i will be Damned if i ever bowed down to iscam.

    2. My point exactly. Brains are a commodity in short supply nowadays.

  25. Where are the moderate muslims? Nowhere because they also feel the same way.

  26. Blogger towjam said...
    Another reason Maryland HAS TO expand its concealed carry laws and stop keeping good guys from being able to carry.

    January 7, 2015 at 2:31 PM

    The state of maryland, and all other states who impose restrictions on firearms are unconstitutional and therefore illegal.

    The 2nd amendment states very clearly your RIGHT to bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

    It is the people who have GIVEN UP their right to be blamed. Rights are given by God, not some government or gov't entity.

    And yes, that includes criminals. They are to be punished for any crimes they commit, not have their rights infringed, abused or taken away.


  28. 7:40,
    A Muslim Extremist wants to behead you. A Muslim Moderate wants the Muslim Extremist to behead you.

    Islam is like a cancerous tumor. To treat it effectively you have to take out some of the healthy tissue around it. Then if Islam really is a "religion of peace", it's high time the Moderate Muslims stand up against the extremists.

    Islam is incompatible with western freedom. So are these "Moderate Muslims" with us or against us?

    1. Then its time to round the scum up.""

  29. "Small town idiot" 7:40? Hardly, but we won't even go there since you will think I'm bragging. But just to let you know, I have residences in 3 other countries and several more in other US states. Your naivety can lead one to believe that you are the "small town idiot.
    Why don't you explain exactly what a "moderate" Muslim is? Then refer to The Religion of Peace web site for the stats and a running tally of the world-wide body count.

    Then refresh yourself with the documented history of Islam and the behavior of Muslims since the origin of the religion[sic] in the 7th century A.D.

    Only fools and those determined to remain willfully blind can possibly fail to see what the West is actually dealing with.

    We are dealing with an enemy, an incorrigible adversary who will never be mollified and cannot be permanently appeased until, as Islam commands its believers, the entire world submits to the will of Allah.

    1. DON'T worry one thing we have in America is balls and guns,
      Bring it.

    2. Thanks for the laugh 9:58. "I'm not going to brag, but let me tell you about all the houses I supposedly have". Funny stuff. How many moderate Muslims do YOU know? The answer is likely none. I know several, and they are more outspoken against extremism than anyone else I know. This is unfortunately something that affects how they are treated every day of their lives, not just when a small group of individuals commits a heinous act such as this. You opinion is based on a complete lack of knowledge and understanding. Too much conservative talk radio, too little individual thought. I assure you I know my world and religious history, quite likely much more so than you, so your suggested history lesson is unneeded. If we have come to the point where it is considered "naivety" to be strongly against the position of MANY small town, idiotic commenters that we should "kill all Muslims", I guess I'll fit that bill.

  30. Yeah, you have balls and guns, not much brains though. Tell me, if you have such big balls why do you ask the state for permission to carry a gun?

    The truth is most of you are scared cowards.

    The constitution says the right shall not be infringed. You have the right to carry. So do so. But we know you won't.

    Your hate for Islam, of which 99% of you have no clue about other than what another troglodyte tells you or a agenda driven media whore narrates to you is a cover for self hatred.

    You know your government is evil.

    You know your government perpetrated 9/11.

    You know Sandy Hook was a hoax to disarm you of the only style of gun that could reasonably be used to defend against the government.

    You know the 2 billion hollow-points were bought to be used against you.

    You know the Fed is an unconstitutional privately owned central bank.

    You know the patriot act is the shredding of your constitution.

    And you know that not a single solitary soul is going to come to your aid and fight the fight for you.

    But you're scared. So instead of aiming your anger at the people who lord over you like monarchs you spit venom and vitriol to a people halfway around the world.

    And 99% of you on this blog will never go and fight, you'll just rail for others to go do it.

    It's funny, whenever I walk around Salisbury in obviously muslim apparel, shemaghs/keffiyehs (Saudi headdress), or kufis not a soul comes up and insults our prophet.

    But man ol' man from behind that computer screen we see the keyboard commandos out in force.

    1. Couldn't have said it better. I'm not Muslim I'm a Hebrew Israelite from the tribe of Judah but everything you said I support. Its sad how Americans act. More bark than bite if you ask me.

    2. Your a radical black panther scumbag.

    3. Your days are numbered in this country. ..tick tock.

  31. 10:12,

    You're a liberal idiot. A useful tool to the Muslim community. There is nothing funny about you.

    Muslims the world over are committing barbaric atrocities in unprecedented numbers. The creep of Sharia law is silencing critics in Europe and elsewhere.

    I suggest you tell your "moderate Muslim" friends that they step up their game against extremism.

    After all, you are either part of the problem or part of the solution.

    1. So anyone who doesn't whole heartedly support the genocide of 1.6 billion people is a "liberal idiot". The simpletons in this comment thread have really taken it to a whole nother level. As far as your last, laughable comment, how exactly are you part of the "solution"? What are you doing to combat the "problem"? Making comments supporting mass murder on local news blogs? Perhaps you should give a bit more thought before commenting next time.

    2. Wipeout all anti muslim scum in America.

  32. "It's funny, whenever I walk around Salisbury in obviously muslim apparel, shemaghs/keffiyehs (Saudi headdress), or kufis not a soul comes up and insults our prophet."

    Interesting - you wear your little costume around town in an attempt to cause friction with others? What you are experiencing is the fact that most folks just don't care about you or your need for attention. And, as far as I am concerned, you are more than welcome to worship whatever prophet you so desire. Just leave me and others the hell alone - the same courtesy that we have, by your own admission, extended to you.

  33. It's not up to 'us' to come to a 'solution.' As President el Sisi of Egypt said in a speech recently-It's up to the Muslim population. The Western world's only responsibility within the 'problem' is to protect it's citizens-citizens being an important word. Unfortunately liberal policies (and political correctness) have tied the hands of the Western world.
    Those suspected of extremism and of course those that have crossed over the line into terrorism have to be put on display and systematically exterminated. As seen with the Paris terrorists and all their talk about wanting to be martyrs is false. They ran like scared beaten down animals into hiding to try and save their own lives. As a last attempt to save their own lives more hostages were taken. Contrary to what they say and want others to believe, most do not want to die and talk a good game but in the end do everything they can to live.

  34. History has shown the sad fact that the only stretches of true peace in the Muslim world only occurred when they were beaten down to their own level and into submission. The saying you have to fight fire with fire is very true.
    History shows this always works. WW2 is a good example. The US put Japan in their rightful place and showed them who is boss and they turned around into a civilized nation.

  35. "Anonymous said...
    "It's funny, whenever I walk around Salisbury in obviously muslim apparel, shemaghs/keffiyehs (Saudi headdress), or kufis not a soul comes up and insults our prophet."

    It's not funny at all. Common sense dictates that it's best to "insult" you people safely behind a computer. You don't value life and will kill at the drop of a hat because you haven't evolved into a civilized human being like most people.
    That's you major difficulty. You all are still spouting off medieval drivel in 2015 and acting like barbarians so of course no one is going to insult you publically. Start using common sense before posting.

  36. Historic moment happening in Paris at this moment. A million people have taken to the streets of The City of Light. 40 world leaders including from the muslim countries in attendance. Where is Obama????
    World leaders attending service at the Grand Synagogue.
    US won't act upon terrorists but it appears everyone else who wants to live in a free world will.
    France can not ignore a million people.
    What is impressive is none of the marchers are looting or being destructive or burning down the city or killing in order to prove their point.
    Yes it's time the civilized take on the uncivilized once and for all and no more appropriate place for the movement to be born then The City of Light.

  37. French still know the horror of having war in their garden. They will not allow islam to become like nazi.
    The boil of islam must be eliminated before the pus that calls themselves the faithful spreads and infects the republic and the culture. Like a rotting flesh limb they must be amputated.

  38. "It's funny, whenever I walk around Salisbury in obviously muslim apparel, shemaghs/keffiyehs (Saudi headdress), or kufis not a soul comes up and insults our prophet."

    That's because you people have mental problems and no one is interested in becoming a victim of a beheading. You people have no self control and can turn into a raving lunatic over the silliest of things. To say that you need anger management is an understatement. Personally I think if you want to dress like that go and live in a country where that dress is normal. This is another one of your problems. You leave somewhere and move and then want them to change to the way in was over there. You people are all mixed up. A bit of advice would be to stop inbreeding and maybe these undesirable traits can be bred out of you all. This works with other animals.

  39. 1:43-Had Obama known the Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt was attending, he would have been there. Hopefully this time, he would have acted with more class and not take a selfie of himself w/her as he did at the funeral of Mandela.

  40. Obama is a muslim, ,,FACT,

  41. While many hide in the shadows spreading hate, Islam sends forth those directly and publically to affect change.

    Hate us, admire us, it matters not.

    @2:47 Go live somewhere else to dress as I see fit? Well aren't you just a lover of freedom!

    Don't worry, soon what I wear will be normalized.

  42. 4:19-only certain people deserve freedom and you aren't one of them. Freedom is only for the civilized. You people need to be caged. You worship a figment of your imagination and read a book that is only fit to use as toilet paper.
    Someone told me awhile ago that works in a hotel that every time muslim guests leaves the management is apprehensive because the room smells like crap. Must be using that dreadful book as toilet paper.
    Only in your delusional dreams will what you wear be the normal. Another one of your warped fantasies.

  43. "Don't worry, soon what I wear will be normalized."

    Phffft. Poor choice of words. It may become more common, but it will never be normal.

  44. 4:19 - Did you happen to see the video associated with the picture on this thread? Your muslim brethren executing an unarmed man pleading for his life. Is that what your religion is all about? Are you proud to be associated with these psychotic losers? Is this the kind of world that you want for your children?

  45. If the spread of Islam wasn't something you feared you wouldn't expend energy every waking day preaching to the choir about it.

    In your jails you make a man wait 30 days for a Quran, while handing out bibles whenever someone wants them.

    And still it continues to grow.

  46. 4:19 The only thing that has been changed are people's opinion of Muslims. Each terrorist attack and it becomes more apparent to more people that Muslims aren't worthy enough to live among the civilized.

  47. Islamic society is far older than American society is. We aren't too worried. Right now your currency depends on forcing middle eastern countries to accept payment for oil in the US dollar.

    The petrol dollar is literally the only reason our country hasn't dissolved as we speak.

    The Caliphate is going to rectify that. When it succeeds, and it will, the American fiat dollar goes bye-bye. With nothing left to prop up its value countries no longer want it. When they no longer want it, it becomes valueless and your society falls apart.

    Couple that with the discontent of the minority population with the police and government and Islams future compared to ours is looking mighty bright.

    Maybe you can sell humble or American pie to feed your kids.

    1. I am not on the side of the hillbilly idiots who don't understand anything about Islam. I also don't care about your religion, or theirs. But you are a little naive about the current state of things.

      The energy situation has changed drastically over the past ten years. In 2014 the United States surpassed Saudi Arabia and Russia as the biggest oil producer worldwide. Your views on middle eastern oil reliance are no longer relevant, which renders much of your argument moot.

      As far as the "Caliphate", it is in a current state of total disarray. Drone strikes are preventing any advance, Kurds are still streaming in to join the fight, famine and starvation is rampant according to all reports, and Iran is just waiting for an opportunity to assault in force.

      Your arguing with idiots, however your also showing that you aren't very educated on what you speak.

  48. 6:54 Really? Who's opinion? The same warmongering countries already killing innocent civilians? Save your psychology for your fellow sheeple.

  49. Too bad about innocent civilians. Stuff happens in war. Get over it.
    If you happen to live in a terror supporting country then flee and certainly don't be stupid enough to have children and causing them the misery or the chance they will end up terrorists.

  50. "While many hide in the shadows spreading hate, Islam sends forth those directly and publically to affect change."

    Interesting. I thought islam was the religion of peace.
    For someone who claims "it matters not" you sure are glued to your computer in a frantic attempt to plead you case. This frenzied obsession shows that it certainly does matter to you.

  51. Hey 8:57 people die in war. 9/11, get over it.

    9:09 The middle east doesn't need America, you need oil though. And soon you won't have it. And your way of life goes bye bye. That's why your worried about ISIS, because as they take over the middle east your sources for oil go bye bye.

    What am I frantic over? I'm in your country, your city, telling you Muslims are laughing at you and that you aren't going to do a damn thing about it.

    You confuse my glee and smugness with frantic obsession.

    And you can stick "peace" where the sun don't shine. One doesn't make peace with barbaric warmongering murderers.

    1. Nobody is killing more Muslims right now than ISIS. If you're a Muslim and that provides you with "glee", I would really have to wonder about your mental state, or your overall understanding of what is really going on in the world.

  52. "Couple that with the discontent of the minority population with the police and government and Islams future compared to ours is looking mighty bright."

    Actually, islam is dying a slow and much-deserved death. Education and women's rights will prove the ultimate downfall. Educated young people don't want to live in the 12th century. And modern women, of any quality, don't want to play your games. Islam was a respected religion, but new adherents are largely nutcases, criminals, and assorted losers. Not a recipe for longevity.

  53. Plead my case to who? Fox news educated hillbillies who want so bad to be taken seriously in Maryland politics and society but who's own state treats them like Perdue chicken waste. So much in fact some considered the Shore leaving the state of Maryland and creating it's own with Delaware and VA.


  54. 5:00 AM is correct. A point worth noting is that the armed conflicts have severely damaged the Middle East oil infrastructure. This especially so in Iraq, Libya and Syria.
    The US is the biggest oil producer now and while we don't export, we are importing a lot less, so this has caused Middle Eastern oil to become just spare supply. This is why the prices have fallen.

  55. 5:32-Not just ISIS but other extremist organizations. 96% of those killed are Muslims. They are eating their own. Goes to show just how bloodthirsty they are.
    The naiveté that exists in most all Muslims is beyond belief. The massacre in Paris wasn't about insults. It was about a free and uncensored media. The biggest threat to extremism are those who are under it's brainwashing may come to see the light and how absurd and ridiculous, and inhumane extremism really is.

  56. No, no, no. Oil prices are down because of actions by Saudi Arabia in regards to American energy independence. When oil falls below 100 a barrel shale gas and oil extraction as well as oil production from tar sands isn't viable economically.

    Since America is the lap dog of the Saud family the owner has to crack the whip of obedience from time to time.

    Remember, when you spend more money harvesting something than it fetches on the market it's pointless to do.

    As to the Khalifah, the notion that drone strikes and bombings are going to prevent anything is silly.

    Your own generals tell you without boots on the ground nothing can be achieved.

    As far as glee about the killing of Muslims. Nonsense. The Khalifah doesn't kill Muslims. Real Muslims support the Khalifah and follow Islamic law. Perhaps you mean it kills people that support Americans or puppet dictatorships.

    The idea that a dimwitted barbaric westerner who's country has killed more Muslims that any other on earth would dare open their mouth about killing Muslims is beyond belief.

    1. Your ignorance is on display for all to see, but at the very least your delusional arrogance is amusing.

      You obviously know absolutely nothing about oil production or supply and demand. Please tell me, what actions have the Saudis taken? Please enlighten us with your knowledge.

      No Muslims killed by the Khalifa? Again, you are showing how vastly uneducated you are on what you speak. More Muslims were killed in two days in Syria than the entire Hamas-Gaza war. But I'm sure they were all just supporters of barbaric America.

      It's obvious you are desperately uneducated and ignorant, while also obvious no amount of fact or information will affect your delusion of "knowledge". You are making yourself the poster child for these idiots who don't see anything good in the Muslim world. I'm sure your "caliphate" will have a long and bright future once they disturb Irans border and are completely obliterated.

    2. The drastic drop in the price of a barrel of oil is devastating to the Saudi, and Russian economies. On the other hand, American energy production is in the midst of a boom not seen in decades, and all Americans (perhaps yourself included) are benifitting quite well from this drastic change. It's your belief that the Saudis are directly responsible for this? You are woefully ignorant. The Saudis have openly stated that they will step in if and when oil reaches $40/barrel. Your total lack of knowledge is amusing.

  57. The Saudis have ramped up production and dropped the price thereby lowering oil prices per barrel.

    Thus making American energy independence efforts an exercise in futility.

    I think the only thing obvious is that when the truth is revealed is stands on its own.

    You came out and called me a lot of names but your retort offered nothing more than ad hominem attacks. You certainly wasted a lot of words attacking the messenger but not the message.

    1. I responded to every point you made. I would delve further into how deluded and unknowledgable you are about what you speak on global energy, but 3:15 already stated it pretty well. If you consider it being "called names" when I point out the ignorance and arrogance on plain display in your previous comments, then as you said, "the truth stands on its own".

      I responded quite neutrally originally, I merely stated that you were woefully wrong on many accounts. You responded by calling me a "dimwitted barbarian" or something along those lines, proving your no more intelligent than the "kill all Muslims, America!" rednecks.

  58. 2:19 "dimwitted barbaric westerner WHOSE country has killed more Muslims than any other on Earth".

    Iraqi civilian casualty estimates range from 85,000 (Iraqi Health Ministry) to 110,000 (Associated Press). Aghanistan war civilian casualties estimates range from 18,000-25,000.

    Approximately 850,000-1,500,000 civilians were estimated to have been killed in the nine year Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Learn some history, get a clue. Talk about dim. Your ignorance is "beyond belief."

  59. How about the 500k to 1 million Iraqi children killed do to sanctions from the US? You know, where you destroyed hospitals and water purification plants and then prevented them from getting what they needed to rebuild. I guess they don't count eh?

    I won't even get into everywhere else around the world that has lost untold numbers do to American aggression.

    Or even still in America itself where an entire generation of African Americans have been lost to violence, systematic oppression and incarceration.

    And the drop in oil prices is not even a concern for Saudi Arabia in the slightest. They have so much money banked they could give away oil free and still be just fine. And Russia has more natural resources than anywhere else on earth. They too will be just fine. The only reason the soviet union collapsed during the cold war was because they had a currency actually tied to something of value where Americas fiat currency was junk paper. That's why America is at war with the world now, because if you don't force at gunpoint people taking your worthless currency no one would. But don't worry, that's all coming to an end.

  60. Ah where to begin. I never stated any support or defense of the war in Iraq, Aghanistan, or any other aggression or intervention in the Middle East. Those wars were/are an overall disaster, and directly contributed to the instability that allowed your Caliphate to form at all. However, the added casualty numbers, if accurate, would still not equal those I gave of the Soviet Invasion. Which would make your earlier statement totally false.

    You directly countered your own argument, by stating that the collapse of oil prices makes American oil extraction not economically viable, and then later stating Russia is fine because of their natural resource reserves. Why debate, when you have already done it for me? On a side note, untapped oil reserves under the Midwest have been found to be as vast as any in the world. Your beliefs on American energy reliance are dated by about ten years.

    I appreciate your ability to voice your position better than many, but it's obvious at this point that no matter how many of your incorrect points are refuted, you'll just run off on another, entirely separate tangent. You may as well be Goebbels at this point, no reason to be found in spite of fact. Many people have believed that America will collapse, or the world will end, for many more years than you have been alive. Come back in ten years, when we are still right here.

    In fact, if your so devoted, why not go and join the fight? I don't think your accomplishing much, leaving comments on local news blogs.

  61. Take your liberal rhetoric and stick it where the sun don't shine.

    You didn't respond to anything with substance nor can you delve further because you have no real information.

    Telling someone they're wrong while offering no information and a façade of being to busy to elaborate isn't convincing anyone of anything.


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